Any other addictions besides makeup?


Well-known member
And nothing illegal or dangerous, I hope!

Here are mine:

1) Caffeine: Me loves my white chocolate mochas and pepsi. I'm studying for boards so I've been chugging these down like water.
2) Lists: I make a list for everything--> to-do, to-buy... OCD much?
3) Colored pens/highlighters: In class, I would bust out my hello kitty pencil bag with all my pens, highlighters, white-out, post-it notes. I always wondered what the strange looks were about.
4) Ben N Jerry's Cherry Garcia: I've eaten half a pint in one sitting before.
5) America's Next Top Model: I would like to be fierce one day. I've also gotten my bf hooked on it. He still mulls over the fact that Annaleigh was sent home too soon.

What yours?


Well-known member
Ocean Spray Trail Mix
Moisturiser-I think Ive owned every brand in every formulation that has been made available to me
Specktra (God help me)
My Blackberry


Well-known member
myspace. there. I said it. but, its legitimate, I have 7 sisters, 1 brother, 26 neices and nephews and we are all on myspace - its the only way i see pics of everyone and know what they are up to!

Sunglasses. I own over 5o pairs of Oakley, Versace, Prada, Chanel, etc sunglasses. some of them I've never worn, but they are on display the way some people display war medals.

deep tissue massages - once a week. period.


Well-known member
Handbags: I have a massive Ikea cupboard in my room and the top shelf is rammed full of bags, I have bags in the living room and behind my door too.
Shoes: Same as above, I have about 100 pairs (I gave a good 100 to charity as I no longer wore them). ONE pair of my shoes broke today so I bought 5 pairs as a replacement.
Highlighters: SEX ON LEGS, is there anything they can't do?
Post its (both the large ones and the ones you can tab books up with): As above.

Yes, I'm sad


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It was tank tops and tops in general for a while. Then one day I took a good look at my closet and noticed that most of them looked very similar. I have this problem where I'll buy a bunch of stuff of similar styles if I really like that style.

After that it was shoes. I love love love boots. I think I'm still slightly addicted. It's like a drug. I have so many pairs of heels, flats, boots. I haven't even worn some of them.

Non-retail wise would be Facebook. I check it all the time and love playing with the little applications. It sure kills time when I'm in boring lecture classes. Haha. And of course, there's Specktra but at least I learn a lot on here.

Snack-wise would be flamin' hot cheetos. I LOVE THAT STUFF! I could eat a whole bag in one sitting and I'll still want more. I have to blame hot cheetos for my weight gain. I tried to switch to baked hot cheetos. NOT the same, I tell ya.

Food-wise is SUSHI! I love sushiiiiii. I could eat it all day everyday and never get sick of it. I don't need wasabi or soy sauce. I eat it all. Raw fish, fish eggs and everything in between. I don't discriminate.


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Donuts. I once lived near a Dunkin Donuts and gained 5kg in a few months! I looove the pink donuts with rainbow sprinkles the most :)

Harry Potter. I think I have listed to all 7 of the audio books 1,045,243,949 times each. Some people can quote Shakespeare. I can quote Harry...

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Nail polish - have sooooo many bottles, many I haven't even tried yet
Chai tea - cannot go through my days without drinking at least 2
spicy potato chips - I just love snacking on spicy stuff


Well-known member
If nail polish doesn't count as makeup then that's my biggest addiction post makeup.

I also love to buy clothes, but only on sale.

I love pens, I don't know why, gel pens, ink pens, Sharpies...I freak if people take my pens and don't return them!

Finally, craft stuff, including stickers and yarn!


Well-known member
I'm addicted to...


Swiss chocolate.

Washing my hands.

Hoop earrings.

Diet pepsi. Coke zero. Fresca.


Sleeping in on the weekends.

Pies. Apple, Strawberry rubarb, Key lime etc.

Playing with dogs, especially puppies.

Salt n' Vinegar almonds, chips.

Makeup Emporium

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Tim Horton's Iced Cap (those of you in Canada and some US states will know what I'm talking about). Actually drinking one right now!

Reality TV shows - I know...pitiful but true

Handbags - my collection has taken over the walk-in closet in the master bedroom so I have kicked hubby's stuff into a spare room closet.

Reading - I love reading thrillers (James Patterson is my fav right now). Also love the Twilight series as well.

I'm sure there's more...


Well-known member
I'm addicted to Youtube...that's my #1 most visited site and I spend most of my free time/homework time on there doing something..either watching videos or listening to the songs in the videos.

I'm also addicted to Harry Potter and Twilight and the Confessions of a Shopaholic series.

Oh and NIBS..Oh they're my favourite...I buy several jumbo packs at once and I eat it while I'm studying.

Girl about town

Well-known member
my coffee machine, makes lattes cappucinnos etc im obsessed with it!!! have about 2-3 a day

beauty products in general, i try everything new that comes out!!

buying Clothes shoes and bags.i love planning new outfits!!!!

Im a complete film buff, im in an online rental thing for unlimited DVDS and watch films constantly!!!

I love my nintendo DS and annoying games like solataire, tetris etc!!!


Well-known member
Agree with the list thing. I make lists for everything - including a list for the lists I have to make.

Also anything colorful, candy, decorating, shopping, SHOES and video games. I will play for 36 hours straight to "just get to the next level, I swear."

Oh, and I love randomly Google-ing things. I love Google. Fast and hard.


Well-known member
1. NAIL POLISH: it's starting to really get to me!

2. Cupcakes

3. Green Tea

4. Lasagna

5. HOT CHEETOS. (I totally agree with you on this LilMamaJ!!!) I used to eat SO much of these.

6. FRO YO, like Pinkberry, Yogurtland... oh god, I would be sooo happy to eat this everyday!


Well-known member
Nail polish is really my new thing too. I feel that my MAC collection has really grown and now OPI and China Glaze get my money.

And also this thing...


Colored pens - gel rollers, markers, sharpies, roller ball pens, you name it, if it comes in colors, I'm all over it. I also own three boxes of crayons: two 96, one 120. I don't go into office supply stores without a) a very specific list; and b) someone to haul me out and make sure I *only* get what's on the list.

For a while I had a minor nail-polish addiction getting started; but when I moved into my new house and saw how many bottles I had and realized that I hadn't used about 80% of them...I trimmed the collection WAY down. It wasn't too huge to begin with; but I gave away about 30 bottles and now only have ten. (And the other day I discovered Konad, and started thinking about getting some nail-art supplies.

Caffeine - though I'm something of a caffeine snob. I only like certain types of coffee, believe that Sbux is a good dessert-y place but that things like their mochas and frappucinos are not "coffee drinks", and will not touch instant coffee on a bet. Not even Sbux's new "Via" stuff. I also like some loose-leaf teas, though they're a bit more costly than the coffees I buy. (I still mourn the passing of Celebes Kalossi coffee. It actually tasted as good as it smelled...which doesn't really happen with coffee.)

If organization is an addiction, then there's another one. I started my site partially to have a way to catalogue all the dupes and near-dupes in my e/s collection, but things went a little bit crazy.


Well-known member
Frozen Yogurt - I go out for some at least 4 times a week.
Cupcakes - See above
Underwear - Who doesn't love a cute pair?
Myspace/Facebook - :333
Taking photos of myself
Videogames <3