Before Buying Brushes On Ebay Or Asking About Them Read This!!!


Well-known member
Indeed, and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Computer software and DVDs are other big counterfeits area on ebay, which I help to report. I now have makeup to add to that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin
A friend has just asked me if this set of brushes is genuine
I'm inclined to just tell him not to bother buying from a Hong Kong registered seller, but I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look and tell me the score, please

I've never seen a set like that, I would say without a doubt that those are fake.


Well-known member
Thank you for your help. That's what I thought, but I didn't want to advise him wrongly.


Well-known member
The 'set' of brushes (first link) is pretty much identical to the brush sets ive seen sold from Asia, but without the MAC logo.

Scotch Lass


Can anyone shed any light for me??

I just got delivered 3 MAC brushes that I bought from e-bay. A 242 and 239 (both lightly stamped with Japan on the handle), and a 224 that has France printed on the handle. The Japan stamps looks OK, but the France looks different, it is more printed than stamped (I can only describe the lettering by saying the lettering an outline...if that makes sense!!) ....also you can feel the lettering on the handle. I can't feel the Japan lettering on the other handles. Also the handle looks a very slightly lighter colour black. Maybe this is because it's a different country of origin???

The ferrule on the France brush isn't quite as rounded at the Japan ones, i.e. where the brush meets the ferrule and the two ring markings are crimped.

I bought a 192 brush about 3 years ago from a MAC counter in a department store in Glasgow. When I look at it, it is different only has one crimped ring on the metal ferrule. The handle is very slightly stamped USA.

Anyone got any thoughts on these??

Thanks in anticipation of your help. I'm getting to the point of giving up buying brushes on e-bay. I want to get a basic set together but wondering if e-bay is worth the stress. Maybe I'll just buy a brush every month or so from MAC internet site (nearest MAC counter is 300 miles away!!).

I bought 3 of the Flashtronic shades of eyeshadow this week from MAC internet is lovely....I'm well chuffed with them.


P.S. should also say that they all came in a clear sleeve with a bar code on (bar code and other info was printed on a clear adhesive label).


Well-known member
Why didn't I freakin' read this thread thoroughly before I bought a brush off eBay? I feel so stupid! The seller was called foxygirltu, but now I remember her paypal account that I paid into was mandy06shop!!!! I just bought a 136 brush (due to it's crazy price in the stores, I thought I'd try eBay-GOD I am a doofus). But as soon as I used MAC brush cleaner to clean it, the black dye came out (not heaps ,but enough for me to notice) and the brush head started shedding. When it arrived in the mail the metal portion of the handle was all scratched as well. I contacted her straight away and have yet to hear her story....but will def try to get my money back and go straight to the mac store. LESSON BE LEARNED FOR your pennies and buy from the mac store!


Well-known member
I'm guessing this set's fake. Can anyone confirm that for me, please, as a friend has asked me about it?

Professional MAC 7 Brushes/Applicator SET inc MAC Case on eBay, also, Brushes Applicators, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 17-Dec-07 14:42:38 GMT)

The seller says they're full size, but I can distinctly see SE on the handles. I don't think I've seen a purple brush head before, I think the ferrules don't look quite right, and the printing on the handles might be a bit dodgy.

I'm not really too sure on SE brushes, though


Well-known member
Well my friend had done a Buy It Now on the above brush set as they were going fast. However, on my say-so, and with the aid of this guide eBay Canada Guides - MAC BRUSHES - Guide to Fake vs. Authentic MAC brushes he was able to see they were fake. He emailed the seller with this information (telling her he'd contacted Trading Standards) and to her credit she has cancelled the remaining listed brush sets and his purchase also.

No doubt she will reappear under another ID to sell the rest of her stock.


Well-known member
These actually look genuine,it looks to me as if someone is selling of their brush collection,and all the sleeves have UPC labels


Please be careful not to buy MAC 187 on ebay. They are likely to be fake.
I got a fake 187 one last month, with plastic bag with bar code on it, not shimmery wooden handle (likely to be an aunthentic hanle, which may have some minor error and got tossed in manufaturing country), but an undeniably fake bristles, with not perfectly painted metal ring, loose out of the wooden handle when touching. Hairs shed like crazy even when I used with loose ang blush, plus the dye faded while washing.
I have to say, a masterpiece in counterfeit.



New member
yes boix123 these are real. the only one that have been duplicated are the full size brushes. the ones you want come from a holiday collection and are the short handle brushes. you only have to be worried if you are buying a full size brush with the black handles.