At my wits end


Well-known member
Sorry if this is a bit ranty, i've just had a fight with my father who has came in drunk again and I need to vent before I do something stupid.

Well i've always been quite independent and worked my butt off to get my own house by age 20, before then i lived in carpped little flats, shared houses and aftercare houses from I was 16. I lived with my grandparents from I was 12 as social services decided my parents where not fit as they where alcoholics, (my parents where given a shite load of chances before this happened but they basically loved drink more than me and my sister so they let social services place us in my mums parents house as instead of taking into foster care so they could save face and people wouldn't think we where really under a care order. They forgot to tell social services of course that my granda liked little girls a little too much.)

Well anyways over the next few years from I was 12 til 16 I hardly saw my dad as he usually blew off his visitations as he was in his words "too broke, the big game was on, or i'm too drunk" and my mum had slide into really bad drinking so the only times I saw here she was usually screaming and crying. My sister died when she was 15 threw solvent abuse and my dad promised things would change, he's see me every week without fail and we'd do something cinema etc that lasted about 3 months then it went back to the excuses so I just gave up and moved into after care as soon as a place opened up.

I did well for myself for the next 4 years, did ok at school since i wasn't as stressed, weened off my anti depressents and self harming, went travelling, made what I concider are my life long true friends (we see each other as sister more than friends) really found myself.

My mum eventually passed away due to her drinking by the time I was 20 and even though we wern't as close as I would have liked we made our peace before that. It hurt to watch her drink herself to death even if i did see her only maybe once a month at best. Not long after her death I got my own house.

I loved having my own space, i took real pride in my house and made it my own. Within 4 months of moving in my dad was at the door with the sob story that his gf had kicked him out and he'd nowhere to stay so could he stay in mine awhile. (strange he never made as much contact when i only had a shared house or crappy little one bedroom flat). His few weeks turned into 11 months. In which he only really worked 2 months so I had to pay he way the other 9 months. The strange thing is I prefered when he didn't work so he couldn't roll in pissed and stoned every night and get on my last nerve, eat my last slice of cheese I'd put aside for lunch or piss on my bathroom floor and not clean it up. In the end he moved out when his gf took him back, however I was in hospital at this point as I just found out I'd kidney and bladder problems and had all sorts of tubes hanging out of me and was very frightened, so basically the one time I actually needed him in the house he left.

I was waster (thats my name for him along with sponge and leech) free for just over a year and then he ended up back on my door with the same sob story, hes been here two years now and shows no sign of moving on and standing on his own two feet for once in his life instead of leeching of one woman to the next. This guy cn't work a washing machine, top up my gas or electric meters, ring a take away for himself (he's woken me out of my sleep to order him one while he goes to bed drunk so i've to wait on it and bring it upto him). He's been so stoned and drunk hes threw up in my livingroom and spare room and left it sitting there days until i finally cracked up and cleaned it up for him. (the matress he just turned over instead of disinfecting and its my good expensive mattress!!!). He'd mistaken my bedroom for the bathroom and pissed all over it (there one different Floors you idiot!!) oh and i wasn't home for that, my bf witnessed it and had to clean it up I've never been so embarrassed. He smokes disgusting cigars and laughs at he when I tell him not to smoke them in my house. I went away for the weekend and left him to look after the house, I came back to no electricity or toliet roll!! If he only works 4 days instaed of 5 he can't afford to pay keep!! Its not like he has any bills to pay but he can roll in 7 days a week pissed out of his skull.

You might think why do I put up with him and so do I. Everytime i ask him to start looking for a new place to live he threatens to kill himself then lays the worse guilt trip on me ever, "your all i have left, your sisiters gone your mums gone, you hate me you want me dead" etc. He's driving me mad he was in hospital during the week and they found an abnormality on his lung I don;t know what it is yet as the test results haven't came threw but its hurts to watch him kill himself right on my front door. I wish I had the strength to kick him out i'm not well at the moment and hes extra stress. I'm the lowest i've been in years, its even driving a wedge between me and my bf who i'm afraid i'll lose as i'm taking frustrations out on him.

I better stop now I've took up enough of peoples time so far.


Well-known member
Kick him out.. Seriously. Fuck those guilt trips and to be quite honest, good riddance if he does top himself. Saves you a lot of stress and hassle. Sorry if that sounds harsh but that's just my opinion.


Well-known member
No it doesn't sound harsh, I've said those exact same words loads of time but I always buckle when I come face to face with him. I really need to grow a spine i'm too soft for my own good


Well-known member
I agree with the above. Kick him out, he didn't look after you or your sister (may she rest in peace) when you were kids, you shouldn't look after him. He put you through a lot and you've put up with him for as long as you can, if his gf can kick him out,you can too!

good luck


Well-known member
I agree, in the end it is better for you. I know he's your father and all , but sometimes our family members are the ones that bring us down the most. You deserve better. I Hope everything works out for you. But you will never be able to move on until he is not around any more.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I can sympathize with your situation and I truly hope things work out. I wish I could offer words of wisdom but only you know whats best. You're in my thoughts.


Well-known member
seriously girl, i know he's your father but he's just using and abusing you, doing what he likes. set some rules--no drinking in your house or drunkeness or whatever you want or he's out.

its not healthy for you to put up with this, and he sounds like he's going to continue. and it sounds like youve been through a HELL of a lot in a short period of time, you deserve SO MUCH better!


Well-known member
Do an intervention, offer him 2 choices, Rehab or show him the door.

Don't enable him anymore.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Yeah I agree. In a way you're encouraging it by letting him live there. I'm not saying it's your fault, but in his mind, he may think that because you let him live there his habits aren't disgusting enough that you'll toss him out just yet. If he can't follow your rules, he shouldn't live in your house.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
I've been in a similar situation with my father before (he has since passed) and it is not as easy to kick him out as some might think. No matter what the situation or what he's done, you feel like it's your family-what the hell else are you supposed to do?

I really am sorry and all I can tell you is that you have to find the strength within yourself to do what is best for you. Your entire life he's done what is best for him, now it is time to do so for yourself. Whether that means kicking him out, sending him to re-hab, keeping things status quo-that is up to you. But it needs to be a decision that you can live the rest of your life with. In my particular situation it was best to ask him to leave. I still feel guilty sometimes, but I know that my life has been the better for it.

Good luck to you and feel free to pm me if you ever need any help.


Well-known member
When is enough enough? Clearly this is affecting more than just your relationship with him, but also your boyfriend, your sanity, your health, and YOUR house. It will probably be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but walk him to the front door and close it behind him.


Well-known member
I sympathise, my cousin was an alcoholic and he was really really hard to be around, he eventually became a hard drug user and died of a heroin overdose. In a way I feel so bad about it but really he always knew what he was doing, I think people that are alcoholics and such know exactly how their habits are going to affect them but make the choice to carry on anyways.

I really admire you for having the tenacity to get through the hard times and build a good life for yourself and I really believe you should continue doing so with perhaps your dad out of your life for the short term. He sounds like he has very little respect for you an your home and doesn't value your kindness for taking him in, in the way that you did.

Maybe it really is ultimatum time, until he finds it upon himself to sort himself out why should he get continued support from you? If he steps up and makes the decision to turn himself around commend him but let him know he has to do it for himself and he has to want to change. Maybe help him initially get help if you can't face being quite so brutal but make yourself really clear that you do not intend to see him until he has made positive steps. Until he wants it, a recovery is never going to happen because there's no motivation. People who make guilt trips and threats are people who are pretty selfish in my mind, it's quite pathetic that they're not satisfied unless all attention is on them.

Hope you can work this out, good luck! Xxx

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Your story sounds a bit like mine. My father's selfishness increased when I was 14, when my mother died, and skyrocketed when I started college (17).

I stopped talking to my father, a few months after he had emergency open heart surgery. While my father isn't as bad as yours, he tended to make me feel bad about myself, insisted I give him things that I bought (he hasn't financially supported me since my mother died when I was 14; thank God for governmental help), and just continually made me feel like a nuisance and a horrible person until he wanted something from me. He continually chose his girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend) over me and my brother, despite her being a bitch towards me (woman couldn't even call me to let me know my father's surgery went well and had her brother text me about it; that was when I decided she was going to be dead to me).

Not talking to him was the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. Until recently, I never realized how fucked up I was and how far away from myself that I allowed myself to be. I feel like I finally have control over my life.

I don't know if that's how you feel, but I always felt drained and tired. Even though I can't talk to most of my family now (they're really pissed at me for not talking to my father, despite knowing how he treats me), I'm happier.

You need to kick him out, it sounds. He's wrecking your home, and although I know you have the best intentions, you're enabling him to act like a leach (I sympathize; my father continually begs my grandmother and his aunt for money; he's 55 years old and gets an allowance, because he refuses to work at like Wal-Mart, because he feels he's too good for it). Please talk to a therapist or counselor or someone of that magnitude. It's so difficult to do this. If you won't do that or don't have the cash for it, discuss this with anyone in your life that is supportive. Keep them around you; it feels very odd not having a family at times. You'll need those close friends, your SO, etc. to help you. Mine have been amazing towards me.

If you need or want to talk, please PM me. It's a continual struggle, and I don't pretend it isn't easy. Good luck


Well-known member
I think you really need to get him into a rehab. This way you won't feel bad about kicking him out & something happeaning and he will be getting all the help he needs. I know a lot of people tend to brush the whole rehab off, but he needs to be sober to see what he is doing and think.


Well-known member
you've been too easy on him. never gave a damn about you when you were younger and all he's been doing is using you and pissing your house to shreds. I'd beat his ass...

...sorry, I'm bitter. ;-;


Well-known member
Well i really feel for you hun, and I know where you're coming from as well.

My mum died when I was 13, and my dad became an alcoholic pretty much straight away.

I lived with him till I was 16 and I knew it was either I move out, or completely lose the plot (I was at total break point, I seriously had contemplated suicide more than once)
So I left one freezing January night, aged 16, with no money and nowhere to go. I slept rough and eventually found a bed-sit.

Since then (I'm 33 now) I have continued to look after him. Exactly like you.
I feel a sense of duty and responsibilty (he's my dad after all).
Despite all the pain and abuse he caused me, I've forgiven him, but I can never forget.

But here's where we differ - he doesn't live with me.
For your own sake, you must give him an ultimatum. it's tough love, but you have to do it.
Otherwise he'll continue to drain you in every sense.

Does he have a social worker? can you speak to his GP?
There are places that can take your dad in and help him. If he wants to stop drinking.

But hun, you can't continue to put up with this. It's not fair and it isn't right. Like you, I've had to adopt the adult role, my dad is the child. He's hasn't been there for me on an emotional/support/father level for 20 years.

You have your own life to lead, your health and future to think of. You cannot continue to support him like this, while he takes advantage (intentionally or not).

Tough love hun. Sometimes it's the only way.



Well-known member
Thank you all for your advice and help.

I've had the chance to talk to my dad and lay down a few rules which so far he has stuck to. Unfortunatly he was diagnosed with lung cancer last week which I kinda of knew was coming for awhile so I think this has scared him into starting to build bridges with those he has hurt and used threw out the years. I've also started talking to one of my dads sisters who I've had no contact from in the last few years and we've decided to talk duel responsibilty for my dad, when it gets too much for me to deal with him she'll have him for awhile and vice versa. I guess the cancer has been a blessing in a way (i know that sounds awful) but its made us both own up to all our true thoughts feeling and fears.

Thanks again for all your feedback support and kind words.