Deneuve wears fur?


Well-known member
I'm not saying everyone should go out and buy fur, but in regards to products made of animal skins/hides, when they are made, it is probably better to use them (seeing as the damage is done) rather than to throw them away. I've heard of people only wearing vintage fur for this reason - they refuse to buy new fur and reuse or recycle that which exists.

PETA are a bit whack for me sometimes...though I do feel strongly about the suffering of animals. After reading 'Fast Food Nation' by Eric Schossler, it made me realise that a lot of people make a living from farming and meat manufacturing, and some do this in the most humane way, their animals from when they are born to when they are (humanely) put down do not suffer. Ideally, I think instead of trying to turn everyone against meat eating (this is something I struggle with for health reasons), perhaps animals should just be treated humanely and without pain or suffering, even if they are essentially alive to become available for human consumption.

I recall reading one of PETA's reports on sheep mulesing (an horrific practice which I can't bear to discuss) and PETA decided, yea, let's boycott Australian wool. Never mind the fact that only 40% of the Australian wool industry participated in this cruel practice. But in boycotting the entire industry, those who do not engage in such animal cruelty are targeted too - how is that fair? And these stats were listed in their OWN report!?

Damn it, I guess issues like this are never going to be black and white. Sometimes it's so hard to decide what to do!


Well-known member
i don't personally wear fur because i don't agree with it, and what going into getting it made...
BUT, i don't knock others for what they do, i just make sure they know why i don't


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Melody
The beauty of this country is that people in numbers, with opinions work to get things changed. So with your thinking, we should all give up our hopes of what we want to get accomplished and just say ah fuck it, they're still gonna get killed. Even a little difference is a difference.

I would bet a million dollars that the majority of Americans will never become total vegans. And as we all know in a democracy, majority rules. I wasn't saying one persons' opinion doesn't matter. I was trying to say that someone should become a vegan for personal reasons. Not b/c PETA is using shock and awe tactics to 'win' people over to their cause. It seems to me that PETA goes way too far simply to gain supporters, when in reality we will always eat meat and therefore kill animals. Its a fact.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
Eating? Yes, skinning alive just to wear and be "in fashion"? A big HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think of it this way, what if we were not at the top of the food chain. What if we were thought of as lions are tought of and they were thought of as humans. Are telling me that it would still be satisfactory if the lion wanted to skin our babies to make rugs and coats?

Amen! I couldnt have said it better myself. I personally just feel disgusting knowing I'm wearing another animals fur. They need it more than I do!!


Well-known member
As for the whole diamond issue: We can't save everyone in this world. Perhaps a poor-paying, abusive job is better than none at all in those type of countries. Looking at those kind of situations makes me sooo thankful for America. I loooove diamonds. They are the most beautiful, flawless, sparkly gems, IMO. You know they say, "Diamonds are a girls best friend!" A guy who would never buy me diamonds is a guy I would never be with. While I feel very bad for the poor and suffering in this world, I'm not going to track down where my current and future diamonds are from, and then get rid of them. I don't mean any of that personally, it's just my own opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
As for the whole diamond issue: We can't save everyone in this world. Perhaps a poor-paying, abusive job is better than none at all in those type of countries.

Did you not understand the slavery, genocide and hacking off limbs part? I'm sorry, I don't mean to imply this should be everyone issue, but I find it absolutely appalling that someone can understand the horrors of fur and how disgusting it is that we'd wear it and then wave off this issue like it means nothing. Trust me, what this people go through is far worse than being skinned after you've been killed quickly. Particularly since, in the grand scheme of things, I can think of a lot of practical uses for fur (even though we've been able to create cruelty free alternatives now) and none for diamonds as a part of personal wear. It's a completely hypocritical view to care about one and write off the other, because it's the same issue: the exploitation of living beings who cannot help themselves for luxury items. Only with fur, the animals get to be fed and live relatively safe lives by comparison until it's time for them to be made into coats, while the people who are exploited for the diamond trade live lives of continual suffering and terror until they meet whatever end awaits them.

Because really, if you want to use the metaphor Corv's Queen used, in essence, the hides of children and adult people are being taken and worn about because people die to get these to market. We don't need another species to prey upon us, we do it ourselves!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
While I feel very bad for the poor and suffering in this world, I'm not going to track down where my current and future diamonds are from, and then get rid of them.

You don't have to get rid of any currents diamonds, it's already too late, like getting rid of fur-the animal's already been skinned. But you have to be an informed consumer and find out the source of these sorts of products. Just like people who believe in animal rights, but still eat meat, find the source of their meat products. Is it free range? Is it from a small, local farm where they treat the animals well? Or is it mass produced, where the animals live in overcrowded pastures and are caged? I don't think you can go full out for one cause, and turn a blind eye to another. If you don't find the source of your products, diamonds for instance, then you could be personally funding a civil war and genocide.


Well-known member
Her money, her body, her choice. I think she's a great actress, and a beautiful woman. I'm not about to dislike her based on what kind of coat she chooses to wear. As long as she didn't skin any humans to get that coat, I'm not too upset.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
As long as she didn't skin any humans to get that coat, I'm not too upset.

Yeah, because we all know that humans are more valuable than any other creature.

That's so self absorbed and inconsiderate. And just a close minded thing to say. I know that I'll catch hell for this but statements like that REALLY piss me off to no end!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
Yeah, because we all know that humans are more valuable than any other creature.

Well, I do value human welfare above that of animals.

However, it was meant as a tongue-in-cheek comment. But, I suppose I shouldn't have expected people to pick up on that.


Well-known member
Until the animals start speaking for themselves, ... well then I think it'd be time for me to leave the earth.

Oh yeah, and if it comes down to a lion coming after my babies to make skin-coats, I'll be there with a machetti ready to fight the fight against the lion. Besides, if I sat my baby out in the middle of a field, do you really think the lion is going to respectfully pass it up and think "Oh what a poor little baby, I should just leave it there....." Or even if I were in the middle of a lion field... I'd have a weapon with me. I may be more intelligent and have better means for life, but I am not as strong as a lion. If a lion had more brain power than I did, it'd be a really, really strange world. Luckily, that will never happen, so I don't give a crap.


Well-known member
P.S. I agree with the people who are saying that at least they are making a difference by making the choices they are making to not eat meat anymore... but just to let you know, I'll always be a person making a difference on the other side, still eating meat. Unless it becomes illegal and punishable by large fine or death, you won't take away my cheeseburgers. Or steaks, chicken breasts, bbq ribs, bacon, turkey club sandwhich, thanksgiving turkey, etc. Mine, all mine.



Well-known member
I do wear leather and eat meat, and I don't mind people hunting animals that they're going to eat, but fur seems a bit impractical, especially fur from tiny animals to make large coats. It bothers me more when endangered animals are slaughtered for fur, meat, any reason. I don't agree with a lot of practices in the fur trade. However, I'm not going to tell someone (other than my niece and nephew
) what they should or shouldn't do. It's their choice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pimptress
Oh yeah, and if it comes down to a lion coming after my babies to make skin-coats, I'll be there with a machetti ready to fight the fight against the lion.

Are you missing the point completely? I don't think anyone here would put the life of their own child before that of a wild animal. But protecting your life and wearing a fashion object are totally different


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pimptress

Yeh, that's really funny. I've never heard that before, ever. :|


Well-known member
No pucci, i'm not missing the point. I was responding to something someone else said about what if lions were at the top of the food chain, or whatever.

also, I know you've heard that before. everyone has heard that before. i was being facetious. why can't I be? What if I'm highly offended by vegans? do I not have the right to make playful jests at the other side?
Not trying to make any enemies here, but obviously, not many people have figured out my sarcastic tone. However, maybe I am purposely doing it because i know how judgemental people can be on a subject of this nature. Maybe I am just daring at least one of you to hate me for my choices. Maybe that's just how I argue my point. Maybe it's to make people realize how stupid it is to try to push their views on other people. Or, maybe it's funny to make people squirm and be angry.