Depots....Does MAC still take them for B2M?


Well-known member
Now I've gotta get to depotting and praying that nothing breaks. LOL.

I have to find my trusty nail file, grab my candle lighter and a pen as well. Burn baby burn! Depotting inferno!!! :D


Well-known member
I don't have a flat iron. I kinda need one. All of my shadows depotted fine last night though. Except for Orb. It got a tiny spot in it from the file accidentally hitting it.


Well-known member
Nice. I'll have to remember that tip because I have one of them.

I depotted my two rarest shadows last (and frailest) Blu-Noir and Silly Goose (both Veluxes) They came out perfectly. Thank God.


Well-known member
I was a my local MAC counter and the girl said they aren't supposed to take eyeshadow containers without the metal pan. She let it slide this time, but she said next time I may not be as lucky. That being said, does anyone know where I can get cheap empty metal pans?


Well-known member
Michaels or another craft store probably. :)

Also, I would recommend talking to the manager at your counter. That's what I did and she said they did take them. So, you may get lucky and just have an MUA who didn't know correct policy like I did.


Well-known member
I would have cried aswell. When I did not know how to depot, I destroyed one eyeshadow and I was like wth... I wanted to quit but I watched some YouTube vids


Well-known member
My first depot was Newly Minted and it just freaking blew up on me! Like the shadow went everywhere. I was like....ugh. *sigh* After that one I and Clarity doing the same. I never depotted anymore Matte2's. I bought the pans.