Bad things you used to do as a kid/teen?


Well-known member
I was an awful bitch in high school and I am still kind of bitchy.

I also made fun of people literally right behind their backs,My best friend and I are extremely guilty of this, we look back and we get a little sad that we were so horrible.

I ditched school and went home ,Or I would just stay home all day . (my dad worked from 5Am until 5pm so he never knew the difference)

I LIED about my grades .. ALL......THE.......TIME!. I also Lied constantly about my homework being done. Like on a daily basis.

After high school , I broke up with my boyfriend I had all senior year, and Started dating some guys, and I had to lie to my dad about where I was going because he would never allow it. It was very sad and I regret it very very much. I also met people off the internet and put myself in dangerous situations and when I look back on it I thank my lucky stars that I am still alive.

but thats it , I never got involved in underage drinking , I have never done any kind of drug, and I didn't have sex until I was like 21 years old.

now that I remember, I also had a Extremely bad temper, I would tell off anyone who put a bit of attitude towards me, my parents, Teachers even the principal.


Well-known member
I'm still a kid/ teen and I'll admit, I've done things that most people would consider "bad".

I drink beer.

I smoke weed.

I curse and tell dirty jokes.

I make fun of people.

I once peed in a friend's soda but he didn't drink it because he knew what happened.

I "almost" got in a physical fight with this bitch.

I like to race shopping carts in parking lots.

But other than that, I'm perfect. lawlz


Well-known member
I wasn't really a bad kid, the worse thing I could think of was cheating on my math homework every single day from 5th to 6th grade lol. We all did it though, everybody sat at the lunch tables faaaaaar away from the classroom and copied each other's work.

As a teen, I had really inappropriate relationships online. I had a million AOL screennames and went into chatrooms I didn't belong in and talked to people I didn't need to be talking to. It was mostly out of boredom, but then a few months in, some creepy person used my AOL information to get my name and email, and kept emailing me and telling me he was gonna find me and find out where I lived and whatnot. Lucky for me I never used my real name or address or numbers or anything, but it scared the shit out of me because he was very persistent and seemed like he was smart enough to eventually figure me out. I changed the passwords to all the accounts and stopped using them, and for awhile I didn't even look at my computer except to do homework. That's probably the worst of it, I've always been a bit of a nerd, and a little too curious for my own good. It was always something they warned us about in school, but I thought I was just so goddamn smart. I've since absolutely learned my lesson, and even ran a program at my old job at an elementary school telling that story (with a pseudonym) to 5th and 6th graders and teaching them how to use the Net safely; I'm a super nazi about my younger relatives using the internet too, I don't want them to be stupid like I was.

Less serious infractions:
I used to let my friends drive my car (soooo not allowed!).
And I used to race my car with one of my friends in the parking lot and down the hill in front of my school. My dad would come home and think something was wrong with my car because it was always hot and smelled like burnt rubber lol. Who cares, I ALWAYS won!

I graduated high school at a young age, but my friends were always older than me. So we mostly hung out at their houses and they'd provide me with alcohol. To be truthful though, I'm pretty sure my mom knew about it, but her only concern was that I didn't drive after drinking. She even told me that if I was out somewhere drinking and didn't have a ride, that she'd come get me, no questions asked and no punishment.

Funny story because I was a such a square:
I remember the first real "house party" I was going to in high school. Me and all the other girls told our parents we were sleeping over another girls house, and when they asked for a phone number, we elected a sober girl and gave her number so that she would be sober enough to answer the phone and pretend to be whatever girl's mom. It was so elaborate! But I felt really really bad about it and I was not having fun at the party. And I'd never seen drunk people before in my life, and because my friends, except for Sober Girl were all drunk, their behavior was upsetting to me, and about 3 hours into the party, I went outside crying about how I hated that I was lying to my mom and that everybody in there was acting like an asshole and that I just wanted to go home. Sober Girl drove me home and explained (lied) to my mom that I got into an argument with another girl at the slumber party and that I was too upset to stay so she was bringing me home. How cool was I lol!


Well-known member
I love some of these stories....I was horrible! I'm still a teenager.. At the age of 13 I met some really fucked up people who I thought were the coolest people on earth, and I eventually developed a coke & pill habit, & I was a complete nighmare until I was 15. I'm diabetic, and I refused to take my insulin a lot, so I winded up in hospital about 10 times for ketoacidosis.. I loved playing tricks like staying out for days on end, and was barely in school...and stole lots of money from my Mum which I only finished paying back a year ago. Tragic, ...Should I really be sharing this? Oh well, Haha!


Well-known member
HAha. This thread is fukn jkkks!! just remembered this website, now i'm back after like 3/4 months.
Anyway, still a teenager but I've grown up a lot in the past 2 years I guess.
So dumb shit I've done/still do... steal regularly from AA (not anymore!), e pills almost every weekend and at school, coke, weed, shrooms, underage drinking (still do it, but not that bad), smoke, friends with wayyy older guys, met up with them (but they were strictly platonic relationships), snuck out, lied about being somwhere "respectable" for days even though i just crashed at friends' houses and partied, and I skip at least one class everyday.
Oh, and when I was small I use to be a huge asshole to teachers, swearing, making them cry, getting the class riled up and reaping havoc LOL "class clown" I guess you could call it.
Once when i was 4 my mom wouldn't buy me this hole puncher that punched out a balloon and birthday cake so i "didnt put it back" Hehe.
Blah, anyway I've smartened up for the most part. :p

MAG shit

New member
As a kid...I went throught my window and sat at the very top of our roof for long periods of time and i never got caught...I also snuck out a bunch when i was 12-13
when i was a teen oh man oh man
I smoked weed with my friends
got drunk a lot
beat some kid up...


New member
Aha I'm not saying I'm all badass but I'm pretty sure skipping lessons and shoplifting and stealing from your parents isn't that bad? I'm only a young teen atm and I smoke, drink a lot and get high regularly. I'm constantly moving out and crashing on my friends couches. I remember in year 7 I used to go up to the old abandonned house with guys aha. I regret most the things I do as it doesn't get me anyway and it just means I'm constantly in trouble with parents/teachers/police ahaha, hey I guess being a teens all about living


New member
Wow after reading all these posts, my childhood seems like nothing... I used to sneak out once or twice while my parents were off at work or something. Ok, I lied about almost everything. I lied about 'just did nothing' while I acttuly watched tv all day. I lied about every little detail at school. There wasn't a single thing that went by without a lie. Ummmmm. I stole like twenty things when I was young, like a kid young. I used to steal toys from open houses, I stole a toy bear from my aunts friends house once. (She is almost like family so I wouldnt say she was a random person.) I also was about to steal a doll but put it back. I'm not sure how I stole things. It wasn't like I had a bag to put things in but I guess I hid it under my shirt :) Ok...I feel lame. I didn't smoke, Dirac, or anything else like that Oh well I guess when I snuck out it would be to go into an abbondoned building nearby.(across the street) or go to this resturaunt (also across the street) And just look inside. I would ask the waitor or something of the resturaunt if there was a menu and I would take the menu and run:) Hmm, I guess again I wounld run across the street while my parents were out. This was of course for reasons of rebel, excitement, or just being bored. I was always there when parents arrived back.