1st Speeding Ticket


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jennifer Mcfly
I never said I was going to "lie" my way out of it...
and I never said I didn't take full responsibility for my actions.

what I was asking here was how to go about taking care of the ticket b/c I've never gotten a speeding ticket before. I was simply asking if I should just pay the ticket and take the points since I've never had a ticket before or if I should go to traffic school. Someone else mentioned the ticket clinic and I did entertain it b/c sometimes you are not soley at fault. Like if there are not signs posted stating that the speed limit is going to be reduced and so forth. also, when pleading not guilty when you send your ticket in, when you go to court you have the option before the judge to plead no contest which basically means you acknowledge that you are guilty w/o pleading guilty and the judge gives you whatever penalty he wants (which is usually better then the original ticket.)

i don't think you sounded mean, but i do think you sounded ignorant b/c your facts weren't straight; you assumed something and put words into my mouth. i never said i had a problem with speed limits so your preaching on why not to speed was unwaranted.

Hi hun...

I don't think you ever go in front of a judge with traffic stuff (I know you don't in CT...not sure 'bout big cities though..they might have a judge for a special "traffic" court...IDK. I don't think there's a No Contest plea w/ traffic tickets...just G and NG. However, to the poster that said it was uncool to "lie"(OMG, quit being such a Mary Poppins Goody-Two-Shoes!)...I agree w/ you, Jen...You don't have to lie to them (although many people do)..The few times I've been to the prosecutors office for tickets, I've always told them the truth..hey...even they speed occasionally..they know stuff happens...I've always gotten the ticket nollied.


Well-known member
you should of put the Jennifer Mcfly charm on


Well-known member
Sorry, i didnt mean you were going to lie, that was a bad choice of words... just from reading some other posts it seemed like people were advising you to plead not guilty for something you were perhaps guilty of if you were given a ticket? I just said that i didn't think that was the right way to approach it, sorry if i offended you.

As for my "Mary Poppins Goody Two shoes" remark, yeah Yvette i am a bit anal about road safety since my good friend and work colleague was killed in a car accident Saturday last.... .


Well-known member
Apology to jennifer mcfly & yvettejeannine

I didnt mean to sound rude to either of you guys... as a said a good friend here in work was killed in a road accident on Saturday.. we found out when we came into work on Monday.
It was just unfortunate that the post was about a speeding ticket! I guess it just upset me a bit and i got on my high horse.
Anyway as i said apologies if i came across as rude or nasty to either of you.

Mods i understand if you've got to ban me or something, i was out of order.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Hi hun...

I don't think you ever go in front of a judge with traffic stuff (I know you don't in CT...not sure 'bout big cities though..they might have a judge for a special "traffic" court...IDK. I don't think there's a No Contest plea w/ traffic tickets...just G and NG. However, to the poster that said it was uncool to "lie"(OMG, quit being such a Mary Poppins Goody-Two-Shoes!)...I agree w/ you, Jen...You don't have to lie to them (although many people do)..The few times I've been to the prosecutors office for tickets, I've always told them the truth..hey...even they speed occasionally..they know stuff happens...I've always gotten the ticket nollied.

The only other ticket I've gotten in my life was about 6 or 7 years ago for going through a red light. I plead not guilty on my paperwork b/c I had been behind a big semi-truck and couldn't see the light had changed to red. When I got my court date, I went to court and here in FL (Ft. Laud to be exact) we were in a courtroom with the cops on one side and us on the other. The judge started by saying that we were all there b/c we plead not guilty however we had the option to plead No Contest, otherwise if you plead not guilty then you'd have to come back yet again with a lawyer to fight the ticket. Pleading no contest is admitting you were in the wrong and telling the judge your side of the story. Since I had a clean driving record he reduced my ticket, no points and no traffic school. So I was going to plead "not guilty" this time around on my paperwork and No Contest in court hoping the same thing would happen. I would still pay a fine and so forth. So I never said I was trying to get off scott free.

But thanks for the concerns everyone. I'm just going to go to traffic school and pay the reduced ticket price. I don't really feel like taking a day off work to sit in court for a couple hours!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by feebee
Mods i understand if you've got to ban me or something, i was out of order.

Feebee, Sorry to hear about your friend.

Thank you for your apology to those you feel you might have offended. I'm glad you can recognize that what you said might hurt someone and were willing to do what was needed to correct it. I hope Jen & Yvette will accept your apology.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by feebee
I didnt mean to sound rude to either of you guys... as a said a good friend here in work was killed in a road accident on Saturday.. we found out when we came into work on Monday.
It was just unfortunate that the post was about a speeding ticket! I guess it just upset me a bit and i got on my high horse.
Anyway as i said apologies if i came across as rude or nasty to either of you.

Mods i understand if you've got to ban me or something, i was out of order.

Oh no no, no banning will take place for this (as Janice said). Everyone is entitled to their opinion just sometimes people make comments before fully thinking them through and then they wind up making an incorrect statement. That's all I felt you did. I am sorry about your friend. I was in a head on collision a few years ago and everytime I drive by a car accident I say a little mantra (or prayer if you will) asking for everyone to be okay. I'm sure your grief came through in your original post and that's totally understandable and now that I know the situation it's very thoughtful as well.


Well-known member
Here in Maryland if you dont send in the money for the ticket, you automaticly get a court hearing. If you go before the judge, just state "sir I am guilty, Can the price of the ticket be reduced and no points?" 9 times out of ten he/she will reduce the fine and no points. Never take a lawyer to court for a speeding ticket. I have seen the judge stick it to these people.


Well-known member
Well, I'm not sure what the law there is in Florida, but is there any way you can defer the ticket by going to court? When I got a speeding ticket, I had an option of deferring it in which I had to pay $96 and as long as I don't get any traffic tickets within a year after I paid that $98, then that speeding violation will be cleared off your driving record. Now you can only do it, I believe, if you have not gotten any traffic tickets within the last 7 years and you didn't go over 15MPH over the speed limit.

If you don't have that option, just go to court and make up some reasonable excuse and i guarantee the judge will lower the ticket!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I filed an extension so I have until Aug. 2nd to send in my payment. I'm just gonne go to traffic school. I was going 17mph over the speed limit so I don't think a judge would look to kindly on that!!


Well-known member
ha did u find out how much ur ticket was???? b/c i called this morning for the cost of mines. jeeeeaaaa.... going 75 in a 55 my ticket is 224.00 wft im like gheeeze oh well... going this week to pay it off. no more speeding for me


Well-known member
I got a ticket in Jeffersonville, GA, and yeah, 604 dollars LATER it was gone.

*bangs head*

that was...............................in 02 though.


Well-known member
Anyone who replied to this thread live in California???

I wish I can just plead not guilty and get a reduced fee!!!! My first and only ticket was for rolling at a stop sign which is nothing to most California drivers (thus, called the "CA stop") and I had to pay a $146 fee PLUS traffic school! Completing traffic school means that they won't add the points on your record. Everyone I knew who tried to plead "not guilty" had to pay the full amount regardless of their record because the cop who pulled em over would almost always show up at court


Well-known member
Well the good news is if you go to drivers ed they will take 10% off your insurance after the ticket

You could go to court and plead no contest-no points to the license. You can plead that once every 5 years.

I say pay the ticket, look on ebay for some good deals on Lure and you'll be good to go


Well-known member
Shimmer-you were speeding through Jeffersonville?!? Seriously any small town you go SLOW go BELOW speed limit. I think in Jeffersonville they have the 36 cop where if you go one MPH over 35 he'll pull you over faster than you can say WHAT? lol

I feel for ya girl. I got pulled over in LaGrange and I had to do this whole boohoo thing before he let me off with a warning