7 year old boy kills animals at zoo


Well-known member
I agree that there is something really wrong here, and that the parents need to be sued for damages and that kid put in therapy, and maybe have to work with animals in a supervised situation so that he realizes they are living beings, so he understands what he did to them. But to those of you who are saying a 7 year old should be fed to a crocodile... Have any of you ever seen an animal or person ripped to pieces? Heard the screaming of someone/something in such incredible pain, knowing they are about to die? If you think that that should be done to a 7 year old, I think you all need to take a look at your mental state. You are all calling for this kid's death because he did this horrible thing to these animals, and more than his death his torture and pain. I would argue that due to parenting or events in his life he doesn't have a grasp on the implications of his actions, and I would argue that anyone callous enough to demand a 7 year old be devoured by a crocodile has no idea what it would mean to have a small child torn into pieces, in agony and fear, and probably screaming for someone to save him. Don't say shit like that unless you are prepared to face the consequences of it, and if you can face that I think you are worse off than the kid.

Basically I agree that this needs to be taken seriously, that the law needs to come slamming down on this kid and his family, that he needs some serious help before he moves on to people. And I know that when people are horrified and overwhelmed by something awful like this, they get angry and want someone to be punished, which may be right or wrong. I'm not going to judge that reaction (although I'm sure some would). All I'm going to say is consider exactly what it is that feeding a child to a crocodile would mean. Don't say it unless you mean it.


Well-known member
OMG this is so awful!!!! I second the ones who said serial killer comes to mind...wow...this is unbelievable!


Well-known member
I think a lot of us who said "feed him to the croc" don't mean it entirely literally. I'm not about to go toss the kid over the cage. I'm just saying I probably wouldn't be shedding tears if he'd accidentally fallen over himself, in a sort of Darwinian measure of justice, lol.

Nah but honestly, the kid is just effed up. But I think people aren't giving enough credit to a child that age, even if he's fucked in the head, he knows the difference between right and wrong. I'm sure he wasn't doing that and thinking he was doing something that was considered good.

And where the hell where the parents?? Children should be watched at the zoo, what a stupid idiot of a mother.


Well-known member
Personally, I think if you can take a life, you don't deserve your own.
And that goes towards any living creature, whether it's a reptile, rodent, or human.

But since nothing can really be done about a 7 year old child, I hope he gets locked away. I don't believe people can change when it comes to sadistic behavior such as this.

I'm just so saddened and disgusted beyond words. Animal cruelty gets my blood BOILING.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Even if his parents are horrible, or he got molested, the choice was still his. Seven years isn't so young that you have no idea what you are doing. He killed the animals and he knew what he was doing.

Actually it is.

I would sincerely suggest that some of you take some classes on child development and psychology. Most human minds aren't fully matured until well after adolescence, so don't be misguided into thinking that he knew exactly what he was doing and why he did it, just because he did.


Well-known member
I don't think I said anything about his mind being fully mature. I'm well aware that his mind is still growing and developing, but I'm also well aware that's it's pretty obvious that killing another living being is horrible.

He knew it was bad, he knew what he was doing. He might not have known the potential consequences of his actions, but he knew it was bad.

I don't think he should die or anything, but he definitely needs to get some sort of help/care to get him onto a more normal thinking level.


Well-known member
I still insist that certain individuals can be born evil,regardless of parenting, agree with me or not, because no one knows for sure.I've taken enough psychology classes, and have enough people in my own family who are messed up to derive my own opinion. No amount of molesting or teasing can 'create' a sadistic mind, imo. Most of the time I see the opposite happening to a person who endures this type of treatment, usually a person is withdrawn and afraid of people. Sneaking into an animal exhibit and laughing while feeding other reptiles to a crocodile just sounds like a very disturbed little boy who needs a whole lot more discipline from his mother and years of therapy. I wouldn't doubt she just let's him do whatever he wants,and more than likely he is probably somewhat neglected rather than molested. This is not to say he isn't molested etc., I just think that little boys that kill animals is a tad too common to call it a product of REALLY bad parenting...I think he knew exactly what he was doing, albeit I doubt he thought it was 'wrong' as I do believe 7 is too young to fully understand 'morals', but in order to think it is funny to kill animals at such a young age, I believe that it is a product of someone's personality before birth more so than parenting.


Well-known member
This is sad and horrible. My personal line on this is that I don't tolerate cruelty to animals ever...regardless of the age of the tormentor. That's one of the reasons I hate when parents buy their kids pets at a super young age...I feel like a child should at least be old enough to understand how to hold/pet/care for an animal correctly before being allowed to play with one.

If that kid just wasn't taught to respect life, then his parents shoulder some of the blame. But if he's just a rotten apple (and I do think some people are just born that way) then sad to say the chances are high that he'll just escalate.


Well-known member
If their 7 year old little boy is doing this I wonder what the parents are doing ?!

That is sick .
I'm surprised the little monster didn't get eaten .
If I were one of those lizards or turtles I'd bite the crap out of him before he threw me to my death !

Miss A

Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
DISGUSTING, only word for it.
An eye for an eye, that's what I always say when it comes to animal cruelty.

i completly agree with you, damn shame he didnt fall in that gator pit. and at 7 you know the difference between right and wrong. sometimes its not the parent, maybe he has a chemical imbalance etc. but he is still evil. and maybe his parents are too but we just dont know. but also this was probably not the first time he has killed animals.

i better not one day walk upon someone being cruel to any animal....or it would be myself going to prison for hurting them.


Well-known member
but what some of the ignorance in here is displaying is that you aren't aware of the fact that THE BOY IS A VICTIM OF SOMETHING TOO. Children don't just become like this.

An opinion might differ depending on what side of the Nature vs. Nurture theory you agree on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
An opinion might differ depending on what side of the Nature vs. Nurture theory you agree on.

I really agree with this, and with this particular situation i guess we don't know where the real 'blame' lies unless we know the particular situation
However, while I believe that in alot of cases a child uses violence to others as a reaction to violence that he sees or experiences in the home, I also believe that some people CAN be born inherently bad. This is my 6th year studying law and have also been involved and working and interested in the criminal law area for a while, and through that i can see that some people are just born with 'evil' tendencies.
As humans, we wish to attribute it to something - a mental illness, bad family environment growing up, being a victim in the past etc, but alot of the time, these factors arent actually there, and they really are, imo, just 'bad' people

I think it is easier to accept that adults can be just 'bad' people more than children, but with quite a few cases i have known in the criminal law environment, their family life have been fine, there have been no known incidents in their childhood, they are often the man 'least likely' to committ acts of violence. This shows to me that the violent tendencies can start as a child, there doesnt always need some external act to make them behave that way

as i said though....in this case i don't know the boys circumstances. I think he needs attention though to prevent escalation.
And i'm still so sad for these animals

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Even if his parents are horrible, or he got molested, the choice was still his. Seven years isn't so young that you have no idea what you are doing. He killed the animals and he knew what he was doing.

Well i respect your opinion but i have a 8 year old and as much as i like to think he understands everything and he's old enough he really isn't. There still little kids very imature very dependant and over and over i find myself telling him to grow up but in reality he is a lil kid.. Yes there not baby's and what this child did was bad. But i really don't even think he knows whats happing in his mind. This is his way of lashing out maybe.


Well-known member
This makes me so sick. those poor animals. what a shitty mother, gosh take some control of your kid woman!

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by LadyFaenyx
Personally, I think if you can take a life, you don't deserve your own.
And that goes towards any living creature, whether it's a reptile, rodent, or human.

But since nothing can really be done about a 7 year old child, I hope he gets locked away. I don't believe people can change when it comes to sadistic behavior such as this.

I'm just so saddened and disgusted beyond words. Animal cruelty gets my blood BOILING.

Well in that case my family need to be dead cuz they have killed a chicken/cow/pig/ and the worst part i have eaten them. No really how about all those hunters do u feel the same about them.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Actually it is.

I would sincerely suggest that some of you take some classes on child development and psychology. Most human minds aren't fully matured until well after adolescence, so don't be misguided into thinking that he knew exactly what he was doing and why he did it, just because he did.

I agree thank u.