Chanel Spring 2011


Well-known member
Nora -- yes, we need to start a support group since our sweet baby girls are getting too big. The other day my oldest was playing "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift and I swear I was tearing up
We will comfort ourselves with makeup . . . and chocolate. Let me know when you've tried Espiegle and Jersey Rose!

Almus -- you are making me with I got Peregrina, too!

HerGreyness -- let's hear more about your sassy new 'do


Specktra Bestie
Went by one of my Chanel counters yesterday and I finally saw the collection... I didn't get anything, because I'm trying to be good, but I may have to change that. I was sorely tempted by Coquette, Flamboyante and Jersey Rose (not a good sign when I want to buy 3 out of 4 lipsticks). The Great Enabler seemed positively offended that I didn't get Black Pearl n/p... Remind me that he cannot be taken on trips to high end cosmetics counters (especially Guerlain, where he's flat out dangerous to my bank account).


Well-known member
Bonitinha ... I lapsed back to hair colour.... lol

I had my hair recoloured a light beigey plat blonde which covers my grey and integrates them perfectly so they look like highlites and not greys.. and then I cut it all off.. it is not my bag lady look cause it is too tailored but it looks like the old Twiggy haircut -- kinda short on one side and all one length on the other ... it actually makes me look more modern and any damage from colouring and pain/suffering is now gone !

katred... omg.. tell me about it... I do major damage on Guerlain/Chanel products.. MAC is a walk in the park compared to those prices but I always succumb like the weak willed female that I am....
but if your GE loves the products.. go for it. live life and enjoy.

mrslid.. you sound positively naughty
good going.. I get my vaca next week !!!


Well-known member
katred.. I loved Coquette and bought it.. it looks corally pink on me.. and that pink is what makes it work for me

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi ladies!

I finally got my spring items yesterday! I stuck to the list, getting only Jersey Rose, the quad, peach polish and Espiegle. Would've tried at least something on today, but... forgot my bag at work! Oh well. I passed on the glossimers, I'll hold out till the summer collection, but my Chanel hauls do not feel complete without at least one glossimer!
Hello! I agree but I'm trying to cut back on buying glossimers at the moment. Tell us how you like the new makeup, especially JR and the quad. I have not wore the quint yet lol.


Well-known member
[quote name="HerGreyness" url="/forum/thread/170819/chanel-spring-2011/1140#post_2075475"] Bonitinha ... I lapsed back to hair colour.... lol

I had my hair recoloured a light beigey plat blonde which covers my grey and integrates them perfectly so they look like highlites and not greys.. and then I cut it all off.. it is not my bag lady look cause it is too tailored but it looks like the old Twiggy haircut -- kinda short on one side and all one length on the other ... it actually makes me look more modern and any damage from colouring and pain/suffering is now gone !

katred... omg.. tell me about it... I do major damage on Guerlain/Chanel products.. MAC is a walk in the park compared to those prices but I always succumb like the weak willed female that I am....
but if your GE loves the products.. go for it. live life and enjoy.

mrslid.. you sound positively naughty
good going.. I get my vaca next week !!!

[/quote] your new hair sounds great. Enjoy your vacation next week, at least you will be warm then :) [quote name="Miss QQ" url="/forum/thread/170819/chanel-spring-2011/1140#post_2075612"]

Quote: Originally Posted by bis

So, as you left Flamboyante there I had to get it

I tried Espiegle today and it is not really what I pictures from the swatches, I need to go back another day to try it again.

I like Espiegle. You should try it again. ;)

Quote: Originally Posted by stv578

Hi ladies!

I finally got my spring items yesterday! I stuck to the list, getting only Jersey Rose, the quad, peach polish and Espiegle. Would've tried at least something on today, but... forgot my bag at work! Oh well. I passed on the glossimers, I'll hold out till the summer collection, but my Chanel hauls do not feel complete without at least one glossimer!

Hello! I agree but I'm trying to cut back on buying glossimers at the moment. Tell us how you like the new makeup, especially JR and the quad. I have not wore the quint yet lol.
[/quote] Oh, I will. When I swatched it I already had the Guerlain blush on and on my hand I did not see any pink :dunno: Let me know how you like the quint. A lot of people have apparently been complaining, but I like it quite a bit. How are you doing? Less stress? Enjoy your weekend :)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Maybe I can use the quint this Sunday. I will report back. Thanks for asking. I'm still stressed up, but at least I can see that all this nonsense will end soon. :p

Hope you are doing well and have a great weekend too!


New member
Hello ladies, I have been following this thread for a while - a newish chanel fan :)

I'm still undecided on the quint - I'm a bit concerned about the shimmer and how wearable it would be. How are you ladies wearing yours, by themselves, over normal shadows, or with other matte colours?

Got jersey rose as my first coco rouge - and the formula is brilliant! But jersey rose is exactly the same colour as my lips so doenst show up much, gonna check out some brighter colours in the range though!


Well-known member
I have to wear the quint with more matte colors or it's too shimmery for me, but I am old! lol I don't find the darker colors too shimmery but the light ones are a bit too much for me, so I tend to wear the dark colors from the quint with a non-quint less shimmery light color.


Well-known member
Silent Angel -- it seems like a lot of people are loving the quint. I passed on it, just because I am not a fan of palettes with all shimmery colors. Glad you are loving your Jersey Rose Coco Rouge! Chanel has a lot of fabulous lip products!


Well-known member
Nora -- yes, we need to start a support group since our sweet baby girls are getting too big. The other day my oldest was playing "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift and I swear I was tearing up
We will comfort ourselves with makeup . . . and chocolate. Let me know when you've tried Espiegle and Jersey Rose!

Almus -- you are making me with I got Peregrina, too!

HerGreyness -- let's hear more about your sassy new 'do
Michelle, I would be crying my eyes out!

You're right, we will definitely need makeup and chocolate to get us through, two of my favourite things!

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to the weekend!


Well-known member
Can I join your support group?
My daughter turns 11 this year, is as tall as I am. I don't know where in the heck time goes! (luckily she's still affectionate and sweet, definitely my little girl).
It feels like only a couple of months ago that she wasn't even in kindegarten yet.


As far as the quint, I do find that I use it with other shadows. I have it out on my counter, as a supplement, I guess , to looks. I find I use one of the two lighter colors often for inner lid, over the center of the lid (over another shadow, I mean),
And I like to use the darker colors as an outer lid liner. I have dampened my brush after putting on the color, and wow, the darker colors make stunning liners. very true pearl.
When I first got it, I was in massive love with it.
I went through a stage of discontent with it when I was trying to use it alone. But when I started using it along with other products, I find that I'm thinking of a backup. I like it that much. It is so pretty on days like today also. I have just Guerlain powder kohl to line inner rims, and Play It Proper all over from lid to brow, and the peach color from the quint on lid, concentrating on center.
I dare say, my eyes look awake today
. (wow, and that's saying alot, lol. because I have had liiittttle sleep lately, hence this wordy post )

And I guess it would be too frosty used alone. I typically tend to like a mix of textures unless i'm playing around or experimenting.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh, so much to catch up on!!! I've been loving my MAC MC and Peacocky purchases, and am totally loving Jersey Rose!!! I wore it most of this past week in was a quick trip, but good business-wise.....and I did a bit of makeup shopping (Chantecaille and Le Metier de Beaute)...... I'm still not ready for spring makeup - I dunno. The snow next to our driveway is up to my chest. We won't see dirt until July. Boo.

Michelle, hope the trifle was delish......

Nora, so glad to hear you're settling in - I'm sure your baby is a gorgeous 'little girl' - you will so enjoy that phase.......

Elegant, are you ready for that road trip yet? We need to swing by to get Michelle and ISa on the way to Nora's.......before we head out to Meggy's........don't forget to pack your pink pants!!!

Marajode/Nora/ will be astonished at how fast the time boys are 20 and almost 18. In the blink of an eye.......but revel in the process.

MissQQ, I'm so glad you're feeling springy and happy - can you send some of it to the north polar region I'm living in? Please? Hope you are able to de-stress soon......

Hi Bis!! Isn't Flamboyante fab??

Almus, I love Jersey Rose......and the blush is so pretty on.....hope you end up getting them!!

Silent Angel - welcome - we're glad you're here!!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks. :) I'm sending you sunshine!
It got warmer here this week - the sun is up daily and the rain has stopped. The wind is still strong and cold so I'm not swimming this weekend. I usually swim every weekend but haven't done it for almost 6 weeks due to the low temperatures!

You ladies are tempting me to get Jersey Rose. As long as I don't try it on my lips, I should be safe.
I put Flamboyante on today though I was at home. Felt very tired and needed some colour on my face lol. It feels very moisturising!


Well-known member
Marajode -- I can totally relate. My oldest daughter is 11, turning 12 in a few months. I swear it was just yesterday I brought her home (she was a preemie and an itty bitty little thing). My other two daughters are 8 and 5. Of course, my 5 year old wants to be 15!! Sigh . . . I'm glad you're loving your quint. I just love experimenting and playing around with all of my makeup!!

Nora -- at least we have makeup and chocolate to get us through. My little 5 year old is getting sassy. She was asking her sister to get her something, and well, the conversation wasn't going well. So she told her sister that she got an "F" for understanding. LOL

Cheryl -- oh my, the trifle was so delish. Layers of brownies, hot fudge, chocolate mousse and whipped cream -- I practically had to go on sugar detox after! And the road trip would be a blast -- can you imagine the damage we could all do?? You're so right about time going by in the blink of an eye -- I just need to make sure to enjoy of their little stages in life. So glad you are loving Jersey Rose also -- it is a fave of mine!

MissQQ -- enjoy your sun! It has been gloomy and cold here -- I have almost forgotten what the sunshine looks/feels like! You really should give Jersey Rose a try!


Well-known member
Hi Cheryl :cheer: Flamboyante definitely is great, very subtle and wearable. Atm I wear Gulabi a lot, so not enough love for Flamboyante. Hope you had a great trip to Cali Enjoy the sun for me as well. I have some but it is bitter cold with very strong winds. Michelle, just reading about the trifle makes me about 2 pounds heavier :D Girls, whenever you do this roadtrip, make lots of pictures and videos so we can all see what you are up to :winkiss:


Well-known member
Awww, you ladies are the best! I was just catching up on the posts and you all had me smiling!

Cheryl, glad your trip went well! I have to give my Jersey Rose a try tomorrow! And yes, time does fly by, I can only imagine that I'll be feeling the same way as you when my kids hit 18! The last couple of weekends, the kids have gotten up in the morning and instead of running into our room and jumping on top of us, they just get each other up and start playing on their DS... boo! So it begins!

Marajode, you are definitely welcome in our support group. Make-sure you have a good stash of chocolate to go with the make-up, (I think we may also need the odd margarita, or maybe a bellini...?!)

Miss QQ, please send some sunshine to Toronto too! It's been so grey and gloomy the last little while!

Michelle, love the story about your little one! Sassy is a great word, aptly describes my girl, lol!

Bis, glad you are enjoying Flamboyante! I thought it was so pretty, but know I won't have the guts to wear it!

Hope you're all having a nice weekend. I enjoyed an afternoon out with my daughter today to do some shopping and then off to Starbuck's! The staff there were quite surprised when I ordered her a green tea latte (milked down of course!). No make-up though, I'm saving up now for Chanel summer!!


Well-known member
C ! Jersey Rose is next on my list..I have been trying to stay away from pinks for a bit with my newly light hair
but have been wearing berry and raspberry shades with neutral blush. I need to experiment some more since the colour is quite dramatic.. oy.

you got some great products of that I am sure.

hope you all have a great weekend -- I am off to the Carib on Monday
for a few days of sunshiney rest with lil drinks with lil umbrellas.