Commercials you hate


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I REALLY hated that skittles commercial with the guy with the long beard that moved! creeeeepy!


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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I'm sorry....and I really feel bad for saying this, but I hate:

"I have herpes..."
"And, I don't..."
"We want to make sure it stays that way."

I know a lot of people have herpes but, these things should be discussed/promoted in a Dr.'s office. I hope Herpes patients are not finding out about new drugs while they're watching "Judge Mathis".

On the other hand I LOVE the berries and cream one


Well-known member
I loveeeeeee the berries and cream one and i love the one for ..i want to say verizon but i could be wrong with the girl and her mom..IDK MY BFF JILL...TISNF!! ME PAYING THAT BILL THATS WHATS SNF!!!! haha..

i hate hate hate hate hate the cave man commercials!

i also love 2 commercials that play on nogin( children's station) in the morning is chris meloni reading a book to a sick birdie! and the other is him talking..but yum!


Well-known member
theres a Maxi Pad commercial where the girls are sunbathing outside on a roof, and the water tower breaks and she catches all the water in this "kung fu" move with her Maxi pad, then puts it back in her purse.. .. I HATE THAT COMMERCIAL.. It disgusts me. uuughh

I love the Berries and cream commercial. hahah "Im a little lad who loves berrrrriies and Creeeaam" haha I love it every time.


Well-known member
i cannot stand the starbust commerical with that weird looking man who sings about berries and cream! i want to break my tv everytime it comes on! the geico caveman commercials scary me, so do the axe commercials, ive actually stopped using axe b/c of that commerical.


Well-known member
Glad to know cable advertising is working
I sleep better at night knowing that people actually remember the commercials they see on TV, be it a really good commercial, or a really bad one lol.

I tease one of my good guy friends, because he uses Axe body spray lol. Since he's like the most single guy ever. So yeh, Axe isn't getting him laid LOL!


Well-known member
I think it's an axe commericail or some weired guys fragrance crap...where the lady comes into the supermarket, pushes her grandmother (?) or someone in a wheelchair away from her...

and proceeds to wiggle her body while making a beat..."bow chica bow wow..."hahaha...

like porn music...and shes rocking out...

actually, I don't hate it at all, it makes me geek the eff out! hahahahahaha

But I dooo hate the e-surance things...those are effing annoying...and then the hot dog one...where the hand comes out of the stomach and force feeds the kid. its gross.


Well-known member
i hate those new milk commercials...damn they make me mad. i don't know why...they just really bother the hell out of me.


Axe commercials are the absolute worst. (A women I work with 12 year old son is desparate to get it. So these ads work on their intended audience I'm afraid...)


Well-known member
I know I posted already but there are these new commercials trying to promote Ontario grown foods, but the man in the commercials just grate my nerves.

He goes into a grocery store at the announcement booth and sings 'Good things gr-oow in Ontario!' in a really annoying voice. Everytime it comes on, I change the channel.


Well-known member
i hate the esurance commercials...i know exactly what they are when they come on.

i hate the axe commercials. BOM CHICKA WAH WAH...first off it used to be semi funny when someone would say it out of the blue. but these hoes on the commercials are just horny for no reason. and then everyone u know is saying BOM CHICKA WAH WAH its like shut the hell up, please

i hate the sprite commercials...they are so dumb and pointless. the whole Sublymonal thing is......weird

i like the Happy cheese comes from happy cows...happy cows come from california...those are cute

I love the "pardon me, what did you just say? berries and creme? OHHH!" oh my god that commercial makes me laugh and laugh..

and i love the commercial where the guy is being milked while he eats sour skittles, and then that guy comes in to complain about his sour milk

and i love the MTV commercial with the asian man singing the rap song in the mirror, and another guy comes in and he stops and says "HI!" hahaha


Well-known member
Mashed Potatoes, Gravay, and Cranberry Sauce...WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I love that commercial.
I HATE HATE HATE ProActiv commercials. Mascara Commercials (Those are Fake lashes EVERYTIME), Mercury Insurance commercials, Interactive Male/eHarmony/ commercials, The "Brooklyn/Philly" pizza commercials, and the NOW Cds. How many goddamn NOW CDs do you need? what are they on now, like 50? ENOUGH.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
i hate the esurance commercials...i know exactly what they are when they come on.

i hate the axe commercials. BOM CHICKA WAH WAH...first off it used to be semi funny when someone would say it out of the blue. but these hoes on the commercials are just horny for no reason. and then everyone u know is saying BOM CHICKA WAH WAH its like shut the hell up, please

i hate the sprite commercials...they are so dumb and pointless. the whole Sublymonal thing is......weird

i like the Happy cheese comes from happy cows...happy cows come from california...those are cute

I love the "pardon me, what did you just say? berries and creme? OHHH!" oh my god that commercial makes me laugh and laugh..

and i love the commercial where the guy is being milked while he eats sour skittles, and then that guy comes in to complain about his sour milk

and i love the MTV commercial with the asian man singing the rap song in the mirror, and another guy comes in and he stops and says "HI!" hahaha

They are horny for a reason....the Axe makes them that way. I have a friend whose boyfriend USED to wear Axe....she was horrified and bought him real cologne.

I HATE with a passion the "itch you can't scratch" commercial that implies every woman with feminine itch turns into the unibomber. You know the one, attractive woman looking in the mirror, then a look comes over her face, and then you see her in her unibomber costume in the mirror. All the while, the voice over is talking bout that uncomfortable, embarrassing itch that you can't scratch. People, it is too much information.

And speaking of false eyelashes. In an ad in the Avon catalog, they had a close up on Selma Hiack (sP) eyes and you could see the skin line between her natural and false eyelashes. Apparently no one looked at the ad before publishing it.


Well-known member
I hate the commercial where the people rub the pain relieving deodorant onto their foreheads, it's so annoying. That commercial welds the name into your brain, but now that I am typing this I can't remember it.


Well-known member
I hate hate the Geico lizard commercials. He's not even funny anymore

I do LOVE the Berries & Creme commercial! And I LOVE the Snickers commercial with the guitar.

"Happy peanuts soar over chocolate covered mountaintops and waterfalls of caramel. Prancing nougat in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the worrrrld."
