Danse Hits


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
I love French Grey! It's gorgeous!! And the two MSFs are beautiful! I love soft, understated colors like this because they look great on everbody.

I also love French Grey & got backups!

I really like my Glissade, too, and Lightscapade is on its way from Nordstrom, along with a Swan Lake e/s. I can't wait to use Lightscapade after reading some reviews here.


Well-known member
my favourites from this collection:

1. Lightscapade msf
2. Aire de Blue pigment
3. Pastorale pigment
4. Jete e/s
5. Glissade msf


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
I love it! I have all but two of the e/s, and Lightscapade, and Pas-De-Deux.

The only thing I didn't like were the lipsticks. None of them were very unique, and Classical and Curtsy seemed like they'd be pretty, but were way too light for me (not to mention really frosty IMO).

I'm not sure if you mean that the lipsticks in general were frosty (Danse was to me too....or actually microglittery), or the 2 you mention, but I have Curtsy and it's not frosty at all. If you like the color don't let the idea that it's frosty stop you from getting it, cause it's not. HTH


Well-known member
I love everything I got from danse so far.
I got both MSFs, both piggies, swan lake & jete e/s, and corps de ballet l/g.

Wondering if I should go back & get Rondelle e/s, but still debating if I should, lol