Bad things you used to do as a kid/teen?


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Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Oh my Goodness....should I even tell it all here?

I lost my virginity to a 24 year old when I was 16.

Omg! Me too. lol

The dude thought I was lying about my age. But I showed him my school id. Then he thought I was lying when I said "I'm a virgin".
When I was younger (well, until now), I prefer older guys. Younger and same age guys don't float my boat.


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I always used to lie about my grades and forge my mom's signature when we needed our halfway thru the grading period reports signed by a parent.
I used to play mean pranks on people I didn't like when I was in high school. I used to lie to my parents about what friends I was hanging out with so I could go get stoned in high school. I feel so guilty for this, but in my senior year of high school, I had been smoking pot all day at school in the parking lot because it was Senior Day and it was the day before we left for our Senior trip and a bunch of us were being EXTREMELY bad. Our school was so bad about keeping up with kids on drugs so all the kids did pot/coke in high school. Well my friends decided they wanted to go swimming and smoke some more and I wanted to go too, so my friend brought me home so I could get a change of clothes but I told my dad it was to work on a school project when all I did was go swimming and get high. I feel horrible looking back on it, it was over 4 years ago but I still feel so guilty & ashamed.


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I was always a nice person, and hardly ever lie to anyone besides my parents

in 9th grade i would ditch school go hang out gangster guys who were usualy way older than me.
i would help my friends sneak out and run away.
I started drinking when i was 12 years old. had my first hang over at 13 and didnt drink again untill i ws 16.
I smoked weed for the first time when i was like 15 years old and then did it on and off untill i was like 19.
i would stay out all night, ditch school, hardly be home, yell at my mom.
Never stole anything tho.
But im a good girl now, never tried anything besides alcohol and weed that wasn't medicated. Once i had to take SOMA's for back pains...they're awesome! lol


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Elementary years:
Faked sick at least twice a month to come home from school to hang out with my favorite "illness" was "hot flashes". lol...I was the only menopausal kid in my school.

I gave the finger a lot...I got in trouble doing that at skate night to a mean girl once

I had a potty-mouth and taught my friends how to curse properly

High School:
Me and my friends would sneak booze into football games in Chick-fil-A cups right past the school cops....such rebels.

Street racing

I was a master-forger

Skipped class to go to the lake. I can't mention any more details.

Lied to go spend weekends in Athens for UGA games...what was I thinking. I'm totally not a GA fan. This is probably the one I'm most ashamed about. ROLL TIDE!

The rest shall go unmentioned...

I can't believe I didn't get into more trouble. I was so dumb! I think about some stuff I did and think how dangerous and stupid I was. But you live and you learn. I feel I'm a much more cautious and responsible adult now because of those


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I lied about alot of things to my parents. I wanted to go to a Good Charlotte concert so bad in the 8th grade (it was on a school night) I lied to my parents and told them I was going to a museum with a friend when I really went to the concert. She figured it out when I ended up coming home at midnight from the "museum." I was in so much trouble... but mostly the silent treatment which is awful because I always talk to my mom and it makes me sad when she is upset with me (I realize this now) but back then I was all about 'well if you won't let me, i'm gonna do it anyway'


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I was a compulsive liar up until I was about 7-8. I also loved getting other kids in trouble. Ummm, I told my sister that she was adopted. I made up some elaborate story about how she was really Asian because her eyes were smaller than mine. Sometimes I told her she was African, and sometimes I told my family was all vampires and we adopted her so that if we ran out of food we could eat her. I told my neighbors to eat grass and leaves...Called 911 when I was 8 because my sister and I were fighting and she told me I broke her finger (yeah, they sent firetrucks and cops to the house. the whole shebang)... In retrospect, I was a giant a-hole as a child.


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Sneaking out almost every other night and staying out till my dad left for work at 5 am! Party as if I was 21 but I was only 14/15.
I'm the TOTAL opposite now... and glad I got that out of my system =P


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I wasn't so much bad as I was ballsy... I'm pretty borderline sociopathic(I think I'm invincible,don't need to follow the rules,I'm very antisocial,etc.)..I was pretty straight-laced though,I made straight A's, had one boyfriend, had the occasional beer/bar, my only problem was fighting, and telling teachers off, everyone though I was BUT I never lied/cheated and I never stole anything. Just wasn't my thing I guess.

SoI can name 4 teachers who have said "Never in my 25 years of teaching have I had to give a detention!!" and of course I would retort with something along the lines of "First time for everything Asshole"
...I just could not stand unfair teachers and kids who thought they were badasses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I wasn't so much bad as I was ballsy..I was pretty straight-laced,I made straight A's, had one boyfriend, had the occasional beer/bar, my only problem was fighting, and telling teachers off(I used to have a HUGE temper problem/no filter) I can name 4 teachers who have said "Never in my 25 years of teaching have I had to give a detention!!" and of course I would retort with something along the lines of "First time for everything Asshole" ...I just could not stand unfair teachers and kids who thought they were badasses. I think I was a good medium as a kid. Now as a toddler, my mom swears I was the meanest kid alive...cursing, biting, running down the street naked while cursing. yep. Now I'm the most mello person ever. pretty funny irony.

that's soo funny.


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I snuck boys in the house while my parents were sleeping and also snuck out a lot to meet boys. My parents were really heavy sleepers and never really knew about it 90% of the time.

I was also pretty rude to my parents and rarely listened to anything that they had to say. I now feel afwul about what a s**t I was to them in my jr high and high school years. Luckily I turned out ok in my 20s so I think that they have forgiven me for all of those hellish teenage years!


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Hrmm i've always been good.
As a kid i guess i'd forge mum signature. Or lie a little bit but not much.

As a teen (which i still am) i've lied like once about where i was but i'ev never done anything bad.

Damn i'm so boring!!


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I was a really bad kid lol. Thinking back, I'm like damn...I was crazy lol. I wouldn't do half the stuff I did back then, now.

Really mean, thought I was the shit and I could fight anyone. Would call out anyone staring at me. Steal, lie, run away, talked back to my parents or not even listen all together. I was into graffiti so I use to go out on the town and "tag" every where I could fit my name. Starting partying at 14 and hanging out with a much older crowd and lied about my age. Snuck out of the house all the time. Went to raves and stayed up all night on all of the above. Skipped school all the time to go and hang out/party with friends.

Basically anything you can think of being "bad", that was me.

They say your kids will be twice as bad as you were, shit...I'm in trouble!!! LOL


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I was horrible when I was younger! I used to fight all the time, and I got suspended in grade 2. However, I would fight because people would pick on me because I was little.

The last fight I got into was in grade 11, with this fool. Imagine some dude is inches away screaming in your face, wouldn't you hit him in the face with a book? Especially after you warned him to get out of your face?

I would fall asleep in my grade 10 history class.

All of friends from elementary school say that one minute, I would be happy and nice as pie, but the next minute, I would kicking sand in their faces.

Skip some classes to go shop.

That's about it though.


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man, i didn't realize some of the stuff i did was so common until now. anyway, i used to steal too, up until i was about 18. i started in 6th grade and my friend and i would steal tons of makeup from woolworth's and go home and exchange it between us. i got caught once when i was like 15 trying to steal a sinead o'connor tape.

i used to sneak my boyfriends in my room and i was caught several times even. i didn't care, i was a total perv in my late teens. with my first boyfriend i would always ask to go to the mall and then he'd meet up with me and we'd make out in various off limits places there. once we got caught in a back inventory room of jcpenney and i remember the lady who caught us had a super shocked look on her face then walked out. hahaha i also lost my virginity to him when i was 14 and it happened in a church! (i'm going to hell for that one). i also used to do acid with my friends at school too. that's really the only drug i tried back then though. oh i also started drinking when i was 16.

the worst thing i feel horrible about to this day is that when i was 13, i used to steal $20 bills like once a week from my grandfather to go buy the cure's tapes at the record store because i was super obsessed at the time. i also stole a blank check once from my grandmother and cashed it for $200 using an ID that my boyfriend at the time stole from a girl at his college. i'm surprised she never noticed it was missing from her bank. i stopped stealing money from my grandfather when he started noticing money was missing though.

the worst thing i've probably done was forge a money order for my ex-husband to cash (which he eventually got a felony for) when i was 18. it was in my mailbox that was supposed to go across the street initially and it was completely my idea.

i'm a super shitty person for the last two things. if i could go back and change those things i definitely would.

ugh now i'm kinda disgusted with myself. but yeah, i'm a totally different person now thank heavens.


Well-known member
Snuck out of the house (that's how I got the girls)....LOL
Hunching in the car with my boyfriend (that's also how I got the girls).....
skipping school (til I learned better)
Cursing like a freaking sailor (a habit I still can't break sometimes)
I stole a cigarette and tried to smoke it when I was 9
I mixed chemicals in the laundry room because they turned colors and I was amazed....
boy I could go on forever......but I wasn't THAT bad....LOL


I was a goody two shoes, I guess. LOL.

I never smoked cigarettes, experimented with drugs, snuck out, drank alcohol, etc. The only bad things I did were ditch class and get some not-so-good grades. I had friends who liked to steal, smoke weed, party, and mess around, but for some reason I was never like that. *shrugs*


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Basically the worst I was as a kid.... I was such a bitch to my little sister. I feel so bad looking bad because she is pretty much the best sister in the world, and she worshiped me when we were little and I treated her like shit. For example, if Mum gave all of us kids an equal amount of candy I would convince her to give me most of hers. I would blame her for everything bad I did, to her face and to my mum. And she would always take it and not tell on me, because she thought I was the greatest. *makes guilty face* Thank god she forgives me now for being such a bitch, and we have a really good relationship now.

When I was a teen, the worst thing I ever did was sneak my bf into my room at night. Which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, he always slept downstairs because he lived an hour away and my parents didn't want him driving home late at night if we went out to a late movie or dinner. So I just brought him upstairs to my room, but inevitably we got trapped there because my room was right off the kitchen and my parents would always wake up and play cribbage right outside my door for like, an hour, while we huddled inside my room and tried to be quiet so they wouldn't catch us. And THEN I found out from the aforementioned sister that they knew the whole time and didn't care!!! That or I told them we were going to see a movie in a nearby town where there was a theatre, but really we just parked somewhere in the countryside around my hometown and had sex in the car. I know the countryside around that town so freaking well. I know all the places you can park without attracting attention, and I also recently passed on a lot of my knowledge on to my little sister, hopefully making up for my former bitchiness. I also know all the good positions for car sex. I also had sex all over the house and told my sibs where so they never wanted to sit in those places or use that place at the table
which now that I think about it probably didn't help my sister forgive me. I would make a game of how risky we could be with having sex close to other people in the house, but more his house than mine. Nearly got caught a couple times.

I was so good with everything else, have never done drugs, didn't have a drink until I was 17 in a province where the drinking age is 18, didn't get drunk until I was legal, got good grades (I was the valedictorian), got into a good university... all my misbehaviours as a teen had to do with sex.


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As a kid I stole my friend... We both had an erasers collection... and she had THE one I wanted. Shame on me

As a teen, I didnt do lots a bad things since my parents were very permissive. But I did lose my virginity to a 21 years when I was 15, and I regret that a LOT. My parents were at home having a party

Smoked pot here and there but I don't consider this as a bad thing since I believe it's not worst than drinking.

I was MEAN to my sister who's 6 years younger.
Now I see how I was mean to her, but back then I was in a self defense mode because of my father's abbusive language on me all the time. I would do the same to my sister...


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I used to skip school sometimes. My parents usually knew about it though cause it was pretty much always on "national skip day". That's about it.


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I'm actually pretty boring lol these are some of the things i've done:

Skipped lessons

Got excluded from school for skipping lessons and generally being rude to teachers
I went through a phase of stealing from PRIMARK,yes, PRIMARK lol
(i remember once, not long ago, i walked in after school with my friend, i put a skirt on under my school skirt and walked out LOL Another time my boots were REALLY aching my feet so i took my boots off, walked in my bare feet and walked out with a brand new pair of comfy shoes

Stolen from other places....never from people though

I used to hit my sister, who's 5 years older than me

And that's pretty much it, i've never drank, smoked, or been involved in any kind of drug-taking.