RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
So I called MAC about my refund. She told me that because I paid with paypal, the refund won't go back in for 30 days. what in the freaking hell. 
They told me 10 Days but I called PP today and again told me it should take 24 hrs to release. I know one thing I'm ab half ready to call corporate about it and ask for some type of compensation bc this is just jacked up. I haven't even ordered from them for the TT collection yet bc of this :/


Well-known member
Hey girls I'm new on this I'm sitting here looking waiting for ups!
Where my riri boy?
Lolololol creep status


Well-known member
My Heaux came today! I love it!
It was a little difficult to get a pic that was true to color but this is pretty close.



Well-known member

I put them in the fridge and everything
. Heux is a mess and riri boy was about to melt away, so its not the heat there is something wrong with the formula. But heux looks very berry on Me so thats a plus
Dear heavens.....I'm getting scared for my delivery on Wed. So sorry!!!!


Well-known member
YAY!!! Got order one of two a couple of hours ago, in PERFECT condition!
I have to say, the one I was on the fence about turned out to be my MVP. RiRi Boy is beautiful. I'll have to play around with lighting because all my lip swatches photographed warmer than they truly are on the lips, in person they wear slightly deeper than the swatches. Thankfully, my Heaux wears deep berry just like PrettyKitty's, but it just didn't give me that "yeeeeaaaaaaah guuuuuuurrrrrl" feeling I thought it would... it seems kind of average to me, but still pretty though. And RiRi Woo is gorgeous! So glad I threw it in my cart instead of snoozing on it again. I'm loving the retro matte formula, they actually applied very smoothly, but then again I had some of my lip fusion balm on.

They're ALL Stunning on you!


Active member

Here's me wearing RRW. I'm so obsessed with this lipstick it's not even funny (excuse the deer caught in headlights look, I was in a rush lol).


Well-known member
Dear heavens.....I'm getting scared for my delivery on Wed. So sorry!!!!
Thanks ladies but its true this collection was half assed a retro matte should not be melting (and to be honest i think Heux was already broken). i already contacted mac so i'm waiting on them to get back to me because this is bullcrap


Well-known member
Heaux is drop dead gorgeous on me its a berry with some red and a hint of pink I'm sooooooo happy I got a extra.riri boy looks like a lighter version of heroine imo.I love it also all in all I'm a happy women bg is soooooooo pretty


Well-known member
After my depotting frenzy last week (while waiting for RiRi stuff to arrive) I don't think I have palette space for 13 shadows lol. So technically I NEED to order a palette lol. Still not sure how I feel about the double palette I have. I don't love it...just not sure if I hate it.
I still prefer the old slim 15 shadow pro-palettes, of which I have 11---completely filled. Someone
gifted me a double palette and I purchased extra inserts to swipe out just for travel.


Well-known member
You look so amazing! RRB was made for those gorgeous lips!

Been busy. But my RRB came Friday and I was glad to see there were no issues with it after seeing so many people having problems with their lippies upon arrival. I actually wore it yesterday with NYX Purple Rain. I love a matte lip and even though I have UTA it's a little different to me. Love it so far


Well-known member
received my riri woo around 2 oh clock , I opened it and it was really hot so I was hoping it wasn't melted but I opened it and the tip looked a little wet so I stuck in the fridge for like 5 minutes , took it out and it had like a little tiny layer of a Chapstick lookin thing on it . it was like clear . I just scraped it off but does anyone know what that could of been ?


Well-known member
this looks amazing on you and your making me mad that i didnt buy it ! you look gorgeous !! l
Been busy. But my RRB came Friday and I was glad to see there were no issues with it after seeing so many people having problems with their lippies upon arrival. I actually wore it yesterday with NYX Purple Rain. I love a matte lip and even though I have UTA it's a little different to me. Love it so far