A momentary indulgence of pigments.. yummy.


Well-known member
So... I rarely post up FOTDS that show neutrals.. but I figured.. what the heyy...it's all pigments... so let me just post it... plus I liked it enough to show ya lovelies! =)

Heritage Rouge pig
Museum bronze pig
Blond's gold pig
Jardin Aires pig
Brown down e/s
Blacktrack f/l
Ardell wispies

Love Thing

Silly girl l/g (I think)






Well-known member
Aww thank you lovelies!!! I think I might keep messing around w/ the neutrals and see what else I can play off... =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lukinamama
beautiful look!could u do tut
?or at least explain how did u achived this look?tx

Nooo problemo! If I don't get to a tut... here is what I did...

Step one - tape on the corners ( or just do a clean up at the end w/ a q-tip)

Step 1 1/2 - Apply highlight... pack it on.. that way it lessen the intensity of the crease color)

Step 2 - PAT blond's gold on lid 3/4ths of the way and below the crease

Step 3 - Pat Museum bronze to out 1/4 th AND take it into the crease in a blending motion

(So at this moment you should have created a blended look w/ both the piggies- once you get your desired blend onto the next step)

Step 4 - take a tiny about of Heritage Rouge with a small blending brush (but NOT a pencil brush) and softly apply in the crease to give off a soft accent... DON'T go above or completely on top of Museum bronze

Step 5 - Optional - take a Matte Deep brown - and with a small shader brush place some on the outer V just to deepen the look ... it doesn't take much b/c alot goes along way =)

(take off the tape... if you did it this way or clean up with a Q-tip at this time)

Step 6 - Take Jardin Aires and apply to the tear duct area and blend into the blond's gold

Step 7 - Apply liner to upper lid and the water line.

Step 8 - Apply the same deep matte brown the the lower lash line only 3/4ths of the way

Step 9 - Mascara (and falsies if you desire) and VOILA! You are DONE!!!


Well-known member
I love how the end of the shadow looks. Every time I try to use the tape technique, my eyes get all watery and it hurts like hell to take the tape off! GGGGRRR!