A Muse's First Sell-Out


Well-known member
On the first day I bought the fluidlines and two Shooting Stars. On Saturday I went back to check out how much they have in stock and they only had 5 Shooting Starts and two New Weeds...wow! You bet your booty I put the New Weeds on hold along with another Shooting Star. I'm just dying over SS, it's just too beautiful.

I'm sad that all of the l/s and l/g looked like crap on me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
wow that is fast. My counter still has the whole lure collection;/

I know what you mean, my stores also stock the full sundressing collection also.. :confused:

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I'm not surprised; this is the only e/s I purchased from this collection. I wore it this weekend & I love it!


Well-known member
i went yesterday...i got the last heat/element and they didnt have any more of the pesonal one...and i was like ..eh im not gonna like it..but i tested the black..and i love it..lmao. now i want it..hahaha..so sick. now im mad its sold out. she said that usually if it goes that fast they get more in..but we'll see. grr..now im on a mission..hehehe....


Well-known member
At Nordstrom Heat/Element sold out first. At the MAC store it was Burning Ambition/? that sold out first.

Shooting Star is dark and not everyone is suited for it. Heat/Element surprised me that it sold out so quickly.


Well-known member
I got my Heat/Element today and after swatching it and then trying it on, I ordered another while I still could on the MAC site! You can't just look at it and know how this will apply....it's an incredible e/s! I'm going to try to get a backup of the brown one, too.


Well-known member
What is popular is not necessarily what will sell out first. MAC receives different quantities of each new item, so what's sold out first is not a good gauge of what is the most popular. For example, a store could have received 100 bright side/gallery gal duos and only 40 persona/screen vinyl duos and what is actually selling better is the bright side/gallery gal but we, as consumers, don't realize that because persona/screen vinyl sells out first because there was so much more available.
I think these two collections in general will just fly off the shelf, this is exactly what MAC addicts love!


Well-known member
So I see all 3 MSF are sold out on the website now. I'm not suprized. I bought all the duos and I love them because I don't have to think about color matching. I bought a back up of Illusionary/Burning Ambition. Which was the 2nd duo to sell out on the MAC website.


Well-known member
i just saw that theyare gone too! well that was a bit slower than i had predicted. glad i got mine.
i was perusing the for sale/swap page and saw msf's for sale for $30+ again already:roll:


Well-known member
When I went to the counter earlier in the week the MUA said that Ciao, Manhattan l/g went first, then the Heat/Element min. e/s. I wasn't suprised because it never fails that I go and they're out of the LE products that I want. I did have some luck because they hadn't sold out of 15 Minutes yet.