which facial or body features arent you satisfied with?


let's face it girls.nobody is perfect and we all have some features we could do without.in particular what you don't like so much about your apperance??for example apart from my bad skin and hair days I dont like my face shape(rectangular)legs and shallow skintone.what about you?


Well-known member
Do you have 3 hours to read my answer lol.gif

I don't really like my face skin.
I have red spots here and there, my eyebrows grows too fast!!! And I never know how to shape them correctly. My skin tone isnt really ''healthy looking''. If I don't take the pill, it gets greasy with acnea.

My nails...
They just DON'T grow, or when they do, they are thin, weak and soft.

My underharms. Its weird I know. But untill recently I had lipomas under my two harms, got one removed this summer, the size of a golf ball. I have ugly scars ssad.gif

BUT, I'm alive.
That's whats important smiles.gif


Well-known member
I hate the front of my stomach!! EWWww! I have been losing weight but it looks saggy/stretch marks. But hopefully with all the work outs, it will improve over time.


Well-known member
I wish I had more hair on my head...it's thick but not enough of it. So if I don't style it properly, too much scalp shows.

My lower body bothers me. My legs are short and thick. It's hard finding decent boots that fit my large calves. My thighs are also quite big. My waist is small compared to my lower body so finding pants is always a pain.

Other than those things, I am grateful to be healthy with all limbs and senses working.


Well-known member
I hate my legs with a passion, skinny chicken legs, and odd shape. Also my boobs are too big for my small frame.


Well-known member
my calves are disproportionaly huge compared to the rest of me
i hate how my thighs curve out
and my arms. ugh. they're way too flabby/big and WAY out of proportion.

but thats okay lol


Well-known member
I used to think my nose was the perfect size and shape, but I notice that its not. Especially in pictures, it looks deformed.

The corners of my mouth turn down so I look...dumb. Like a bulldog.

I have a slight double chin that Idunno where it came from. I'm not overweight but me and my sisters have like a little pocket UGH, I hate it so much. I feel really gross, that is probably the number one thing I hate the most.

I don't have defined jawlines. I think defined jaws on men or women is really sexy. and mine is just pudge it seems.

My eyes are small and beady and then to make it worse, I wear glasses because I'm blind. so I might as well not buy any makeup because you can't ever tell that I'm wearing any.

my arms have really ugly noticeable scars all over them.

my legs are super skinny. and not like "ooh she has long model legs" more like wow her thighs look okay but why are her calves so damn skinny and shapeless?

I have a small gut. Not too much to worry about but it gets me a little self conscious.

my huge boobs. They are freakishly big. and painful and annoying. I'm getting those taken out lol.

cellulite. I never had to worry about this. Ever. and all of a sudden one day I look in the mirror and my ass and thighs has cellulite. Out of nowhere.

and last but not least, my back. I like my back for the most part, but you know that sexy dent that goes all the way down the middle of your back? Well I feel like mine stops short and then theres like 6 inches of skin (from my back to my butt) that has no line. its weird.


Well-known member
My nose (I broke it) so now it has a bump and is a little off.

I hate my lack of boob. I am a B cup, but I still feel like a little boy. oh, well.


Well-known member
I hate my stomach and my thighs. And lately I can't stop eating so it's just getting worse. Blah. And my boobs are too big. Oh I could go on and on!


Well-known member
I need to tone up. I have fell off the wagon and boy things... (((Sigh))) As I get older, it seems I can't get away with anything. I have to work even harder. I might think for a moment I look alright. Then I will take a picture of myself and I will see the real deal.


Well-known member
little tiny dots on my forehead. i also get a lot of red blemishes on my forehead when it's close to my period and it SUCKS. grr.

oh, and my nose. i haaaaaaate it. >_<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
The corners of my mouth turn down so I look...dumb. Like a bulldog.

grr I have that too! I don't like it! It makes me look mad always


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
grr I have that too! I don't like it! It makes me look mad always

lol I know! My mom and I talk about it because she has the same thing. She says everyone always asks her "whats wrong" and she doesn't understand why. LOL. I was teased for like 2-3 years because of my mouth, and everyone called me a bulldog.

another thing I hate is my profile. My face looks caved in.


Well-known member
I have a huge forehead! It's huge!
I always tease that smart people have big forehead.. you know, big brain and all lol...
But yeah, bangs are my friend and I love myself.

We all should! Love, love, love...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I can think of something that's imperfect about every single part of my body. Once for an English class, we had to write about our physical. After close inspection (the assignment was open but this how I went about it), I did really find something "wrong" with everything on me. My jowls could be tighter, my hair won't hold a curl to save my life, my nose is flat, my eyes could be larger, my shoulders are terribly narrow, my wrists and hands are very thin, my hips could be wider (I only have a 7/10 ratio because of my ass), my ass stick out a lot in the back, my legs bow, and sometimes my feet look wide. I'm also very short, not super strong in the arms department.

However, I'm not particularly dissatisfied with anything. It would be nice to have a "perfect" body, but that's life. The only thing I'm "working on" is I want to be able to do a front split. I'm quite flexible, but I've never been able to do one and that frustrate me


Well-known member
I hate my skin, stomach, thighs, nose, lack of boobies and lips...Oh and my hair too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
lol I know! My mom and I talk about it because she has the same thing. She says everyone always asks her "whats wrong" and she doesn't understand why. LOL. I was teased for like 2-3 years because of my mouth, and everyone called me a bulldog.

another thing I hate is my profile. My face looks caved in.

lol aww

people ask me whats wrong and im like dude, shutup i have an ugly mouth.

and don't even get me started on my profile...


Well-known member
oooh lord!
- double chin
-dark spots on my forehead
-flat ass
-huge boobs
-i look 3 months pregnant!
- i'm hairy... i mean i got SIDEBURNS for f*cksake!

argg! this thread makes me want to go cut myself! thanks