Blue Pigment


Well-known member
Re: Original Blue Pigment, when was this DC?

I'm not a pigment collector so I can be wrong, but I believe the original blue and RR blue are slightly different in appearance and/or formula.


Well-known member
Re: Original Blue Pigment, when was this DC?

Originally Posted by lara
I'm not a pigment collector so I can be wrong, but I believe the original blue and RR blue are slightly different in appearance and/or formula.

I bealive their is 2 i think one is a bit darker but not much. The bottom of my Blue pigment jar says A55.

I dont usually wear blue eyeshadow but i couldnt pass it up its such a bright blue!


Well-known member
Re: Original Blue Pigment, when was this DC?

Originally Posted by lara
I'm not a pigment collector so I can be wrong, but I believe the original blue and RR blue are slightly different in appearance and/or formula.

I think you are right. I believe the original one had a better colour payoff. Very dense and darker.


Well-known member
Re: Original Blue Pigment, when was this DC?

My original blue has batch number A23 on it, my rebel rock blue says A55.
Yes, they are slightly different in color as well.


Well-known member
Re: Original Blue Pigment, when was this DC?

See? I do pay attention every now and then.


New member
Help on Blue Pigment....

My blue pigment is marked A79...

I bought it many many many moons ago, back in the day, but by my reckoning, that mark would make it from 1999.

Basically, I need to know when it was from, and if it's original or rebelrock (I know it's real cos I bought it at a CCO) xx

Thank you, I'm so confused!


Well-known member
Re: Help on Blue Pigment....

I'm gonna agree with the post below if it was 99' Its most like-ly the Original expecially if the Stock number was an A I was reading about stock numbers A could be an original letter batch letter since it's *A* the 7 the month or number the of colors that came before it and 9 would probably mean 99 this is just a guesstimate.Hope it helps though.=/ hope that dont sound goofy. I was reading something on what batch marks mean when I was getting into the cosmetic industry.I think I may have the original book I'm not sure but anyway hope it helps.
You could probably take it to a counter and find out.