Another reason I *DISPISE* extream animal rights groups


Well-known member
My thoughts are and i'm so going to hell for this- but animal activists to that extream are probably very close to being abusers. There. I said it.
Anyone that would go to that extream of an animal- that's abuse. Pure and simple. They want to take control of a little animal- something smaller than they are and then dictate to others what the animals rights are to the extent of killing them.
What then happens once a child enters the picture?
Hows that for another rant of the day?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm not sure how close they are to being actual abusers, but I imagine that they have the same control issues.


Well-known member
The animal rights groups there stated that they didn't condone killing the bear, but that it was a misinterpretation by the German media.

"He explained that though he thought it was wrong of the zoo to have saved the cub's life, now that the bear can live on his own, it would be equally wrong to kill him."
"The German animal rights organization "Four Paws" argued along similar lines, saying it would not be right to punish the cub for a bad decision made by the zoo."

(From the same article) =]

I dont think anyone wants to kill it now... but only that it should have been left to die after the mother abandoned it.


Well-known member
I'm glad no one wants to see the little cutie die now, but I still just don't quite understand why, with our ability to save the bear, they felt that death would have been a better option. Is captivity worse than death? If it is, then obviously, we should kill every last kitten or puppy in every single animal shelter. Jeez.

At any rate, I'm glad mr.cutebear is ok!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Is captivity worse than death? If it is, then obviously, we should kill every last kitten or puppy in every single animal shelter. Jeez.

Some people take it the next level and claim that no one should have pets, claiming it's animal slavery.

Some people take a nice thought or sentiment, like "Let's care about animals" or "Save the environment", and take it to the extreme.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbeatofangelx
I dont think anyone wants to kill it now... but only that it should have been left to die after the mother abandoned it.

Right... I totally agree with you, this was how I took the article(s) on this subject.

I think their reasoning is silly though. The Mom abandoned the cub. So it's not like she's freaking out over where her baby went.

And as people, were being humane and saving it's life. Sure it will live in the zoo now, but it could go on to save the species's life and father more little bear cubs.

Kinda funny if you look at this from a human perspective...

Had a mom abandoned to die her baby boy, and someone found it, people would be cheering that they saved the baby's life. And condoning the mother for being a terrible person for abandoning her child. But since it's an "animal" we should have let it die.
