MAC Bloggers Obsessions Discussion


Well-known member
Thanks Shontay, I might pick Caqui l/g up if they decide to restock JW, we'll see ! Its good to know that they are both worth having!


Well-known member
I can't decide if I NEED SNS, I love neutrals & browns especially & this seems pretty & like something I'd use, but its not standing out as very different from my other millions of browns. Has anyone done any comparisons?


Well-known member
UPS usually makes someone here sign, but yesterday the guy practically threw it at me and hauled ass. I'm like
Oh, they'll leave it at the door, but I wanna be there when it gets there and tear into the box like it's Christmas. I also ordered Lauren Luke's (panacea81 from Youtube) brushset, and I'm almost certain they'll need a signature for that since it's all the way from the UK. (My parents will be home though, so I don't have to worry about that.) I wanna play with them all together ASAP. D;


Well-known member
I can't decide if I NEED SNS, I love neutrals & browns especially & this seems pretty & like something I'd use, but its not standing out as very different from my other millions of browns. Has anyone done any comparisons?

Do you have the Naked palette? I compared SNS to those browns and it's nothing like any of them. (Sorry no pics). That's the only neutrals I have. If you love neutrals I would get this. It's neutral with a little more umph. As I've said before- good to combine and good alone, pigmented, and the glitter didn't fall out. Not much more to ask out of a shadow. Not to enable but again, if you like neutrals I wouldn't let this one go.


Well-known member
Just walked out in the hallway and who did I almost trip over? The UPS guy. We usually have a lady....Oh well, I HAVE MY BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Ok, so I have been waivering on Parisian Skies. I resisted when I initially ordered and had no intention of placing a second order. Then I saw Karla's swatches of PS and I started to feel the regret of not ordering it right away. THEN, I saw katred's FOTD using the Love Lace eyeshadows and PS. I couldn't push that order button fast enough!! LOVE! I have no willpower.


Well-known member
Do you have the Naked palette? I compared SNS to those browns and it's nothing like any of them. (Sorry no pics). That's the only neutrals I have. If you love neutrals I would get this. It's neutral with a little more umph. As I've said before- good to combine and good alone, pigmented, and the glitter didn't fall out. Not much more to ask out of a shadow. Not to enable but again, if you like neutrals I wouldn't let this one go.
I'm sooooo close to ordering it.


Well-known member
Got my goodies, but they came after I had already applied half of my makeup! Argh. So I added Jealousy Wakes to my Prance and Surf USA Combo. And then threw on Nitrolicious for the hell of it. I don't match AT ALL, but oh well. This is also my first time wearing a red lip EVER!! Eeeppp! I'm so nervous to go into work in half an hour!! D: I don't want people to laugh at me.

What do you guys think?



Well-known member
I got my box! I doesn't seem that JW is overly unique just by looking at it, or by swatching it, but we will see how I feel once I have worn it. It is pulling very teal on me as opposed to green. I know I will use it, as I wear colors like that all the time. I love Evolution Revolution! It is just my kind of color. A bit more peach than I am usually drawn to, but it stands out in my collection of pale pink lipglasses. I will definately use it often. It sort of reminds me of the color of Honey Bare tendertone in l/g form. It's a great everyday color.


Well-known member
yes, I have that & all the other UD BoS palettes & a ton of Bobbi Brown & Nars browns(& of course any other MAC browns you can think of lol)so that is why I am so unsure. Lately I've been getting colors & noticing that they are a whole lot like other things I have & have been trying to curb my overspending
Do you have the Naked palette? I compared SNS to those browns and it's nothing like any of them. (Sorry no pics). That's the only neutrals I have. If you love neutrals I would get this. It's neutral with a little more umph. As I've said before- good to combine and good alone, pigmented, and the glitter didn't fall out. Not much more to ask out of a shadow. Not to enable but again, if you like neutrals I wouldn't let this one go.


Well-known member
Got my goodies, but they came after I had already applied half of my makeup! Argh. So I added Jealousy Wakes to my Prance and Surf USA Combo. And then threw on Nitrolicious for the hell of it. I don't match AT ALL, but oh well. This is also my first time wearing a red lip EVER!! Eeeppp! I'm so nervous to go into work in half an hour!! D: I don't want people to laugh at me.

What do you guys think?

Totally beautiful, and the green looks so pretty with your hair!

I know what you mean about the red lip, though. I've only really worn colors that are sheer or match my natural color... I actually bought Evolution Revolution from this collection, but maybe I should've been braver and gotten a red!

...Nah, I don't think I'm brave enough :( You look amazing though!


Well-known member
[quote name="dxgirly" url="/forum/thread/174878/mac-bloggers-obsessions-discussion/1650#post_2134036"] Got my goodies, but they came after I had already applied half of my makeup! Argh. So I added Jealousy Wakes to my Prance and Surf USA Combo. And then threw on Nitrolicious for the hell of it. I don't match AT ALL, but oh well. This is also my first time wearing a red lip EVER!! Eeeppp! I'm so nervous to go into work in half an hour!! D: I don't want people to laugh at me.

What do you guys think?

[/quote] You look great. Don't worry about that matchy matchy stuff. I've never been into that myself. I tried JW with Prance last night on the back of my hand and they definitely make a great pair. I always mix shadows on the back of my hand to see how they would look together.


Well-known member
Can someone explain to me why my package has been out for delivery since 2 am? I'm stuck in the house until it gets here.


Active member
OMG. I just have to say that I am obsessed with my first (as in, there will be more) purchase from this collection. I ordered Jealousy Wakes, Hocus Pocus, Sonoran Rain, and Nitrolicious:2046.

They are all stunning. Last night, I wore Hocus Pocus in the crease with a MAC Nylon lid, and a retro cat-eye, and it really helped to amp up the look and add some depth. LOVE THIS COLOR!

Additionally, I have a new favorite lip combo: Russian Red lipstick, with Nitroliccious on top. It is STUNNING. The colors together create such a fab look!

I have never (I repeat, NEVER) ordered backups of any makeup, because I have so much and really like to use it all, but I will be ordering a backup for Nitrolicious and Sonoran Rain. If Hocus Pocus and JW weren't sold out, I'd do the same for them!

And I am now interested in Sparkle, Neely, Sparkle. I don't know if I should just bite the bullet and buy it, since I've been more than happy with everything else from this collection!

Well done, MAC, and Bloggers!!


Well-known member
SMH...yes they are!
I just called MAC to inquire about items that have sold out even though they say available for six weeks, and the rep stated, " from my understanding it is while supplies last . . . but if anything changes the website will be updated" WTH?? ! MAC is so full of it!!!