Am I crazy or did this MAC artist do a bad job?


Well-known member

I know the brows are really well defined but I hate how dark she made them. The part I'm most concerned with was the eyes. Or am I just crazy?

glammy girl

Well-known member
I'm not a MUA or anything but I wouldn't have made the brows so dark nor would I have put so much shimmer on the brow bone when the eye makeup is quite shimmery. Is that a thick blue liner on the upper lash line?

glammy girl

Well-known member
I agree about everything you mentioned. Also, yes that is thick blue eyeliner on the top.  
I honestly think if you weren't happy with your makeup, you should go back to see the MUA who did it and just explain to her what you didn't like, after all you did pay for their services and they should know how you feel, maybe they'll even offer you a complimentary makeup application. As a huge high end company, they should know where there mistakes lie so they can improve on them and in that way, they don't disappoint you again or other customers. HTH:)


Well-known member
What is one persons trash is anothers treasure. Personally the style she put on you isn't to my taste but i have friends who would be very pleased if they went home looking like you do. As glammy girl said its all about communication, did she ask you what style you wanted or what things you were or were not comfortable with or did you just give her a free hand to do what she wanted? Never be afraid to stop a MA if your nervous about a product or colour they are about to put on your face and never be afraid to tell them the truth about how you feel about it when they are done. Any decent artist i've ever known would prefer you be honest and don't mind changing it, after all your the costumer and its you they want to please as your the one spending your hard earned money.

Plus artists really do get a kick out of knowing they helped make someone happy :).


Well-known member
I guess it was just my fault bc I thought she would do a great job no matter what products were used. She did my friends makeup super awesome so I thought I would be comfortable with her being creative and having fun. Lesson learned.


Well-known member
Yeah, I am not a fan of how she only did some of the blue under your eye and then went pink for the rest. Use all blue under the eye or none. And not a fan of the thickness of the blue eyeliner on top. It is hard to make something look good with so much light blue.


Well-known member
I don't find the shadow that bad. It's not my taste, but I know some people who rock that. Now, the brows....from your profile pic I can see you are stunning and have gorgeous brows that probably need little done to them. That is where I find she went way over the top. On the bright side, you are gorgeous none the less!


Well-known member
Sometimes people have a hard time understanding what would flatter a certain person's face. The make up itself doesn't look bad, but it just doesn't flatter you. I know many girls out there would rock this look, but for me, my brows can't be that dark either and my eyeshadow can't be going all the way up to my brow. D; I had my make up done once, and I hated my brows done so dark. The brows itself were nice, but not nice on me lol.


Well-known member
Well thank you so much. I did tell the girl that did it that I didnt like a lot done to my brows bc they were pretty strong already but she did it anyway. If there ever is a next time I now know I have to be more specific on what I want.


Well-known member
Not a good job at all. The brows are definitely too filled in and the eyeshadow is atrocious. These "artists" think they know so much more than us so they don't listen. Did you tell her that you didn't like it?


Well-known member
I agree. I didnt straight up tell her I hated it bc my friend and I have gotten to be friendly with her and she is always nice to us. Plus she knew I couldnt get anything this time around so I didnt pay but she knew the brows were an issue for me. I know I should have told her the outright truth but to be honest I thought, "hey maybe I'm just crazy and it does look good.". WRONG but lesson learned! LOL


I agree with you, it isn't the best job. I take pictures of myself wearing looks that I like so that when I go to a new MUA she kinda has an idea of what I'm going for. I also have no problem stopping to look in the mirror to make sure I'm getting what I want and also what I paid for.


Well-known member
I did look but Im kinda a chicken shit. I should have told her I didnt like it even if I wasnt sure it was just me. I didnt pay for it thank God but I did buy the highlighter from the look the next time I could make it over there.


Well-known member
Eyebrows are way too dark!!... the eyeshadow isn't to my taste but as someone else said, there are heaps of ladies out there that could rock the look


Well-known member
this makes me laugh! people forget that every person who does makeup doesn't always work for mac. they do have freelancers at every location you can't tell who they are as they are to look the part of a mac artist. so they dont get the makeup training of a real mac artist. as the person in the chair i think you should have communicated better during the application to make the makeup better suit you. the artist should have given you a mirror so you could see the makeup being done. its both the artist job as well as yours to help each other achieve the look one is wanting. as someone who is very familiar with MAC i understand how this could seem to look bad. to me it looks like the work of a freelancer who is just starting out i dont think its bad makeup however i think it just needed guidance.


Well-known member
Personally i would have used more contrasting blues for the eyeshadow if i even used blue. But its not "bad", just not great.


Well-known member
First of all I'd like to start by saying that you're really cute! Second, I'd hate to be overly critical but it looks like the MUA used the wrong colour as the brow highlight/base. In the pictures it looks like a powdery blue which is unflattering all over the eye especially under the brow. The eyeliner could have been done closer to the lashline as well. They could have done a cleaner job on your bottom lashline too. The rest of the application looks great, especially the eyebrows! They really went full-editorial in this one. Those kind of eyebrows are very popular nowadays, lucky you!

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