Best Valentine's present EVAR?


Well-known member
My boyfriend moved in with me in June.

So it was about nine months of him watching me do my makeup each morning. And every morning was the same thing: "DAMNIT WHERE IS PARFAIT AMOUR? WHERE DID I JUST PUT THAT 239?!? I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING!" My makeup counter was cluttered and overflowing, to say the least. I don't depot my shadows so the storage solution I had for them was a regular square-shaped makeup bag-- which I'd stack my pots (in their boxes, because I'm SOOO OCD) three-by-three, four layers deep. It was HARD to find shadows quickly. My pigments I had all neatly lined up, but started to stack too, because my collection is growing. What was worse: my bucket-o-lip-products. I took a mixing bowl from my kitchen and just filled it with all my lippies. I would literally dig through it to find what I wanted, and along the way, had to open each lipstick to see what color was inside. HELLO, TEDIOUS.

The bf is a bit of a handy-man and took it upon himself to ~CONQUER MY MAKEUPZ~ and come up with a better storage/display unit for me for Valentines Day.

So without further adieu, I present to you.... my makeup counter.



Side view:

It's made of plexiglass that he got and cut himself, and glued together. He said the longest task was measuring all the products and making the correct dimensions. Overall, it took him about three days to complete, and he waited a lot for the glue to dry. The only thing he didn't have room for is my palettes and pigment samples, which I'm getting a small basket for (to slide under the shelf).

Did I mention this was a complete SUPRISE to me? I about peed my pants when I saw it =) He's the best, I know!

PS - Sorry, the brushes are still dirty from the hot pink/black look I did for V-Day =)


Well-known member
Omg, that looks awesome! He is soooooo sweet!


Well-known member
That is totally neat! So pretty to look at. By my issue would be--so the eyeshadows are all stored in their boxes and you have to open them up every time you want to use one??

The brush thing off the side is awesome, I like that. LOL Whats going to happen when your collection grows even more? (I have not been able to keep my growing collection at a minimum, just keeps growing :S)

Tell him he's got some great skills, that is so sweet of him, I wish I had someone here who could fashion me something to house all my stuff (i'm settling with sterlite containers in a bookshelf but i itch to have something better!)


Well-known member
Congradulations on moving in together and that's so sweet of him! I wish I had someone who respected my passion like that.