Be Honest: Do You Always Wash Your Make Up Off At Night?


Well-known member
So, lately I've been really tired from juggling increasing hours at work and seemingly endless amounts of projects, studying for mid-terms, etc...that's where my inquiry began. Why is it that my skin care routine has nearly diminished? I used to be so good about washing my face at night, putting my eye creme on, and exfoliating before that. Now I can't even drag myself to the damn sink!
How are you guys when it comes to taking off the make up at night? Do you have impeccable skin care routines? Or are you a little less gung ho?


Well-known member
All my exfoliating/masquing/maintenance goes on in the morning, so my night routine is just make-up off and every few nights night creme or something, so I don't have as much to do when I just want to fall into bed.

Wipes are a good idea if you're busy or tired tho.. keep a packet for when you really can't be bothered.


Well-known member
Yes. I always do. I tried to go to sleep one time without doing it and woke up the next day with black eye boogies and my face felt horrible.


Well-known member
About 98% of the time I do...(winces)...yes, I know..not good. I try to always wash my face w/ my cleanser...twice a week I do a mask of some sort...then I put on my undereye cream and moisturiser...but 98% is NOT good should be 100%!


Well-known member
I keep Pond's Clean Sweep face-wipes by my bed just in case I am too tired or worn out to really wash my face -- I'll just clean my face with them! I really recommend them
I hope this helps!!


Well-known member
Eeek...I'm awful. I think about 80% of the time I actually get up and do the whole get-everything-off process. Facewash and moisturize...But then...I'm very guilty of just passing out with it on. I hate myself in the morning because i have to take everything off and then wash and then apply it all again.

I think keeping wipes close ot me would probably help. I think I'll try it.


Well-known member
i hate hate hate the feel of last nights make up the morning after its just awful

when ive been out for the night and come in late more than likely i wont take it off cos im too tired too

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I always do. It has to come off sometime and I don't want to risk a breakout just because I was too lazy to spend 5 minutes on my face. I'd rather that than spend two days with a zit because of it.


Well-known member
I always wash mine off too,
I get those big zits that are like under your skin so if I dont wash it off and clean my pores out with a scrub brush my skin starts freaking out. Plus it helps me keep my skin in check.
I usually get less oily during the day when I do my nighttime routine which just consitst of Philosophy Purity to melt down the make up, DDF or Biore cleansing gel and a scrub brush and every once in a while Dermalogica Active Moist moisturizer or Dermalogica Skin Clearing Gel. and then once a week I use a scrub so its really not all that rigorous.

I guess it depends on your skin though some people can put Crisco on it and they would look great!


Well-known member
I suck at washing makeup off. Usually I get in bed first to get my boyfriend to come to bed then he goes to the restroom in preparation for sleeping and I get so lazy by the time he's out that I stay in bed. =(


Well-known member
Oh hell no! hahaha

I probably should, and I do sometimes but yeah, honestly, I rarely take it off. I wash my face and everything, but I don't wear foundation to begin with (just natural msf and blush), so there isn't much to take off. Eye makeup stays, and with the magic of UDPP I get up in the morning and my makeup is still perfectly intact. Mascara stays perfectly as well, so if I'm in a rush I'll just touchup the eyes and re-blush.

Leaving mascara on at night is bad for your lashes, but I use a conditioning primer before mascara anyways, and when I'm not wearing any I wear Talika Lipocils, so my lashes are fine.

It's terrible, I'm sure, but I'm just being honest!


Well-known member
Ummm...I try to most of the time but sometimes I don't. Usually I take showers at night on the weekdays (cause I don't want to get up any earlier then I have to to take a shower lol) so of course I take my mu off but on the weekend I get really lazy and sometimes go to bed with my mu still on. I know I know that's bad but...ok I don't have any other excuses as to why I dont. Guess it just plain lazyness


Well-known member
yes. always. but then i shower at night, and it's just part of the shower process for me. if i skip showering or face washing i feel inSANEly gross in the morning and i never sleep well, plus then my bed is all dirty.

if i'm way too ridiculously tired, i'll take a 45-60min nap and then get up and shower/facewash. that's only in desperate sittuations tho, like when i'm ill or back when i was in college and i was stuck in class all day long.