Kevyn Aucoin Cosmetics


Well-known member
I have Titian, Midnight and Mistress. I've only worn Titian and Mistress so far, but I love them! Very smooth and easy to blend.


Well-known member
I have Titian, Midnight and Mistress. I've only worn Titian and Mistress so far, but I love them! Very smooth and easy to blend.
How grey would you call Mistress? I've seen some conflicting item descriptions.


Well-known member
Sorry for the delay. It just occurred to me tonight that I forgot to post swatches of Mistress.


Well-known member
Between this and Armani, Sephora is assembling all my faves (they already had a lot)!   Omg I feel the same way. Only have one Armani cheek fabric, but I plan to get some Armani and aucoin during the next sale as those brands aren't available in Canada easily.


Well-known member
Omg I feel the same way. Only have one Armani cheek fabric, but I plan to get some Armani and aucoin during the next sale as those brands aren't available in Canada easily.
I wish I had your restraint! I totally bought some more of the eyes to kill silk shadows even though i DEFINITELY do not need them.


Well-known member
I wish I had your restraint!  I totally bought some more of the eyes to kill silk shadows even though i DEFINITELY do not need them. 
Haha yeah it's just so expensive that any discount is good. Though they are two of the cheaper high end brands.


Well-known member
Hi,all Does anyone with cystic acne use the Sensual Skin Enhancer? Not sure how much of a problem the mineral oil is for skin :-/


Well-known member
Anyone have any experience with shade selection for the SSE? I'm probably about an NC15-20. I generally use Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Moisture Foundation in 113 with a little 112 blended in during the winter. Thinking I might be SX 05 in KA SSE? Halp? Bueller?


Staff member She's about NC25-27 and matched with SX06. You'd be maybe 03 or 04? Camera Ready Cosmetics sells samples of this; you could get a few shades to try out before committing to one.


Well-known member
Thanks! I've seen that (love her blog). I have a feeling (unfortunately) that I might actually match with one of the missing colors. I'll probably just cross my fingers and hope for the best.


Well-known member
You'd be no darker than 04, methinks. (Also, I edited my post above yours. :))
Thanks! I'm guessing I'd probably be a 03 or 05... which is what I totally meant to write the first time (I'll be editing that now...). Sigh. I cannot brain tonight, lol. 04 looks pretty yellow, but you're right, that could still work. You're a doll! Thanks again!


Well-known member She's about NC25-27 and matched with SX06. You'd be maybe 03 or 04? Camera Ready Cosmetics sells samples of this; you could get a few shades to try out before committing to one.
I am nc 10 and I am 05 in the sensual skin enhancer. The 03 was crazy light which surprised me because I am usually the lightest in every color.


Well-known member
So, I ended up going with SX05... which is pretty good. It's a tiny bit light, but the undertones are good. If I were dead-of-winter pale, it would be perfect. So for now, I'm wearing it mixed with a teensy bit of Koh Gen Do moisture foundation in 113 or 123.