MAC Metal X 2011 Discussion


Well-known member
I put Gold Carbon on one eye with primer, blended slightly over the crease and on the other eye without primer in the exact same way. The results? A mess. Almost as bad as those big bounce shadows. Faded on the lid, a creasy mess elsewhere. It looked like an oil slick. Not attractive. Both eyes looked equally bad, which I found interesting. I already tossed my receipt (why on Earth did I do that), so it'll sit in a corner until I have the heart to toss it. Now I'm glad they didn't have VIntage Coin. That would've been double the loss. For reference, I have dry skin and I can wear other cream products like paintpots and mufe aqua creams on their own, all day without creasing.


Well-known member
Oh WOW!!! That is NOT what I was hoping to hear! I'm sorry this gave you so much trouble! That's a damn shame! And we keep hearing about how much better these are from the last release! I guess, at the very least, you can be thankful you didn't get more than 1! Well, your review will help a lot of people save money... We can thank you for that sweetie!

For reference, I have dry skin and I can wear other cream products like paintpots and mufe aqua creams on their own, all day without creasing.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
For reference, I have dry skin and I can wear other cream products like paintpots and mufe aqua creams on their own, all day without creasing.
Same here. I got Palladium, since I figured if these crease and fade I'll be better off with one of the lighter shades. I have to say that it doesn't crease on me though, BUT it fades so quickly. As soon as I try to spread and blend it, the colour fades and there's just a sheer layer of a silver shimmery sheen on the lid. Which is nice if this is what you are looking for. But honestly I expected a more opaque finish. I tried it on bare lids and with Painterly as a base. I also tried to put different powder e/s on top, like the Mega Metal ones and regular ones like Vex, but it doesn't make much of a difference.
Another downside: I have a hard time picking up the product with a brush. The e/s texture seems too hard and just doesn't really stick to the brush, if that description makes sense. Eventually I got so annoyed that I used my finger to apply it, which worked quite well. But probably wouldn't so much with the darker shades, I can imagine.
I don't think this is a bad product after all, I actually would say I kinda like the texture, like I said it doesn't crease on me. But the fact that the colour fades this quickly and that all it does is leave this light shimmer, is disappointing. You could still use the lighter shades as a nice highlighter, even on the cheeks, IMO. But if you're looking for an e/s that you can put on and wear all day, I don't think these are a good choice.

Dustin also has review of them: MAC Metal-X 2011 Cream Eyeshadow: Review - YouTube


Specktra Bestie
Thank you, Shontay and Naynadine, for your reviews. I have oily lids so this will be a skip for me. Money saved.


Well-known member
Same here. I got Palladium, since I figured if these crease and fade I'll be better off with one of the lighter shades. I have to say that it doesn't crease on me though, BUT it fades so quickly. As soon as I try to spread and blend it, the colour fades and there's just a sheer layer of a silver shimmery sheen on the lid. Which is nice if this is what you are looking for. But honestly I expected a more opaque finish. I tried it on bare lids and with Painterly as a base. I also tried to put different powder e/s on top, like the Mega Metal ones and regular ones like Vex, but it doesn't make much of a difference. Another downside: I have a hard time picking up the product with a brush. The e/s texture seems too hard and just doesn't really stick to the brush, if that description makes sense. Eventually I got so annoyed that I used my finger to apply it, which worked quite well. But probably wouldn't so much with the darker shades, I can imagine. I don't think this is a bad product after all, I actually would say I kinda like the texture, like I said it doesn't crease on me. But the fact that the colour fades this quickly and that all it does is leave this light shimmer, is disappointing. You could still use the lighter shades as a nice highlighter, even on the cheeks, IMO. But if you're looking for an e/s that you can put on and wear all day, I don't think these are a good choice. Dustin also has review of them: MAC Metal-X 2011 Cream Eyeshadow: Review - YouTube
Trying to pick up color with the 217 was a massive failure. I had to press hard to get any color. I couldn't use the 217 properly to just deposit color in my crease. Just an epic fail. Had to use the 239 to place and blend color there.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Trying to pick up color with the 217 was a massive failure. I had to press hard to get any color. I couldn't use the 217 properly to just deposit color in my crease. Just an epic fail. Had to use the 239 to place and blend color there.

I can imagine the 217 being a total failure with these. I used the 239 too.

Allura Beauty

Well-known member
For reference, I have dry skin and I can wear other cream products like paintpots and mufe aqua creams on their own, all day without creasing.
Even if you don't have a receipt, you can return it (if you have the box with the barcode). Sorry it didn't work for you. =/


Well-known member
Shontay, try it again with a primer: Use P+P powder to prep your lids followed by a colored paintpot, - for your specific shade, I'd use Genuine Treasure. Then use the 239 to apply a thin layer of the Metal X, let it dry and apply a second layer on the lid if you want it more opaque (don't put a second layer on the crease). Set the crease with a powder shadow.

And remember that you can use the Metal X also on your cheeks and lips. Have fun! I hope that works for you!


Well-known member
Shontay, try it again with a primer: Use P+P powder to prep your lids followed by a colored paintpot, - for your specific shade, I'd use Genuine Treasure. Then use the 239 to apply a thin layer of the Metal X, let it dry and apply a second layer on the lid if you want it more opaque (don't put a second layer on the crease). Set the crease with a powder shadow.

And remember that you can use the Metal X also on your cheeks and lips. Have fun! I hope that works for you!

Excellent suggestion. I do love the Metal X that I own and they haven't received any love in years. I'm going to have to bust them out and try it with Genuine Treasure pp...yippee!


Well-known member
I think it's just Venetian Tarnish for me! Gold Carbon looks pretty, but I am going all out on Naturally, so I have to save somewhere!


Well-known member
Oily lidded ladies, these could work with TFSI, did anyone try that??? And yeah, I am thinking the silver one would be great as a creamy cheek highlighter...MACGuy


Well-known member
So sad these get bad reviews...i still like my Vintage Coin a lot. I have oily lids and TFSI and only using thin layers is working great for me.


Well-known member
yeah i think i will stick to my guns and just skip the collection. i really don't need any of them even though they are pretty!
I will too, although they look lovely, they are not my colours. And mixed reviews are not encouraging, even if I had no issues with the previous versions.


Well-known member
Vintage coin has my name all over it! so sad it's getting bad reviews, but I'm still gonna try it out.