Your biggest beauty regret?


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Originally Posted by aimee
biting my nails - theyre so weak now
overbleaching my hair until it was fried and broke off

I use to do this too, now I have acrylics because of the fact my nails are weak!



New member
Cutting my eyelashes.

Yeah, I thought my eyelashes were too long, so I decided to just do a simple trim thinking " Hair grows back right?" .

Luckily, I was only stupid enough to trim only the lashes on only one eye and not the other. Also it has been a few years and while they have grown back, they still have not caught up to my other lashes. Luckily, with mascara and eyeliner, you couldn't tell the difference, but I can. I still kick myself for ruining my lush long lashes !


Well-known member
This is kinda funny but still sad now that I think about it. When I was in the fourth grade. I became a pig lol. I would eat all kinds of chocolate. Like all the time. I also spent most of the time on a computer. And i became quite heavy. That went on for a few years. I now weigh less than i did before and I am taller, but My thighs have suffered. They are huge. I am trying my best to get rid of them now. I exercise all the time and try to eat well. Lately that has been difficult under the stress of midterms and all. So I really regret having done that.

I also regret all those times that I was too lazy to wah my makeup properly. Blackheads for the lose


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I will forever regret using Cliniques 3Step System I now have been left with horrible scars that I don't know will ever go away my skin broke out so bad!


Well-known member
- Plucking my eyebrows to death at age 14.
- Not getting onto acne medication until I was 17

The sun thing that everyone mentions isn't an issue for me. Firstly I live in Ireland where it's pretty mild all year round. Secondly, my skin is so pale I burn even so easily that I literally have to wear SPF anytime the sun shines.


Well-known member
Another eyebrow over-plucker here. I'm really happy with the shape of them now though!

Also, when I was about 16 I waxed my lip and I'd done it twice before but on the third occasion I was left with blisters all over my top lip. I have no idea why it reacted then and not on the previous times. How embarassing. To make it worse it was the height of summer and had to wear a scarf or polo-neck tops to help hide it. I was boiling!! I've not done it since though I was tempted the other day.


Well-known member
1) Biting my nails b/c now they break off like crazy and are all jagged.
2) Shaving off my eyebrows in 4th grade...the night before picture day. My mom tried to draw them back on, but by the time I took the pic, they had disappeared. I had no idea how to draw them back on anyway, so I have a 4th grade class pic looking like a character from Stephen King's Sleepwalkers.
3) Biting my lip!!! I started doing that when I stopped biting my nails. Still do it if I'm not paying attention too. I am really trying to stop b/c having jacked up lips is never good, lol.
4) The pound of makeup I used to wear in middle school.


Well-known member
My biggest regret would be the time I've spent in tanning beds. Thankfully, it's just been a couple of times at 2-3 months at a time, but I've definitely noticed new moles since then. I will never, EVER get in a tanning bed again. I've been a hard-core sunscreen user since I was 16. I don't want wrinkles, freckles, moles, sunspots, or skin cancer. I wear sunscreen year-round, and a higher SPF when I know I'll be outdoors for any length of time.

I also regret picking at my face when I break out. Not to say that will stop me, but I usually hate myself for doing it. I'm fair, and I scar super easily, and while I'd probably scar anyway, I'm sure picking at things makes it worse.


Active member
Sitting with a sun spotlight on my face about a foot away from my face trying to clear up my acne.

We didn't have sunscreen in those days and we always tried to get tanner with products that promoted tanning.

Not taking better care of my skin. I have a hard time with anything greasy.


Well-known member
I did it when I was 15:

I dyed my hair with red hennè but after a few months i wanted them black. I tried black hennè but it turned out just brown so i dyed them black with a normal chemical dye from l'oreal. After a few months i was tired again and went to the hairdresser to get my natural brown back...
She said she had to bleach my hair and dye them in brown.
I said ok, but when she bleached them they turned out GREEN! It was because the reaction between natural hennè and chemical dye! So the choice was: cutting them to zero or dye them again red (the only colour which can cover green, since it's its complementar colour). So I had to keep red hair and dye them every month for about a year, until the green part was at a length that could be cut away (uner my ears).
A real nightmare.
I never dyed my hair again, not even colouring shampoo! Sooo scared! XDDD


Well-known member
1. Messing with my hair, as in getting highlights and it colored quite a bit when I was in my early teens. My hair just lacks the luster it had before now.

2. Tanning beds- I didn't tan for a very long time but I did it quite frequently about 3 years ago in October when everyone else was pale and I wanted to be tan. I've gone to the tanning bed a few more times every now and then since then but have stopped completely at least a year and a half ago. I don't really plan on going back cause I realized what damage it was doing to my skin.

3. Getting my belly button pierced, I now have a super ugly scar around that area from my body rejecting the ring. The scar not only looks ugly but it itches and is painful and makes the whole area very sensitive.

4. Over use of acne products, mainly BP. Again I hate to see the damage its done to my skin. I've since stopped acne treatments and only do the occasional spot treatment no all over face application.

5. Not doing anything for the first stretch marks I had when they first showed up. I know there isn't much to be done but I just wish I would of tried more things back then.


Well-known member
I bleached my hair with heat/sun-activated bleaching spray, I think it was called Sun-In. Anyway I used this stuff for about 2 years solid - it totally ruined my hair. I ended up going to the hairdressers twice after that because I wanted to have lowlights and highlights done. Both times they took a tiny sample of hair to test on first and both times the hair fell apart!
They couldn't go ahead with them because my hair would have deteriorated the moment I had it done. When I told the hairdresser what I'd been using she gasped and said that it was the worst stuff on the market and she was surprised it was still being sold in the shops!

It took another year or so for my hair to return to its normal condition.

But my biggest regret was with my weight. I went through two tough break-ups as a teen and binge-ate my way through both of them causing me to gain at least a stone both times.
It doesn't sound like a lot but for me it was huge, especially as my Dad's so lean and so is my sister.

Generally through my late teens I struggled with my weight even when I wasn't binge-eating. It wasn't that I didn't care about my appearance but I guess during the break-ups my sub-conscious felt "what's the point?" - feeling fat tends to be self-fulfilling. I can't stand photos of myself from back then, but (and this might sound awful) I've kept one or two to remind me of how large I was then when I'm feeling fat now.

The worst part is that I still see a large person in the mirror and it's taken a lot to make realise I'm no longer that big, e.g. I'd convinced myself that the women's clothing sizes had increased and that the only reason I'm a size 8 now is because they've increased the measurements.


Well-known member
Being such a tomboy I broke all my nails... never took care of skin... oh! and staring up in the sun so I could get glasses as a kid. ;D


Well-known member
* Dyeing my hair black. Shoe polish, Morticia Adams black. It was a nightmare to get the color out, and it wasn't cheap. I was a bottle redhead for a few years, too, and that also wrecked my hair.

* I never tanned nor smoked, and I'm forever grateful to my mom for slapping a hat on me when I went out in the sun as a kid, but at 36 I'm now noticing little lines around my eyes and wish I'd started using an eye cream sooner.

* I plucked my eyebrows within an inch of their life, too (I think this may have been fashionable for about three minutes in 1993?), but mine grew back, thicker and more stubbly.

miss sha

Well-known member
Biting the skin off my lips, which I'm doing right now.

Not drinking enough water, which I'm pretty sure is why my nails are all jacked up. They're really brittle and some of them grow in a little crooked, and they have white "scanlines." And my cuticles are always messed up. Like with my lips, any time there's any kind of irregularity in my nails, I start ripping at it until it's gone... usually leaving it uneven.

Gaining 30lbs my freshman year of college. I have these godawful stretchmarks on my inner thighs that look like animal markings and deep stretchmarks on my breasts.


Well-known member
Using my pillow as a makeup remover for way too many years when I was too lazy to take it off before going to bed


Well-known member
out of all the stupid things i did...this tops it all:
scratching my eyelids when i got eczema on them when i was young. broke a shit load of capillaries on my eyelids. permanent damage that only laser can fix.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tarnii
Using my pillow as a makeup remover for way too many years when I was too lazy to take it off before going to bed

Me too! I just started using wipes to remove my eye makeup regularly in the last year... I'm almost 26, so that can explain how many pillows I've dirtied

My biggest regret was chopping my hair off to about 1" long in college, and not caring about looks/makeup. I wish I would've put in a bit more effort and had some more fun. I think it's because I couldn't see any potential in myself. I ended up modeling about a year after I graduated college... but I really wish I could've had some of the experiences while I was younger as well.

Other than that, there's nothing I really regret...


Well-known member
I went through a 10 year phase when I really believed my looks could not be improved. So I neglected my skin...never wore makeup...allowed my dentist to extract any tooth he felt like...ate what I wanted, and allowed my mom to relax my (spring) curly hair.

Now I have a tattoo I wish was washable, a shifting center line (teeth), and enlarged pores from blackheads I finally decided had to go... Very high maintenance relaxed hair, and a body that is in no way comparable to the one I had earned from badminton and swimming.

I apologize to myself, but i'm not sure i'm forgiven yet.

oh wait, was I supposed to choose one??

the pores


Well-known member
^^ Well hell you somehow made me feel somewhat better and I won't dare add my ONE regret yet til I reconsider what is really important