Black Friday


Well-known member
Anyone go shopping on black friday? I'll be working 4am-2pm (i doubt i will get out anytime before 5pm) Getting up at 2am for work does not appeal to me at all. As soon as I eat Thanksgiving dinner I'll have to go to bed. I never went shopping on that day before and I know after working it I probably never will.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I have gone shopping a few times the day after Thanksgiving, and in my opinion, I've never really gotten amazing deals. I'm a sale shopper in general so I pretty much get good deals all year round!!! I can find better things to do with a paid day off from work then shop!
Sorry to hear about your hours, One reason retail sucks


Well-known member
Around here the sales are really good on Black Friday so people are out full force. We had a huge 50% sale last week and I didn't get to move from my register for 6 hours on my first day no less. I wasn't even completly trained and people were just getting so rude.


Well-known member
What is black friday? We deff don't have it in Canada - but then again our Thanksgiving is before yours also.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by niecypiecy
What is black friday? We deff don't have it in Canada - but then again our Thanksgiving is before yours also.

"Black Friday" is the day after Thanksgiving ( which is always on a Thurs ) - where all the stores open up early for there MAD sales..( on Friday ) - and people get up at the butt crack of dawn ( still dark ) to go shopping.. Thus you have " Black Friday ".


Well-known member
I used to make a tradition of going shopping alone the day after, and it usually consisted of me waiting in line at Best Buy for an hour to buy one CD. It was really just an excuse to get out of our house full of relatives we don't get along with in the first place! But we no longer host Thanksgiving OR Xmas so only the immediate family is allowed over.

My "shopping days til XMas" countdown actually doesn't start on Black Friday, but it ends tomorrow. I hate hate hate shopping in crowds, and buy a ton online. Not only do you get good prices, but you get AMAZING finds. I bought each of my parents a vintage Dior robe for Xmas last year and they were blown away. I spent $35 on both of them combined. All my presents for this year are already wrapped--I know, WTF, right?


Well-known member
AAHHH, my boy wanted to take me to breakfast and then shopping
DAMNIT! I got tickets to the PATS game last Sunday, so is this gonna carry on the whole weekend to this SUnday? AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
Anyone go shopping on black friday? I'll be working 4am-2pm (i doubt i will get out anytime before 5pm) Getting up at 2am for work does not appeal to me at all. As soon as I eat Thanksgiving dinner I'll have to go to bed. I never went shopping on that day before and I know after working it I probably never will.

yea I have to be at work at 6am (UGH) like anyone will be there at that time to buy makeup!?! Yea, right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
yea I have to be at work at 6am (UGH) like anyone will be there at that time to buy makeup!?! Yea, right.

I WOULd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
I WOULd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Why? It's not on sale :p Then again, I suspect WTL will sell out over the weekend. We only got like 50 of each color and we're a flagship store (so they send us the most)


Well-known member
I MIGHT end up going shopping but it all depends on the Best Buy ad (when are those out Wed. or Thurs?) Could you believe their opening at 4am this year, they better have AMAZING deals if it's going to open that early. I'm still not 100% sure but my dad might want a Plasma Tv they're going to have at Walmart, it's a 42" for $997.(Walmart has a sneek peek at the ad on their website) I'll have to wait and see if there's anything worth waking up for.


Well-known member
My hubby and I are spending the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Los Angeles. I live in Phoenix where there is no Pro store, sooooo....guess what??? Look out MAC Pro store in L.A....I have my $$$ ready for ya!!! I'll let you guys know what I got!!! Oh, and if anyone has any suggestions on what pro products I should consider, please feel free and let me know!!! I'm game for anything PRO anyways!!!

Black I come.........................!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
heck no.. i never go.. this weekend especially cos we have a delicious cold front that just came in, so i'll be at home in bed with the dh, our pets, and the windows open with a cool breeze blowing! =) joy!!


Well-known member
i'm so glad i work at a mortgage branch. i'm offffffff... oh yea! and i do not want to set foot in a store on black friday.

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