Any other addictions besides makeup?


Well-known member
Mine are Cotton V-Neck Sweater - I have every color you could imagine
Argyle - I love anything with Argyle on it
Nail Polish I have over 300 bottles
New York Yankees baseball - I live and breath baseball 24-7
Anything in purple - makeup clothes , shoes , anything in purple I have to have
Junior Mints I always have a box of them somewhere
Coach handbags, I have 30 bags and way too many accesories to count


Well-known member
- Dogs
- Hair products
- Magazines
- Beads
- Fabric
- Anything Aqua or Turqouise.
- Internet + Texting
- Fried Danish Donuts <3 aka the downfall to any diet!
- Ben & Jerry's: Creme Brulee or Oatmeal Cookie Chunk
- sugar!


Well-known member
Bags, I've bought 1 a month since the start of the year.

Books, I read almost 100 last year, and avg 5-10 books a month, sometimes more my library and book store both know me well.
I'm a paranormal book freak, from LK Hamiltion to Octavia Butler, I actually own a rare Octavia Butler book, it's the pride of my book shelf

Kids clothes, my children's closets are crazy!


Well-known member
1. Anything Pink!
2. Diet Coke
3. Crafting - Scrapbooking & rubber stamping
4. Vera Bradley
5. Starbucks - Caramel or Peppermint Mocha Frappachinos

6. Nailpolish
7. The internet
8. Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice


Well-known member
Apparently I seem to have an addiction to vampire books - I don't seem to be able to read a book lately if it doesn't have a vampire in it...


Well-known member
I posted in may 09, but i had to add a couple of things..
small notebooks
dying and tye dying fabrics, clothes
bed sheets (weird, I change mine so often)
making tutu's for my daughter's


Well-known member
music - i always have something playing.
leopard print - to the point that my doormat and frying pan are leopard print.
pink things
nikki sixx - he's my hero! and he's quite easy on the eye too

cooking - i love it! probably explains why i've put on 35lbs in the past couple years!
my dogs

aaaaand that's about all i can think of just now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spunky
music - i always have something playing.
leopard print - to the point that my doormat and frying pan are leopard print.
pink things
nikki sixx - he's my hero! and he's quite easy on the eye too

cooking - i love it! probably explains why i've put on 35lbs in the past couple years!
my dogs

aaaaand that's about all i can think of just now

its cos leopard print rocks

i am currently addicted to

tea.. literally, i have to have one in the morning otherwise i get some funky caffine withdrawl headache around 3pm. probably not a good thing! but could be worse!
painting my nails, i change my nail colour 3 times a week, and i have just got into china glaze and opi etc... i bet my bank wishes i hadnt
holidays, as soon as i come back i start saving for the next, and each year has to be better than the other, next year its thailand, i'm not sure how i'm going to better that the following year?
music, i always need to be finding a new band or singer to listen to, i'm always on the hunt for something new, so if you can recommend anything i would be greatful
i've just got over my true blood books addiction, i read all 9 in about 2 weeks, i barely slept, i just needed to know what happened, then i was finished and was like 'so what do i do now?!' i just read them all again! haha


Well-known member
For me, besides makeup, it's:

Perfume and body lotions
Small dolls (esp. Marie Osmond's Bitty Beauty Bugs)
My doll house and miniatures
Tiny little teapots with kittes on them

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Clothes- love shopping for them and like making them. I love fashion in general though.
Cooking- love watching food network shows and cooking and baking,


Well-known member
The internet.

When I think about it, I don't really go nuts buying anything but makeup. I'll also over spend occasionally on food, too... but that's necessary stuff, right?


Well-known member
Lemon & ginger tea. I drink far, far too much of it!
Chewing gum. I feel lost without some in my purse at all times!