

Well-known member
^ Exactly! That's how my mom and dad were. They basically instilled it into my mind that if I wanted to embarrass them, they would embarrass me right back. And I was so fearful of people thinking I was a brat that I never misbehaved out in public. I would get a little tudey every now and then, but what girl doesn't?

Example: I watch my cousins everyday, thats what I do for work. My aunt REFUSES to slap, spank, or disicipline those children because she doesn't want to hit them because "what does that teach?" Her kids WALK all over her and do NOT listen to a word she says. Of course my uncle overrides that and has spanked them in the past and guess what, they straightened out their act for the rest of the day. They don't keep listening because they know mommy won't do it. It needs to be both parents disciplining also (unless your a single parent which I understand), it doesn't work with just one person trying.


Well-known member
Whoaaa! Yepp..kids nowadays huh? Basically, my cousin cussed me out but I didn't do anything. I'm not his parents so I basically snitched on him and told his mom LOL! I didnt want to do anything to him..he's just growing up lol :p I guess I'm kinda biased because I was a really bad kid back then..DAMN! I got a lot of beatings LMAO Well only when I was bad lol. I'm an optimistic person and in school and working so I guess it really depends on the kid and the parents. I grew out of the "REBEL" phase in my life, I think kids/teens SHOULD go through that phase 'cause I learned some important life lessons! Lmao. I respect my mother a lot for putting up with my bullshit. No place like home, no woman like my Momma.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FlashBang
Violence only leads to more violence, the majority of the aggressive and violent individuals in society have often been beaten when growing up.

I dont want to sound offensive, but seriously that kind of punishment teaches that whenever there is a problem, you solve it with your fists. Even if thats not the lesson a parent is trying to teach, that is the message that is reaching the subconsious of a child growing up who doesnt understand the mechanics of society yet.

More interesting is that, according to much research, psychopaths arent born, they are made. It apparently takes 3 generations of bad parenting to create a psychopath - bad parenting as in negligence, physical and verbal abuse etc.

Im not saying its bad to occasionally slap a child if they do something really wrong, im not saying thats bad parenting, but where do you draw the line? Its too subjective, one light slap might be seen as too easy to some parents whereas others may think globbering a kid with a slipper or whatever is perfectly acceptable.
There are plenty of ways to discipline a child, its just a matter of making sure you implement that kind of system at a young age, rather than allowing it to manifest beyond control.

I think your niece is lashing out, it really sounds like it, she might have problems and doesnt know how to deal with them so is venting her frustrations in that way, like mac head said. Im not surprised you went crazy from the thought of her disrespecting your sister like that, I would have too and from the sounds of things, she was raised in a good family and isnt a bad kid shes lashing out and probably needs some support right now.

Ive heard of lots of stories here in UK where kids have struck geriatrics and OAPs and I think that is disgusting BUT Im one of those people who looks to the issues in society as opposed to directly at the kids.

discipline isn't violence..
My parents giving me some good whips when I was a kid didn't say its just good to hit people. It means there is a consequence to every action. This is basic... you do right - you get rewarded. You do wrong.. you pay for it.
And no one said anything about globbering. I remember the slipper to this day lol! and it was just a couple good stings and not to the point of where I was bruised or bleeding.. come on!! No one here is supporting real abuse. and most parents who discipline their children the right way know the limit of when a spanking becomes child abuse.

Teachers used to slap school kids hands with rulers if they answered a question wrong, were late for class, or didn't do their homework.. To me this isn't violence - its like spreading the fear.. do good or else.. there's a consequence to every action. You know what's going to happen to you if you show up to class and your homework isn't done-so you do it. I know someone is going to object with that way of learning.

Some young people are always doing foolishness because they are fearless and they don't think of the consequences of their actions.

I hate seeing parents just putting up with or giving into their children's whining and bad behaviour. Children are smart, they know what to do to test your nerves and to get you to do what THEY want.


Well-known member
When is the last time a wooden spoon, a slipper or a yard stick for that matter really hurt someone...Their feelings are hurt more than anything...And no parent enjoys having to scold their child in any manner....However it's part of teaching your child right from wrong...teaching them that there are consequences for bad behavior...Some bad behavior of course is normal, kids will be kids...But continued bad behavior becomes a problem...Not only for parents, but for teachers and for themselves in the long wrong. Only severe kids need constant spankings...I have no experience with those type kids...because severe bad behavior is not permitted in my household.

I am not one of those parents that think my kids are perfect and they are above discipline and blame society for all their bad behavior...When kids don't know they do wrong...when they are taught better ..they do better...and if it takes a slipper to teach my son better ...A slipper it will be. At least I know he won't be cussing me or punching me out in the supermarket like I see many kids doing and I want to grab a loaf of bread and start beating the crap out of them for real!...then a sack of potatoes to hit the parents with for allowing the kids to think this behavior is appropriate and allowed.


Well-known member
I totally agree with the fact that discipline is completely different from violence.

All that have been said in this thread, is that parents should spank kids when they misbehave AND when they know that they have misbehaved. There is no well in hell that we could talk about hitting a kid just to make him learn a rule. The spanking or slapping is a punishment for transgressing a rule that has been already clearly explained and agreed upon...

I've worked with kids (from 6 to 10 years old). As a part time job, i was helping them to do homeworks and stuff... I just can't count how many times i have been disrespected with NO valid reasons.
There was a 9 years old kid who was always beating other kids, and insulting us, adults! One day, he refused to do his homeworks and i've threatened him with a writing punishment... however he has simply replied to me "whatever, you're just a whore anyway".
So, we have brought his parents in for a discussion, they said to us "well, it's not THAT bad, he does the same at home, you know". Man... i wanted to shout "BUT THIS IS, INDEED, THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!"
Anyway, the next morning, he came to school with brand new Nike shoes (valued at nearly 200$), and smiled at me. Damn, he would have deserved a good slap!

Bottom line: talking does not work with every kid.


Well-known member
I think the whole thing is psychological i know parents that spank their kids when they deserve to be spanked and the kids dont go to the cops because 1. they still have a deep level of respect for their folks and 2 they know that they got what they deserved. I think its all about respect ans whether parents like it or not you cant force your kids to respect you, you have to earn it and some parents have not earned it


Well-known member
I got spanked sometimes when I was really bad as a kid and turned out fine too.

I am not a parent too but I can't understand how some parents raise their children. I hear a lot that they want to treat their kids like they are little adults and that they try to solve their kids misbehaviour with talking only or even with nothing because they don't want to hurt their feelings.
I just ask myself when the children don't learn discipline from their parents from whom should they learned it then? How can they ever respect adults or people above them (like in their jobs later) in the future if they don't learn it as kids?

My mum told me a story where she was in the bus and one of her neighbors with her maybe 5 or 6 year old son was in there too. He constantly kicked at the glass/window of the bus and his mother did nothing.
Same situation at the hairdresser. Another neighbor with her kids and they kicked at the TV there and the mother did again nothing. Just as the owner came and said that they will have to leave if they continue she said something.
Where my mother lives there a lot of careless parents (this sounds harsh I know but it is the sadly truth). They let their kids play in the small courtyard all day and don't even care what they are doing. The kids kick soccer balls at windows, walls and glass doors, jump up and down in the evelator, pull off handles and throw little stones and sand at cars. And they do this while some of the mothers sit on a bench in the courtyard next to them.

I feel sad for those kids because it is not their fault - its their parents fault. I feel sad for them because they have worse chances in school because they probably can't respect their teachers and so have less chances in their jobs later and so have less chances in their life.


Well-known member
No wonder why tv shows like ''The Nanny'' are on tv
Sometimes I just wish that what I see on their shows isnt true...
A lot of parents just don't do a thing!

They did the same kind of show here in Quebec, it in french with people from here... and the same thing happens! Childrens screaming for nor reason, capricious, don't wanna eat this or that, don't wanna go on the toilet or they'll scream or sh*t on the ground. COME-ON...


Well-known member
Oh no no, dont get me wrong, im not accusing anyone here of 'globbering' their kids or anything lol.

I dont have kids so i cant completely relate to the parents here. I probably got slapped 3 times in my lifetime, my mum thought of some other way to punish me, generally grounding me or taking away something i loved.

I was taught that for everything bad i did, their was consequences and i was rewarded for doing good, without my mum ever having to really raise a hand to me and i turned out fine, i respect my elders etc.

I can understand you want to instill the fear of consequences in bad actions, thats not what im debating but theres a fine line between discipline and violence. Im not talking directly about the people here, im generalising, i knew alot of people who got abused when their parents thought they were 'disciplining' their child. Obviously those parents were abusers and i actually knew one boy who turned out to be a psychopath as a result (hense why i believe the studies conducted on the issue, believe me there is alot, no they cant relate to everyone, no study can, but the figures can speak for the majority).

I was trying to explain the whole concept of spanking from a psychological perspective, although you want to instill the fear of consequences, you cant guarantee thats what it will do. You are all normal, functioning members of society, but nobody is a blank slate when they are born, so how you were disciplined could very well have messed up someone else. Because of the type of person i am, i think if my parents ever did some of the things listed here, i really wouldnt have turned out well. Society is also rapidly changing, we have different pressures and priorities and influences in our lieves. What worked before and works on some people, will not necessarily work on everyone. Me and my older sister were raised the same, the discipline worked on me, but it wouldnt work on my sister and she has been a nightmare for my parents for 20years (yes lol, shes still bad now).

From a childs perspective, if they do something they dont know is wrong (none of us know what is wrong to begin with) and if you spank them, theoretically theyll think its bad and not to do it again and will stop. But what if they dont read it that way? Thats when the messages start getting mixed and problems start, i think any psychical discipline should be used as a last resort and for the utmost worst thing a child can do, otherwise they begin to learn that raising your hand is how you keep somebody in line. I wasnt spanked so i could never spank my kids, but the people here who were spanked, would.

The whole aversion therapy approach of bad= punishment/ good = reward, only goes wrong when it is misinterpretated and in this case, a child could easily see spanking, or physical punishment, as a method of keeping someone in line/control and as they get older and become more independant in their thinking, they could vary that.

I mean i know there are some people here who say they got a slipper or a belt for doing wrong, i personally disagree with using an object on someone and actually, by law that would be categorised as ABH, whether or not the mens rea was there.

I know it gets stressful for parents to try and teach kids and keep them in line and ive seen even the calmest of people lose their rag and slap their kids, spanking isnt wrong, but the reason why i wont justify it is because some parents take it too far.

Again im not saying anyone here is like that, but sometimes when you see these kids acting out and you look to the parents, not enough spanking isnt the reason why theyre acting out, i mean from the studies ive researched, its too much spanking that has caused the seriously violent and messed up individuals.

Like shoegal-fr said, words dont work on everyone, but neither does spanking and nobody here can say, with absolute confidence, that spanking a child when they do wrong, will make them a good member of society (not saying using only words will either).
If you look to the people here, in this thread, there are those who have been spanked and turned out fine, and those who havent and also turned out fine. But youve got to look at the bigger picture even if it means trawling through 100's of case studies into the matter.

Again, if i ever have kids, i dont think i could ever raise a hand to them, i would find an alternative way but im not saying its wrong. What i do think is wrong is when its taken too far and to be honest, some of the things people mentioned here that their parents did to them, scared the crap out of me lol, and i bet some people think that a little slap is nothing, even though the few times it happened to me, i was devasted.

I think discipline is highly subjective and needs to be applied differently to different people, and although everyone here knows where to draw the line, not every person does. I watched something on tv where her son was out of control and hit her, later it was found out that she used to beat him when he was much younger, he learnt it all from her, it started off as slaps and then esculated.

Please dont think im saying anyone here is capable of what some parents are, lol were on a makeup forum (not exactly what id associate with the whole concept) but i just wanted to say my opinion and why i think spanking is wrong


Well-known member
^^^ Well all I can say is my brothers, sisters and I were raised by getting spankings when we had severely bad behavior and YES we did become productive citizens. I can speak from experience not hypothetically...I have raised two stepsons who are now 24 and 22 and they are both Productive citizens and great human beings...they have great jobs, great relationships, never been to jail, never had fights...they finished college...and YES they got their tails spanked when it was needed.

No one is talking about spanking a child for doing wrong when he has no idea he has done wrong. Like I said previosuly when it has been discussed...time out has happened and the acts still repeat then yes I will spank my son at that point. Because it has clearly been defined that the action is not appropriate. And all parents that were spanked do not necessarily beleive in spanking their children. I have a few friends that don't spank although they were...and this is not the case for all unspanked kids...but their kids are spoiled and bad as hell. If kids behaved the way they are supossed to and in the manner they KNOW they should...this topic would not be a topic...their would be a lot of happy parents, teachers and kids walking around and no spankings would ever be required. My stepdaughters never have needed a spanking they are respectful well behaved girls....But not all kids are that way all the time.
But again, I speak from experience and no one can say what they would or would not do until they have a bad ass kid punching them in the gut or cussing them out because taking away a toy or time out doesn't work. There are kids this DOES work for ...but those are not the ones we are speaking of.
Been there done that....and I do what works for my family and my child not for society's approval or for statistic data


Well-known member
i was never spanked as a child but still wouldnt ever hit my parents!!! cos i had respect!

alot of kids dont have respect these days because they grow up to fast and are treated like 'mini' adults and know too much about the world too young! for example...we had set bedtimes as a child, even in the summer if it was still light we HAD to go to bed at that time, alot of kids these days seem to be allowed to do as they like. and even as a teenager i had to be home at a certain time and wasnt allowed to stay at a friends house unless my mum called theirs.

i think its acceptable to spank if you dont leave a mark and dont go mad with it and its for a good reason. and hitting your own mother is a a damn good reason!!!!!


Well-known member
Ok, I'm not going to lie like i read all of the previous entries... b/c I didn't lol. So please forgive me if I touch on points that were already raised.

And I am going to say that I can speak from the perspective of being disciplined via spanking AND from being physically abuse b/c I have lived through both.

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong w/ disciplining your children through spanking. I am a firm believer in "Spare the rod, spoil the child" b/c I have seen way too many examples of this being the truth. I received my own fair share of completely warranted spanking and skipped out on a few warranted one as well. My father also used other punishments like taking away things or grounding us as well. But, I would be a liar if I said the grounding or taking away things had much of an effect on my actions or thoughts. However, if my father gave me "that look" like I was headed for a whooping.. I would straighten up QUICK. That look was all I needed to know that I was misbehaving or headed down a path I didn't want to take. You have to instill a little fear and respect in your children.

Now, when I was being abused (not at the hands of my father of course).. that did ABSOLUTELY teach me to fight back. But, I learned to fight my abuser, not just anyone I had a problem with. Actually, I do just about any and everything I can now to avoid conflict and violence. I know I may be abnormal in this regard, but being abused i.e being beaten, choked, assaulted w/ knives and forks and way more horrendous things than I care to speak on.. really showed me how I didn't want to live my life. I'm pretty sure that is way I detest conflict and violence now. It has not, in any way, made me change my mind on the value of spanking a child.

Moreover, it's important to realize that EVERYTHING isn't going to work for EVERYONE. There is no way you can sit here and say Don't spank YOUR kid b/c it will do XYZ or Only do time out b/c they won't do XYZ. You as a parent should spend enough time w/ your child to have a good idea of what they respond to. Some kids will be just fine w/ a spanking here or there, some will be just fine w/ only time outs and groundings, others will need a combo.

But yea, for fighting my parents.... I would be lucky if I woke up. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten choked out or a fist to my chest. My parents always told me "However you approach someone, be prepared to get treated exactly like that in return". So if I ever came at my parents like I was about to just fight someone on the street, they would have treated me like I was someone off the street as well and KNOCKED ME OUT!


Well-known member
My mother and I had/have a very bad relationship.
She threatens to hit me I threaten to hit her back
She hits me, I hit her back. I never had much respect for her as a person .-.

My dad on the other hand, hit me maybe twice,other than that he just scolded me like I believe a parent should discipline their kid, and treated me like a human, not like someone lower than him.

So yeah, even though my mom doesn't hit me anymore, if she were too, I wouldn't be afraid to retaliate.

mhm people will prolly yell at me for that but whatev 8D


Well-known member
I was only spanked once. My parents don't believe in spanking, but I was being a huge brat and I guess my mum got pushed too far. I absolutely deserved it.

On the other hand, I can remember when I was about 8 I was climbing a tree when my dad came outside to tell me it was time for bed. It occured to me that I was in a tree, and there was nothing he could do to make me listen. He didn't lay a finger on me, but holy shit I learned not to disobey him. Neither of my parents got mad very often, so to see them furious was terrifying.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I know I'm not a mom yet, but I hate when parents are like, "what are we teaching kids about hitting if we hit them?" What else is there to do? You can only yell so much before they look at you and go, "uh huh mom w/e you say" and walk away. They know that you can yell all you want, they aren't going to listen. Like I said before, I used to get the wooden spoon treatment, and I turned out fine

Depending on the kid and situation, taking away their toys or not allowing them to go places they like works well.

I think there needs to be a combination of punishment that is consistently dealt. I was never spanked as a child, I think I turned out well. I got stuff taken away from me. I have a niece who was spanked occasionally, but she was spoiled as hell. Spanking didn't work; she still hit her baby (like 1 year old when she was 4) sister. I don't believe children necessarily turn out bad if they're spanked; it was quite common a bit back.


Well-known member
I'm a spanker as well.

Many years ago, my oldest son tried that "You can't hit me, I'll call CPS" shit.

I said "Shit, boy, I'll dial the fucking phone for you! But keep in mind, I won't EVER bring you back here"

That was the end of that line of thinking for him.

Honestly though, my boys are in high school now, and I can't recall the last time I had to spank them.

I've also always told them, if they ever get arrested, they can sit their asses in jail, cuz Momma isn't gonna run out first thing and bail them out.


Well-known member
Oh the niece is feeling the consequences of her actions.

She was saying before that taking her phone away for awhile and grounding her doesn't do anything. Well, we are all doing her one better.

-Her phone is gone for good. Phone service is cut off.
-She's not allowed to use the house phone. All phones are put in my parent's room when they go to bed.
-My dad's a computer security analyst. All Myspace, instant messenger, social networking is blocked.

And she's in athletics. We're taking her out of that at the end of the week. She thought she's be able to play volleyball. I laughed at her and told her that children that hit their mothers don't get to do extracurricular activities.

I don't know if that's it for now, but she's lucky she doesn't have to go straight home from school and to her room where she can only leave to eat or use the bathroom. Hmmm that should be next.....

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Oh please...you are entitled to your opinion...However, I can say from MY own experience..I have never been in a fight in school nor as a grown up...Nor has my brothers or sisters....Statistics cannot speak for every child....and if you look up other statistics it show kids who were disciplined with occasional spankings turned out to be more disciplined and successful adults.
I say every parent has the RIGHT to discipline their kids in the manner they deem appropriate as long as it is not abusive.
Also I would never fist fight my kid nor did I see anyone say they would...spankings have been done as far back as history allows and there are not too many kids that have been harmed my a mere spanking...Again like I said...there is a difference between abusive as in beatings as in mere spankings. But again you as am I are entitled to our own opinion ...Just please don't send your kids to my house for me to watch because if their actions warrant a spanking a spanking they will get...If the action warrants a simple time out ...then it's time out...On my watch it's my form of discipline. I do believe there is age limit...My son did not get a spanking, spanking until he was about 5 or so...before that it was mere hand smacks...or a small slap on the legs

So the answer to your quetion...When do the spankings stop...when the behavior that warrants the spanking stops. Spankings are harder on the parents than they are on the child...I cry for hours after I have to spank my child...But discipline is mandatory in my house..it's not a option.

Tish, you know I respect you as a person and a mother, even when your opinions differ from mine, but this statement:

"...Just please don't send your kids to my house for me to watch because if their actions warrant a spanking a spanking they will get...If the action warrants a simple time out ...then it's time out...On my watch it's my form of discipline."

is disturbing. What you do to your own kids is your choice, but if you think hitting someone else's kids is okay, you're kind of asking for physical punishment yourself.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Makeupaddict88
I know I'm not a mom yet, but I hate when parents are like, "what are we teaching kids about hitting if we hit them?" What else is there to do? You can only yell so much before they look at you and go, "uh huh mom w/e you say" and walk away. They know that you can yell all you want, they aren't going to listen. Like I said before, I used to get the wooden spoon treatment, and I turned out fine.

If you don't think you can at least attempt to raise a child without resorting to physical discipline first, you just shouldn't even have kids.

There is SOMETHING that will get to each individual child, parents are just too damn lazy to figure it out, so they grab the belt or raise their hand first.


Well-known member
nothing wrong with spanking in my opinion. but not random spanking. dont ever spank a kid just because they're getting on your nerves. as a strict form of discipline, it really works. just dont shake the shit out of them like a british nanny, and you'll be good.