Dior Cosmetics Discussion


Well-known member
OH OK sorry
I was like "SPRING ALREADY???"


Well-known member
I swatched testers of the 2 highlighters and the blush, I would have probably bought the pink one, but the stock was not in yet.

1st 2 pics- in store in terrible dim lighting, last 2 pics- were on the train home with indoor/outdoor mixed lighting as I was near a window.

Top to Bottom - Blush, Pink HL, Gold HL

L-R - Gold HL , Pink HL, Blush

Top to Bottom - Gold HL Pink HL,

L-R - Gold HL Pink HL,

I think I put less of the Gold HL on as I was more interested in the pink, as you can see it is barely visible in the first pics in the store (the lights were unusually dimmed in the store).

The texture was not smooth like Chanel's silky Holiday blush HL, but it did not seem as awful and chalky as last years Dior offerings.

The SA did not confirm the price for me, he thought it might be around 90 AUD, which is about what I would be willing to pay.

I'll call one of the Dior make-up boutiques who probably already have it in stock to confirm the price tomorrow.

The pink seemed more unique to me and I will probably buy it, however as for the gold I will definitely skip. I was not amazed.

The blush was soft and pigmented, it had a pink berry vibe - I will need to check it out again. I do not need more blush
- but it was really pretty.

I also swatched Fantastique lipstick, it was very pretty but I have so many hot pinks/fuschias so I think I will skip.

Just found some good swatches here too:

Thanks so much Miss Tania!!!! I'm getting all confused with the products. The gold highlighter is a Dior
exclusive and some of the other items are widely available elsewhere. I have not seen a blush w/the holiday
collection---not even on Dior, unless I somehow missed it.


Well-known member
I swatched testers of the 2 highlighters and the blush, I would have probably bought the pink one, but the stock was not in yet.

1st 2 pics- in store in terrible dim lighting, last 2 pics- were on the train home with indoor/outdoor mixed lighting as I was near a window.

Top to Bottom - Blush, Pink HL, Gold HL

L-R - Gold HL , Pink HL, Blush

Top to Bottom - Gold HL Pink HL,

L-R - Gold HL Pink HL,

I think I put less of the Gold HL on as I was more interested in the pink, as you can see it is barely visible in the first pics in the store (the lights were unusually dimmed in the store).

The texture was not smooth like Chanel's silky Holiday blush HL, but it did not seem as awful and chalky as last years Dior offerings.

The SA did not confirm the price for me, he thought it might be around 90 AUD, which is about what I would be willing to pay.

I'll call one of the Dior make-up boutiques who probably already have it in stock to confirm the price tomorrow.

The pink seemed more unique to me and I will probably buy it, however as for the gold I will definitely skip. I was not amazed.

The blush was soft and pigmented, it had a pink berry vibe - I will need to check it out again. I do not need more blush
- but it was really pretty.

I also swatched Fantastique lipstick, it was very pretty but I have so many hot pinks/fuschias so I think I will skip.

Just found some good swatches here too:


That gold is lovely @MissTania!


Well-known member
Thanks so much Miss Tania!!!! I'm getting all confused with the products. The gold highlighter is a Dior
exclusive and some of the other items are widely available elsewhere. I have not seen a blush w/the holiday
collection---not even on Dior, unless I somehow missed it.
We didn't get it here. Rose Sublime 866



Well-known member
We didn't get it here. Rose Sublime 866

Its soo pretty!! Cannot be shipped to US Gahhh
Oh, sorry. I wasn't sharing the link for purchasing. Just to show what it looks like. Didn't mean to get any hopes up!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]  #becauseyoujustmightrunoutofblush  [/COLOR]:roflmao:
I see a blush link i try to buy :lmao: and that looks sooo pretty Meddy!! I was blissfully ignorant thinking that's it is a permanent blush repromoted bec of course that's what the displays here had!! :lol:


Well-known member
I can help with the blush
I have opened up an international can of worms here!
You are just so kind!

I can now see why the blush was getting no love within this thread, it isn't available in the USA

I can help too if anyone feels their stash requires this new acquisition or is worried about running out of blush in the next 500- 600 years


Well-known member
You are welcome! Me too, especially with trying to keep up with what has been released here and in America! I googled the Dior USA site to try and work it out, but I got redirected here: http://www.dior.com/beauty/en_int/f...15-look/fr-stateofgold-christmas2015look.html This seems to be the full collection. I don't recall seeing the peach blush here but I will have to check again. I ended up with the Pink HL, the Blush in Rose Sublime and the pink nail polish in 454 Secret.:shock: I am very happy with them all, and the HL compact is so beautiful and luxurious I am now even contemplating the gold one (I should have some gift vouchers shortly to ease my guilt). I will go back and see if I end up buying more - it's likely! I really hope the quality and texture is exactly the same:love: :shock: Decisions decisions! :haha: :worms: I have opened up an international can of worms here! :haha: You are just so kind! I can now see why the blush was getting no love within this thread, it isn't available in the USA:shock: I can help too if anyone feels their stash requires this new acquisition or is worried about running out of blush in the next 500- 600 years :heart:  