Calling all nations!! Carnival Season 2014!!


Well-known member
I vote for Revolution! There is no carnival in my future except Eastern Parkway. I'd like to take my husband and little one, but we shall see. One of my life goals is to play mas somewhere. I need my friends to get hitched so I can pressure them into making this their bachelorette.


Well-known member
Heading back home (aka Trinidad) for Carnival 2015. Played mas in 2013 and I can't wait for next year!!!!!!!!


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I played with Fantasy, but I'm waiting to see the costumes to decide what band I'm going to play with next year..... probably Fantasy as well. 
Okay I'll most likely play in Tribe I've been with them for 8 years and my friends and family normally play there so most likely that's where I'll end up. Launch season is almost here :yahoo:


Just got registered to play in YUMA. Tribe costumes were impressive, but I have peeps playing in YUMA.

Totally excited for 2015!!


Well-known member
Just got registered to play in YUMA. Tribe costumes were impressive, but I have peeps playing in YUMA. Totally excited for 2015!!
Ok I registered with Tribe which costume did you get? I love kush the pattern draws me in


Well-known member
[quote note="Prettypackages" url="/t/188282/calling-all-nations-carnival-season-2014/30#post_2755564"]What are you all registering for?  [/quote] Trinidad's carnival


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#teamtrinidad #teambliss #teampai #teammustfindstephie(inamorata)whenshegetsbackhome