Weird Feelings Towards Makeup


Well-known member
this a good thread that points out many things!

you are definitely not alone. i love make up and fussing with how i look and nobody i know shares the same passion nearly as much as i do. People just tune me out when I start jabbering about make up. My mom wears very little make up and my sister is very simple. Nobody is nearly as crazy as I am that I have met.

My roomate walked in during one of my purchase transactions and saw that i was raedy to pay $400 on MAC and thought it was stupid. Hee was also in my room when i was putting make up on and he always gives me comments like "how many layers have you got on your face there? 3? 5?" "Why do you paint your face?" I have a complicated relationship with my roomate.

I definitely wish I had a make up addict to share my obssessions with.

I don't do drugs, drink or any of that. I feel guilty for buying a lot of makeup sometimes and that even though I got all this neat stuff, thats a lot of money. I am also sad about how I am so darn addicted to cosmetics while I should be addicted to studying or something. That is my true guilt and saddness; I love makeup and care so much more for it than my goals in life or anything in life for that matter!

I think someone mentioned something about how some of us make up addicts don't look smart. yeah that is so stupid! I get that from time to time as well... but oh well, whats better then being smart? looking hot And being smart! haha

of course we all have our everyday problems. to me, make up is relief and a hobby that i can always turn to when i feel like the world has betrayed me.

Makeup is my real friend and lover in life. It changes with me, unlike my exboyfriend who changes against me (aka the roomate).


This is my first time posting, but I've been lurking around for the longest time ever.

When I came across this thread, I was thinking, "Great finally I find people who identify with me!"

I am Chinese and over here in Singapore, most girls just dont like to doll up as much (and I really wonder why). We've got people coming to work/school with untrimmed brows and awful skin - Im not saying that it is no good to be natural, but being well-groomed is like basic courtesy.

It is so hard finding ladies who use MU on a regular basis, and even harder finding people who share my love for colours and wonderful new MAC collections.

My mother basically just spends most of her life in basic loosepowder and decades-old mascara. She used to scold me for spending so much on MU but she just doesnt understand the excitement I get from them. Even a small purchase eg. mascara, can get me really happy and I long to tear the shrink wrap off them.

No one understands why I need 38484 blushers in different shades, and whereas Im more than happy to explain why I need pinks/reds as well as peaches and plums, they just tune out altogether.

My bf is another who will just go, "Why are you applying your eyeshadow this way? You look weird." when I think I look really good in smokeys! He kept saying he preferred me with nothing more than occasional foundation and blushers


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard

I definitely wish I had a make up addict to share my obssessions with.

I don't do drugs, drink or any of that. I feel guilty for buying a lot of makeup sometimes and that even though I got all this neat stuff, thats a lot of money. I am also sad about how I am so darn addicted to cosmetics while I should be addicted to studying or something. That is my true guilt and saddness; I love makeup and care so much more for it than my goals in life or anything in life for that matter!

I think someone mentioned something about how some of us make up addicts don't look smart. yeah that is so stupid! I get that from time to time as well... but oh well, whats better then being smart? looking hot And being smart! haha

of course we all have our everyday problems. to me, make up is relief and a hobby that i can always turn to when i feel like the world has betrayed me.

Makeup is my real friend and lover in life. It changes with me, unlike my exboyfriend who changes against me (aka the roomate).

Wow. Your feelings toward makeup seem just like mine. I feel guilty about spending the money on it, but money comes and goes. I am still saving money, and so what if I spend $35 one day. Thats nothing. It makes me happy.

I feel as though I can talk about makeup all day long. And buy it. And apply it. Thats why I'm hoping I get a job in makeup because then it will be my excuse. People on this thread are saying how they are so much more than their makeup. But I don't feel like I am sometimes. (thats not meant to sound negative). I really don't have friends. I have a boyfriend. I work 2 jobs. But the one thing I have absolute passion for is makeup. So if someone said that all I care about is makeup--that would be almost true.

I agree with you. Makeup doesn't ignore you or leave you or call you a bitch or scream at you or hurt you. It sounds corny but its true.


Well-known member
I'm sooooooo glad i'm not alone!!! my mom absolutely condones my make-up habit-- mostly because i spend almost all the extra money i have on it.
make-up, and sunshine. thats what i neeeeed to surviiiive...!

yeah my boyfriend every once in a while does the old "how much did you spend?!?!?!" but sometimes he buys nerdy things on ebay and whatnot... and bottom point, its my money.

ANNNND id rather spend it on makeup than crack.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I have highs and lows about makeup. Some times I'm like " oooh, I wanna go buy makeup and wear it!!!" then part of me feels kind off sad about makeup like, " oh I just spent 50 dollars on 3 eyeshadow. yay???" I almost feel guilty for liking it. I've noticed that I don't wear as much makeup as I used to. my friends are mostly guys so I don't really do much except mascara and lipgloss. And when I'm with my girls I still feel overdone. Its just weird because outside of Specktra I feel like my makeup obsession is wrong.

Same here! I don't feel that way at all when I buy clothes, but I guess it's because clothes are more physical (I totally suck at explaining stuff, haha) because you wear them, and they're made of fabric and all, while makeup is smaller and you just wear the colors. Kinda.


Well-known member
I think the majority of us here can relate to this, so don't feel bad, wrong or weird. In fact, I think anyone with any form of obsession (and I guess that includes harmful ones) experiences this on a regular basis. Like you, I always think to myself, 'There are so many other important things I could be using my money for.' I feel a lot of guilt about how much I buy, especially at times when I'm broke or just scraping by at the end of the month. But of course, I have my own justification... I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't drink expensive/fancy coffee drinks, etc. I don't buy expensive shoes or purses or even a lot of clothing. Make-up is the only thing I usually spend a lot of money on (that and books). So when people flip out when they see my collection, I take the reaction at face value, remember that it's my money and that I can spend it how I want, and remember that I don't spend any money on things that the majority of people do.

I only have one 'make-up friend' that I can talk to about my MAC obsession, and I am really grateful to her. I wish I knew others (especially in real life--it would be nice to go MAC shopping with someone!), but I am grateful for Specktra because it's at least some form of communication with other MAC addicts.
This place has been my saving grace because I come here and don't feel like a freak for being so obsessed with something no one else seems to understand, except the lovely people here.


Well-known member
I've never gotten super excited over other people's collections. Like cars, little figurines, dolls, comic mags, stamp collections, etc etc etc lol. Nobody cares about them except the people that collect them! Who cares if anyone else thinks they are special, as long as it makes you happy.
*WE* know it's special and will appreciate it with you!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
This is an old thread but it is always relevant. I'm so glad I found Specktra because before that, I felt that no one understands my passion for makeup.

I started collecting makeup last year because I had a full time job and could afford buying makeup with my own money. Before that, I liked makeup but was a poor student so I just buried my feelings. In the beginning, I brought a friend along whenever there were exclusive previews invitations I received and we would try the new products. I thought she loved makeup just like me. We didn't buy a lot of makeup together but I would go back later on to buy what I wanted. After a few months building up a small makeup collection, I took a picture of my collection and posted it online.
My friend saw it and asked, "Is that all yours?"
I answered shyly, "Yes."
She asked, "All that?"
I explained, "I bought them over a period of a few months."
She remarked, "You are crazy."

I was hurt and embarrassed at that time but I thought over it and realised makeup is my passion and I spend my money on it. There is nothing wrong and embarrassing about it. My friend spent money on branded clothings, watches and bags. She once told me that the clothes, watches and bags she wore must look expensive. It dawned onto me that makeup is not her thing since it is difficult to tell if someone is wearing branded or drugstore makeup.

From then, I talk and read about makeup through beauty blogs and Specktra. My mum initially disapproves of my hobby because she feels that I am putting chemicals on my face and body. Now, she understands that makeup makes me happy and I buy them with my own money. However, I cannot spend hours at makeup counters when I go shopping with her. She doesn't like it. I respect that so I just take a quick peek if I am with her. I do wish there is a real person beside me to share my excitement when I see new collections but until then, Specktra is good.


Well-known member
This is a great topic! Thank you for posting it!

I def feel like people think I am dumb and vain for wearing makeup, but honestly, it is really fun for me, so thwy can screw themselves! I feel guilty when I spend a lot of mney on it, so i have become more moderate in my spending, but I know I will always like it.

I've been called a clown sometimes, and shallow, but that's ok, i will never let myself go, and i'm sure that some people i know would love that!


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel bad about loving makeup and spending so much money on my collection... My family in particular took quite a while to understand it, I was literally the first girl to ever wear more than lipstick on a formal occasion lol! (I'm serious, it's a total cosmetic desert - splurging appearance wise constitutes buying a moisturizer from the supermarket when the old one runs out)

However, they love what I can do, and they love being made look beautiful. My mum in particular used to be conflicted about it, cause she grew up in the feminism bra-burning times, where makeup was the devil's doing practically.

They've accepted that I love it now ;D When it becomes an issue, I just point out to them that I feel happy when I work with makeup, because I love theatrics, and I also love making people feel beautiful and happy about themselves more than anything. ^_^

When you think about it, other people spend just as much money and time on their passion - buying thousands worth of books, cd's... stamps...? etc! Why should I feel guilty about spending and loving MY passion?


Well-known member
I used to kind of feel bad for obsessing so much over it...and honestly I think finding specktra made me feel SO much better! That there's crazy (if not crazier xD) people like me too! One of my good friends is really into makeup too, and my sister is just as obsessed as I am so everytime I have a haul I show them. At first I kind of felt weird, like I was just bragging, but they love it too, and I absolutely love looking/knowing what makeup my friends bought. Is it crazy that it brings me almost as much joy as if I were to have bought the product myself? <3

*is done talking in circles*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Briar
Well, dammit, I like my eyeshadow to reflect my personality, and that's a bit on the loud side.

You go gurl! Anyone who has a problem with it
!! Be who you want. As BillyB said "be the change in the world you want to see".

I love this attitude.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SquirrelQueen
I'm also in my forties and get so tired of someone else's rules. I do makeup for me because it gives me a boost and it's a little dollop of creativity in my everyday life. It's a way to feel in touch with my femininity. And yes, it's just plain fun. If you're *ahem* over a certain age but still feel comfortable wearing bold colors and can carry them off, why not?

I had a friend who got very weird on me over makeup. She was a minimalist---she was very conservative, very religious and very frugal---but she liked my makeup. So, when we'd go shopping, we'd check out the displays at Target and the Clinique counter at the local department store. But she'd never buy. She liked lipgloss, so for one Christmas, I got her some Lancome Juicy Tubes in subtle colors I thought she'd like. She never wore them. Another year I got her some palettes from Sephora---can't remember the company but they had pulp novel themes like "Mancatcher". The colors were great and the packaging was a hoot! She got upset with me because she thought the pulp novel theme was "obscene". Unreal.

And of course she'd criticize me for my makeup and clothes. I tend to go for soft, subtle colors---they suit my complexion as well as my personal style. But she'd tell me I was wearing too much eye makeup, especially to church, when I was wearing only mascara and a neutral wash of shadow. (Actually, the culture of that particular church was that once women were married---or hit their thirties---they didn't wear much makeup---if any---and they wore dowdy, shapeless dresses and skirts. I did not fit in there very well.)

I really should have gotten her some NARS Orgasm. She would have DIED!

My ex-husband was a control freak who objected to my wearing makeup. If I was wearing lipgloss, he'd refuse to kiss me because of all the "toxins". He was a jerk. When we got divorced, one of the things I did to reclaim myself was to start wearing makeup again---it was nice to reclaim that part of me that had been put down for so long and to enjoy my femininity again. I got remarried last year and my DH is fine with my makeup. A couple of months ago we were in the Twin Cities and he drove out of his way so that I could to to the MAC store in the uptown area. He also doesn't mind if I want to go to Sephora, the MAC store or any of the counters at the Mall of America. The only problem is that he's color blind so he can't appreciate some of the colors of the makeup I wear. I wish I could freak him out by whipping out some Springbean to put on my lips but he wouldn't know that it was green. Still, he never hesitates to kiss me, no matter what I have on my lips, and he especially likes the vanilla lipglasses and the watermelon tendertones.

When I think about people like my former friend and ex-husband, I want to scream, "IT'S JUST MAKEUP! GET OVER IT!" You know, I think it's far healthier to wear the makeup you enjoy---the way you enjoy wearing it---than it is to get all bent out of shape over what other people are doing.

You go gurl too! I know where you are coming from. When I was growing up I was subjected to a lot of people like this friend you described. People who would try to control every aspect. Well hell! I believe in God, I'm proud to admit I have faith, but in my faith i don't feel the need to tell people how to wear things! Or what to believe or how to live! I spent a lot of my childhood in Texas and with people who were afraid to where a lot of colour. I mean if there faith is so steady why rock the boat over an orange eyeshadow! Now don't get me started on religion I know what that will turn into, but who is to tell you what to wear and dress in. I think that is bs! Good on you for being strong in yourself and finding a fella who appreciates you for you! My bf also doesn't have a problem with me wearing whatever make up which is good as i love THEATRICAL looks for everyday.
Like that age old saying goes 'if everyone looked the same it would be a boring world!"


Well-known member
i have wierd feelings about makeup like.........
i can't believe i spend so much money to pant my face and then wash it down the drain.
BUT i love makeup.
i think it's fun


Well-known member
Reading some of the posts here I feel quite lucky that whilst I don't know anyone one who particuarly likes makeup that much most atleast support the fact that I do and don't give me hell for it. In fact it has gotten to the stage where everyone regards it as a kind of quirk a bit like when you know a really old lady who goes about flipping people off. Some people look down on makeup addicts, but these are the people who turn up for interviews without any and think they should get whatever it is since they think they'd be taken more seriously but often it just makes them look as if they've just thrown on a suit and havent really bothered which can look unprofessional esp when they adopt that attitude with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Do any of you ever feel...wrong for loving makeup? Sometimes when i buy makeup online and the package comes, I get sooo happy, and then end up feeling kind of sad. I'm not sure if its because nobody is excited except for me..? Like I'll tell my boyfriend "Ooooh baby look, isn't this pretty? Do you like it????" And he's like "yeah its nice". Ummmm its more than nice, its MAKEUP! I end up feeling like I wish I had a twin sister or best friend who loved it just like I did, so someone could be excited with me.

Of course I can come on here and talk to you guys, but its not exactly the same. I don't have too many friends that are into makeup. It's like, sometimes I feel as though i should be worried about more important things than "wowthiseyeshadowisgorgeous" because everyone else is worried about real issues, like everyday problems. But I do worry about my problems all the time, I can be into makeup if I want!

Does anyone feel like this?? LoL. Its hard to explain but I always end up feeling like this. Like maybe I should find another hobby because nobody understands my obsession with makeup and I end up feeling like I have no life. I was shampooing a client today and she is 22 and she was telling me about how much she loves makeup and thats her thing, rather than shoes and purses and perfumes, she's more into makeup. And I'm like

I really think I better end up with a job in makeup. I talk about it 75% of the time. I would probably die if I ever worked at MAC and everybody did always talk about makeup. Am I all alone here?

You and me are so alike!