Collection vs. using?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Who actually collects makeup (buys stuff without intending on using it) and who only buys what they know they'll use?

I'm just asking, because I know with the LE things and color stories, some people buy everything from every color story.


Well-known member
I buy things that I know I will use, but I don't necessarily know how often I will use it, if that makes sense. I have rules about buying things, for example I won't buy a quad unless I can use all four colors, or a palette unless I don't own most of the colors and the two-three LE colors are unique.


Well-known member
I only buy things I know for sure I'll the past, I have bought things that I never ended up using, since the coloring was beautiful, but not beautiful on me...


Well-known member
I buy things I will use, period. I may only use it once a month, but it gets used. I don't buy them to collect and just look at.


Well-known member
I do a little of both. For example, I bought all of Flashtronic except for Global Glow. I know I'll use them some, but I mainly wanted them for collection since I have all the other MSF shadows produced thus far.


Well-known member
I only buy things I know I will use. As much as I would love to simply buy things for the sake of owning them, I can't afford it (especially with so many collections coming out all of the time!).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I buy things I will use, period. I may only use it once a month, but it gets used. I don't buy them to collect and just look at.

The same goes for me too!


Well-known member
I only buy things I know I can use - meaning, I won't buy something if I know it will look horrendous on me. I looooove blues and teals in everything EXCEPT makeup (just doesn't work for me), so it is always so hard to not buy these colors!


Originally Posted by lobsteriffic
I only buy things I know I will use. As much as I would love to simply buy things for the sake of owning them, I can't afford it (especially with so many collections coming out all of the time!).

So true. I am still trying to get all the colors I want to use! It would be nice to have enough money to get them all at once.
But like the rest of us, I have to get a few at a time. Especially since I am into the pigments. $20 a whack really uses up the makeup budget in a hurry. I try to get at least one permanent color from my wish list each time I pick up any new LEs I'll use.

But then, pigments last so long, I will probably be leaving them to my graddaughters in my will.
(btw - no grandchildren in site yet)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACHOMULA
I do a little of both. For example, I bought all of Flashtronic except for Global Glow. I know I'll use them some, but I mainly wanted them for collection since I have all the other MSF shadows produced thus far.

I agree with this! I won't buy something that I completely don't like just b/c it is a limited edition item. However, if I do genuinely like it, even if I have something similar, I will still consider purchasing it if it is limited edition in limited edition packaging. What I have discovered is that later on; when reorganizing or when I am on a search for a color that I haven't used in a while, I will rediscover these products. And simply b/c it is unused, I will try and work it or put it to use.

So all in all, I do try and make use of all of my products that I purchase one way or another. I might not be for 3 months, but they do get used. LOL


Well-known member
i try SOOOO hard to only by things i will use. but i have this horrible habit of rationalizing all my purchases and convincing myself that i need everything that comes out. ("i don't really have anything like this", "i don't wear enough of this color", "this might look good with another outfit", "if i don't buy it now and it gets discontinued, i'm going to regret it later"..etc. etc.) i know deep down that there are a limited no of shades and products that are staples in my makeup collection and a bunch of other stuff that i just had to try out or believed i would use, but only got swiped a couple of times. sigh -- and the worst part is i never learn. perhaps its time to seek professional!


Well-known member
I as well buy items that I know I will use. Of course there are items that I have purchased and only used once every couple of months but I've never intentionally bought makeup just for collecting purposes.


Active member
*sighs* I am really, really bad about splurging on things that I know I won't use, but that are just so pretty. Eyeshadows and lippies are my two biggest weaknesses, but sparkly face powders hurt, too.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I purchase most items with the intention of wearing them but I have a few I own just to collect (for example the C-Shock shadow, Playful & Ether e/s)



Well-known member
Depends on the collection. I won't really ever buy something that looks bad on me. The only collections I have bought from and havent used are barbie and c shock. I also don't use my msf, and wait for them to go up in value.


Well-known member
i do both, i collect but i also use them as well. my whole family is like, why do you need more makeup? you have enough. but i figure there is always something new coming out, i dont buy from every collection just the ones that peek my interest and i do know that i plan on using them. i cant think of any lipstick or eyeshadow of mine that i have not yet used.


Active member
I buy all products intending to use them.

But I must admit often i've been caught up in the hype (orchidazzle & moonflower i'm looking at you!) and bought something that just does not suit me.

Lately I have bought to many products & as such have not even opened some of them. I doubt I will ever use up half my make up.


Well-known member
I only buy what I know I will use as well. Although I must admit I have a couple sad little lipsticks that I thought I liked, but decided I didn't. They collect dust.