Any of you girls 18-ish and younger?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I'm 17 coming up to 18. I pay for my MAC with my EMA (sometimes a bit of DLA) but I've gradually stopped buying MAC, nothing i need or like at the moment.


Well-known member
i'm 21 and a college student. i work on and off (mainly when my job needs me, so while sometimes i go a month of so not working, i'll work a few weeks of 40-hour weeks) and volunteer with election campaigns so my parents help me out.

i just started "collecting" mac last month, but before that i always wore it...i'm lucky to have such generous parents that help pay for my education and expenses and also give me small bits of money here and there.

i've worked since the summer before my junior year and am usually very frugal. it's the mac addiction that ruins my frugalness!


Well-known member
I'm 18 and I don't have a HUGE MAC obsession. I love MAC of course but I'm kind of at the point where other things are starting to take priority (like travel) and I don't wear as much colour as I used to. I used to be able to buy stuff with every pay cheque, but I've def. cut back (I don't have the funds to spend as much as I used to).
Also, I've just become fascinated with Japanese makeup brands so when I budget my makeup money, it usually goes towards those. =P


Well-known member
I'm 14 and I have an allowance, and I was shocked to find out I get a higher allowance than Miley Cyrus lol

and yes I know I'm very fortunate, I would never have time for a job! Between the amount of dance classes I do and my GCSE Coursework I barely have time to think lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
You're lucky you get an allowance girl. pray your family doesn't make you get a job, pay for all your own shit, and then pay them rent on top of that. it sucks. AND I won't have health insurance next month. I've been working consistently since I was 16, paying for everything I bought (including food, doctors visits, prescriptions, etc) I work 2 jobs now, and I pay rent at home (I just graduated in June) and now I won't have insurance. Ain't that a bitch? lol

i know what you mean

im 18, go to school and work full time. but like CantAffordMac, i give myself a budget. its small, but i don't only buy mac. plus, ive been collecting a reeeeeeally long time.

oh, buying out of the store helps too.... i just bought two REAL mac pigments on ebay for $10


Well-known member
Hehe well, im 16 (17 in 8 months
) i only get £5 a week- yeah, im poor
although if i ask for money i'll usually get it.) I don't work but i will start work as soon as i leave school as i don't want to mess up my revision and so on for my upcoming GCSEs. When i work iam gonna save like mad and only spend so much.
I only own a mac foundation and concealer. LOL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by k.a.t
...I only own a mac foundation and concealer. LOL.

Be happy you have that otherwise your addiction could get even worse!! I started out with four shadows, a shadestick, a lipstick, and a pigment. Then I felt I needed something to go with a color, and then another color to go with that, and before I knew it, I had to move into a traincase that I'm slowly outgrowing!! I'm starting to worry what I'm going to do when I finally hit up Heatherette! I may have to get a job a few weeks early to afford it and a new traincase! LOL


New member
luckily (but also unluckily) there isn't a MAC store near me so I can only splurge a few times a year. I still manage to spend around $700-$1000 AT LEAST though. I fund my addiction by having a part time job during the school year and a full time job during the summer (I'm 17 but I turn 18 in less than a month).


Well-known member
I'm 18, I have been working at the Disney Store for over a year now, I have always paid for everything myself, I never ever ever got allowance from my parents... it prepared me for the "real world" though

Now im at SF state and even though I live at home, I still have to pay my own phone and cable bill.. and just random stuff to my dad.
So I cherish every dollar i get, every $10 is a pan refill to me

For more expensive stuff, like foundation and whatnot, I ask my boyfriend sometimes. He loves me
If that doesnt work I let out a long sigh and start saving my $1's. lol


I'm sixteen and my mom used to buy a lot of my makeup. Birthday presents, christmas presents and "good job for passing all your classes" presents were makeup for like two years. Now that my MAC collection is up to size, I've stopped buying so much. IMHO MAC's quality has gone way down after heatherette i'll probably be on mac hiatus for awhile. Maybe a nice like will be able to 'lure' me out (lol!) My mom thinks I have too much makeup already and I need to save up for this summer too :p


Well-known member
I'm 17 and my parents mostly pay for any make up I buy my mom will usually buy like $40-$50 at a time which is pretty reasonable.
I cant work right now because im in a lot of clubs and i play softball and im an AP student so... lifes pretty hectic but once my season is over i plan on getting a job during the tourist season and work at a restaurant out by the beach.

.... it helps to make a list of all of the eyeshadows and lippies u want THE MOST and try to search for them at CCO's the only thing i really buy at the counters is foundation, fix+, and LE stuff


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes


I totally agree with this


Well-known member
I'm 19 (20 in May), and I'm doing a full-time 36 week make up production and design course. I work Saturday and Sunday, and I also get $50 a week from StudyLink as a Student Allowance (you do have to pay this back). Basically, since MAC is so outrageously overpriced here, I can get one eye or lip product every fortnight or one face product (MSF, foundation) a month. That's just how it goes *shrugs* I could buy more than that, but the bf and I eat out a lot and like to go to the movies, so...

When I was younger I had to get a part time job to pay for anything I wanted, my parents wouldn't pay for anything I didn't need. We weren't in a very good situation financially, so it didn't really bother me. I'd rather have food in the fridge than makeup.

I wish I could live at home and do this course. $100 rent a month is pretty good, my boyfriend are paying NZ$160 a week for our crappy little flat.

I miss being younger sometimes >.<


Active member
Im 17 and to be honest, i got hooked in terminal 3 i think it was and i bought permaplum powerpoint. From then it was a liner obsession, i have about 15 and i felt a bit guilty after a while asking my mum to get them for me. But then i got a job at 16 and my first 3 paycheques went on trips to london! I discovered PRO on fouberts place and the addiction took hold. I guess I just splurged, now im driving and theres a whole lot more to budget for so i also keep a make up budget, try to go to america every 3 months (mum works for BA) and i make quite nice savings there, but even so, i save, plan beforehand for products that i know i need (staples- foundation, mascara) and then a 'splurge' amount for products that i like when i get to the counter.


Well-known member
I'm 17,
and I hate being called cute! I look like a little girl without makeup (I guess I am lol)
I think that's how I started getting into makeup. My curly hair and big cheeks don't help me much either lol!

Well because I'm not allowed to work I am primarily focused in school. AP..honors..blah blah blah. My fam thinks I should worry about my academics rather than having a life. So as a result, I have a loving hubby who occassionally spoils me. I'm not rotten though, I'm very much appreciative!! I love MAC! I actually got my first MAC (lipglasses) as a gift from my aunt who's overly vain, and from there everytime MAC comes out with a collection that happens to catch my eye, the hubby hands me his credit card! Dude I'm so glad he's mine!
I kinda felt bad at first for letting him pay for my makeup $$$! but he knows that it's my thing and that I have no problem in getting a job..I'm just busy all the time. I'll pay him back once I'm done with Med school lol

Oooh, I don't have friends into MAC that are my age, but I have friends in their 20's who are but not heavily.

I'm not conceited or anything, but I find it annoying sometimes when people(girls my age) tell me they like my makeup .am I mean? lol Then the fact that everyone calls me cute...GRRRRR!


Well-known member
I'm 16. I get an allowance, but I mostly use it for other things. I only buy expensive makeup every few months.


Well-known member
Iam 18 and I work part time in a retail store and I pay for things myself
well my dad pays for my driving lessons


Well-known member
I'm 18 and I work two casual jobs and also recieving "money for studying".. most of the pay goes straight towards "expensive" fashionable items, food, weekends, presents (always someones birthday urgh), weekends (haha i'm mentioning it twice because it's mostly my cause for being broke), phone bills i owe from a couple months back, gym memberships, petrol and other misc. things,,, so usually I don't have any money!

My parents usually give me money for make-up but only if it's like foundation, a couple of eyeshadows or new collections and my mum always gives into me when I need money for clothes (last one on the rack and sales), shoes, food, taxi ride home. Sometimes mum and dad also pays for my petrol when they feel sorry for me?