MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
I've done several returns at Sephora of products with awful textures or that irritated my skin. A couple have been because the color was waaay off what it looked like when I swatched it in their ridiculous store lighting.. I never buy drugstore makeup unless it's sealed and I don't use the testers on my face or open new products.  As to the relationship with returns and price increases, I'm afraid I'm not buying it. I might be persuaded to feel bad if CEO to worker pay ratios weren't around 300-700:1.. I don't lose any sleep at night worrying that the execs at Estée Lauder can't afford to heat their million dollar villas. :meh: IMO it's not because of customers that the business model isn't working anymore, it's a worldwide problem of the upward income and asset redistribution to the wealthy. Average people can't afford to absorb the losses anymore, nor should they have to. I also highly doubt that if return policies changed prices would stop increasing.. Just one humble opinion of many..
And this. Say it again.


Well-known member
What really drives me nuts is people opening up sealed products, trying them on them, then putting them back on the shelf IN A STORE THAT WILL ACCEPT RETURNS.

Often they don't even bother to screw a lipstick back down and just smash the cap on it, squooshing the lipstick. It's so disgusting.

I do use testers - on my arm - on my inner arm, where the skin color is closer to my face than the skin on my outer arm. And then i scrub it off!

As for Alluring Aquatic, i want to see those EDSFs... maybe a lipstick or gloss, maybe not. But, dammit, i really like the eye shadows, if i can test, i maybe i can cut back

And I AM getting the compact!!!


Well-known member
What really drives me nuts is people opening up sealed products, trying them on them, then putting them back on the shelf
I also work in beauty and people do this ALL THE TIME. Even if there is a damn tester in front of their face they still open new product, try it on and then put it back in the box. I will never understand this. I remember this woman she was opening lipglosses that were sealed and trying them on. I showed her testers and told her she can used them and not open new products she said "oh ok" and as soon as I turned my back she kept opening new products AGAIN. People are so ignorant and stupid.
And talking about drugstore you can barely find any product on the shelf that has not been tried...


Well-known member
Yeah its a real gamble buying drugstore items. There were these new L'Oreal glosses I wanted to try, but they don't even come sealed. There is no way to tell if anyone has opened the product, so even though the online swatches were nice, it was a skip.


Well-known member
A company has MULTPLE limited edition collections a year. That same company for the most part refuses to publicly announce when collections will be released ahead of time and releases the collections at different times of the day and week. The company ensures the stock released is limited edition, so limited in fact that a whole collection save for one or two items can sell out in a matter of hours often with little hope of a re-stock. But this same company doesn't want to accept (hypothetically) returns and suffers from consumers doing too many returns? Did they not consider that could become a possibility?

Like others have said MAYBE if consumers had some hope of actually making it to a store or being able to wait to make an informed online decision it'd be different. But I don't for one second pity MAC for the way it releases items and how that effects their return rate. There are a whole board of directors that sit and think about whether to do x, y, and z and whether byline b will be good for the bottom line. I think they love how quickly things are snatched up by their limiting and attempts at creating frenzy and hype, and that's fine, that is absolutely their right as a business.

Of course, the other end of that is when the consumer receives an item, especially someone who may not be a frequent MAC shopper, and isn't happy then they might return their item. The higher the frenzy and the less informed the consumer the more likely they will return an item that falls short, that seems like a logical step to me. If the company didn't properly plan (and budget) for that then I think they've made quite a mistake.


Well-known member
Can't an old hag get a helping hand around here? And I love you too babe!

Chanel & I have been sneaking around behind MAC's back for a while now---can't stay away from each other for some reason, but does that make me a trollop

Yeah---and dragged me right along with you!!!
You're responsible for me ordering two new foundations in one week! I'll never find my MAC mojo at this rate
Only if you flirt with anybody else but me....

...and erine


Well-known member
oh dear.. I think that this whole thread has gone askew.
It has gone from returns to CEO's high salaries to a multitude of personal problems which we all face trying to buy the right, or what we consider right product.

sadly, life is what it is -- the hype builds it up and we eat it up too. Why are we faulting companies? without the very same companies, we would have no offerings and maybe our demands for colours, collections, returns, freebies, samples etc. would cease to exist. As it is, many companies still go chapt 11 because the profits are meager. The Ceo.. oh hell yes, he/she will always be guaranteed a great salary and a great parachute... but the products cease to exist. If it's a public company, the shareholders get nothing.

the biggest earners in terms of salaries are the internet companies -- and they sell us free space and we buy it. We stand around in lines which circle a block to buy a new phone. And nobody whines. But a return of $ 15 item makes us irrational.

seriously.. this is a great forum and as much as I respect even the strangest posts -- I cannot agree to them.


Well-known member
OTAY Panky!

Its so great to be old & not really care what anyone thinks. For a serious minded person - I don't naval gaze, nor do a give a crap about what anyone else thinks I should do - its so freeing. I definitely march to the beat of my own drummer...or the wine of the evening


Well-known member

Its so great to be old & not really care what anyone thinks. For a serious minded person - I don't naval gaze, nor do a give a crap about what anyone else thinks I should do - its so freeing. I definitely march to the beat of my own drummer...or the wine of the evening
Amen Sista

"I am not young enough to know everything"
but I have fun doing it.. lol


Well-known member
Trying to pass on this collection too. Though I have a hunch that will turn into an epic fail.


Well-known member
oh dear.. I think that this whole thread has gone askew.
It has gone from returns to CEO's high salaries to a multitude of personal problems which we all face trying to buy the right, or what we consider right product.

sadly, life is what it is -- the hype builds it up and we eat it up too. Why are we faulting companies? without the very same companies, we would have no offerings and maybe our demands for colours, collections, returns, freebies, samples etc. would cease to exist. As it is, many companies still go chapt 11 because the profits are meager. The Ceo.. oh hell yes, he/she will always be guaranteed a great salary and a great parachute... but the products cease to exist. If it's a public company, the shareholders get nothing.

the biggest earners in terms of salaries are the internet companies -- and they sell us free space and we buy it. We stand around in lines which circle a block to buy a new phone. And nobody whines. But a return of $ 15 item makes us irrational.

seriously.. this is a great forum and as much as I respect even the strangest posts -- I cannot agree to them.
Oh I whine about that too, don't worry..