Cyndi Lauper & Lady GaGa Campaign


Well-known member
Ahhh!! MUST GET MY HANDS ON GAGA!! My mom saw it and she was completely blown away by it. It was kind of funny.


Well-known member
I've just ordered Gaga and Cyndi, Gaga was out of stock for ages on the UK site, can't wait for them to arrive!


Well-known member
My little sisters won 3 tickets to a Lady Gaga concert today at school and called me from school crying they were so excited! They know I have been dying to see her in concert and they couldn't wait to tell me that I'll finally get the opportunity to see her in September with them. It was so cute - my heart almost burst hearing their excitement! Now I'm mega homesick, though, and wish I could be home to celebrate with them...ahhh well, I'll see them in about a month and I'm sure they'll still be pumped.

So now the task at hand is to figure out the most AMAZING look (using Viva Glam Gaga, of course!) to wear to the concert. Good thing I have a few months to experiment!