Chanel Spring 2011


Well-known member
I will definitely report back......the PIP BP has a definite cool tone to it - my MUA used it as a highlight all over my face yesterday (I should say, down my nose, over my cheeks and above my brows with a fluffy brush), and I LOVED it! Too Chic is more of a peachy eggshell color - what I would call champagne. Too pretty for me to pass up. I don't think I could do a better swatch than Karla did - they are definitely different though. Does one need both? Probably not.

ISa, I hear you on the holiday makeup spending sprees.....but I can't resist! I had picked up a couple of items from Sephora before the holidays (the Bella Bamba powder from Benefit, and a couple of the Stila palettes) so I guess the Chanel fix was inevitable. And the MAC fix.

Michelle, yes, makeup rooms are great!

On a different topic, is anyone having issues with Spektra pages loading? Every time I refresh, I pretty much have to start from scratch. Wildly annoying. AND, I haven't been able to edit my posts - I just get a blank edit screen as if I just want to reply. Only having 'been back' for a short time since the new site was launched, I'm underwhelmed......


Well-known member
I will definitely report back......the PIP BP has a definite cool tone to it - my MUA used it as a highlight all over my face yesterday (I should say, down my nose, over my cheeks and above my brows with a fluffy brush), and I LOVED it! Too Chic is more of a peachy eggshell color - what I would call champagne. Too pretty for me to pass up. I don't think I could do a better swatch than Karla did - they are definitely different though. Does one need both? Probably not.

ISa, I hear you on the holiday makeup spending sprees.....but I can't resist! I had picked up a couple of items from Sephora before the holidays (the Bella Bamba powder from Benefit, and a couple of the Stila palettes) so I guess the Chanel fix was inevitable. And the MAC fix.

Michelle, yes, makeup rooms are great!

On a different topic, is anyone having issues with Spektra pages loading? Every time I refresh, I pretty much have to start from scratch. Wildly annoying. AND, I haven't been able to edit my posts - I just get a blank edit screen as if I just want to reply. Only having 'been back' for a short time since the new site was launched, I'm underwhelmed......
sigh sigh.. C.. I have had problems with editing, uploading pics, even entering a new post on the same thread gives me the goofy blank pop up that says " you must enter something before posting" ... ARGH... yes, I hear ya.. and agree.. it's a bang your head on the puter thinging for sure.

Meanwhile.. I might go back and order a few more items.. this time from D&G from Saks.. lol.


Well-known member
On a different topic, is anyone having issues with Spektra pages loading? Every time I refresh, I pretty much have to start from scratch. Wildly annoying. AND, I haven't been able to edit my posts - I just get a blank edit screen as if I just want to reply. Only having 'been back' for a short time since the new site was launched, I'm underwhelmed......

You have to refresh before hitting edit, and then it will work. It's a real pain.


Well-known member
oyyyyyyyy hit refresh... now that's a novel idea in order to edit.. lol..

ty Winthrop -- months of frustration down the drain


Well-known member
lord allmighty.. one day into the New Year and I am already buying mu..

I just bought the quint, Coquette, Black pearl and the Blush, from Nordies... there should be a ban on buying on

But I think I will enjoy it too.. and life is way too short to not enjoy.

Elegant, thanks for the skin care info.. I am def going to try it since I have to keep these lips meaty
and my skin baby butt smooth.. ha

Also, I am currently using and have had great results with Revive Serum.. but man that stuff is $ 600 a pop.. so, this sounds like a good alternative.

Hugs for you, and don't forget to wear the pink pants to the Bubble lounge
X & O

I do actually have a pair of pink capris & a pair of bubbles
just to make you laugh today. My New Years resolution - to be ornery-ier than the last 10 years

So funny how we all have piles of makeup - & ordering like drunken sailors - again. I love it. We need a Makeup Garage ;)

So you got the quint! I am curious to see how you & Shypo like coquette on,

geesh, well now some how after $600, I feel like I'm getting a deal @ $150

And YES! This site is driving me crazy - it just does NOT work & its so slow to do anything.


Well-known member
will report back on the quint and other stuff I am ordering now.. lol.

darlin, yea -- when Jeff passed I cried so much that I was pruning up and this stuff really did the job, so much so I got hooked.. lol.

too bad it's so expensive.. but I figure the longer I keep the surgeon away, the better I will feel.. at least.

oh do wear those pink capri's.. I will too as soon as I go on vacation... maybe I will wear my Shiap ls too.. with a red flower in my mouth. lol.

and being a great thing... aren't you missing the H though?


Well-known member
will report back on the quint and other stuff I am ordering now.. lol.

darlin, yea -- when Jeff passed I cried so much that I was pruning up and this stuff really did the job, so much so I got hooked.. lol.

too bad it's so expensive.. but I figure the longer I keep the surgeon away, the better I will feel.. at least.

oh do wear those pink capri's.. I will too as soon as I go on vacation... maybe I will wear my Shiap ls too.. with a red flower in my mouth. lol.

and being a great thing... aren't you missing the H though?

OMG! I love you


Well-known member
Im scared of becoming a Chanel addict so I will slowly back out of this thread.
C'mon, stay with us!! I just got into Chanel in March of 2010, but yeah, um, I've acquired quite a bit since then. But it has been FUN hanging out with these ladies


Well-known member
Went to a local Macy's today. They didn't have the collection and the SA didn't seem to know what I was talking about. She suggested I call and speak to the manager later. Nope. Too much trouble for me. My 2 month weekend job starts next weekend so I will not have time to scour the stores for limited edition items. I decided to just order the quint online. I did get to try the new blush. It was in the display with the regular blushes so I guess it is permanent. It looked a lot like Reflex to my eye but it seemed light and powdery on my hand. It has been so long since I've had Reflex though, I can't be sure. For now it's a skip, I'll try it on cheeks next time. I didn't order a backup of the Pleasing glossimer either (well for now anyway). I'm just so leery of the backups. I think it is a slippery slope so I'm being cautious. I just might revisit the backup idea later this month.


Well-known member
Not yet - today ended up being a no-makeup day......bummer. But tomorrow I am definitely going to wear it - my last day of a 2-week vacation - ugh, not looking forward to going back to work, but looking forward to my routine.......