Does anyone NOT regularly wear foundation?


Well-known member
This, by the way, is not a criticism of those those that do.

I've been lucky enough to have pretty even toned skin most of the time, and I tend to only wear foundation when I have a blemish and need a concealer, so a foundation makes sense or on an ultra special occasion. Even when I do wear a base, I love for my actual skin to shine through. I wanna see my freckles, LOL. Plus, I sweat and I'd hate to dab at my face and smear/streak anything.

Are there any others out there who just don't wear it all the time, and if so, why?

For those that do, do you do so because you need to, or because that seems to just be standard practice?


Active member
I don't ever wear foundation. I really should since I have lots of freckles and uneven skin but to be quite honest, I just can't be bothered + it's impossable to find my shade of foundation since I'm so pale :/


Well-known member
I don't wear foundation because nearly every one I have tried makes me break out, except for the mineral foundation by MAC! I still don't need it everyday, and maybe it's a makeup crime because I wear eyeshadow and lips everyday...oh well I guess. LOL


Well-known member
i don't usually wear foundation. i do now since i just bought some and i might as well put it to use (hehe) but i normally don't. i have pretty even skin tone for the most part, just really pinkish red cheeks that i HATE! so i don't wear blush either... i think one of the biggest reasons why i wear foundation is to hide my natural cheek color.


Well-known member
I don't because my skin is even-toned and I don't like to cover my freckles! I only wear concealor to cover up my dark circles. The only time I ever put on foundation is for special events...and sometimes, not even then. Not to mention, it's the least fun part of makeup. I'd rather spend the extra time putting on pretty eyeshadow.


Active member
I wear foundation daily, because my skin is not even skin-toned, some parts are red (cheeks) and some brown (undereye area)... so bad. Even if I am in hurry and do not wear any other make up, I have to put on foundation to leave house.


Well-known member
I have to wear foundation because I have many acne scars on my cheeks and my skin tone is uneven and I have awful undereye circles.But if my skin was perfect and I didn't have any scars I wouldn't wear foundation either.


Well-known member
I only wear concealer and loose powder in the day. My skin is fairly even in tone, I just have dark circles and sometimes a bit of hormonal acne to
cover up, so I can't be bothered, and I like to let my skin breathe as much as possible. I love foundation for evening, though.


Well-known member
I don't always wear foundation and I never wear concealor. I always do wear powder though. The reason why I don't always wear foundation is that my skin is really close to flawless so I wear an anti moisturizer(mattifying serum) and powder to capitalize on that. I also have hard to match skin, its very pale gold. All the gold toned foundations are too pink or peach for me except NARS. I also don't wear much foundation because Hawaii is miserabley hot and humid all the time and if I am not going to be in air con, its a bad idea.
If a foundation is not oil free, it makes me break out. Breaking out is not worth it. Having a face that didn't perfectly match my neck is not worth it either. Foundation is about perfection, and if it is not going to look perfect and absolutely natural, don;t bother. Its also why I do not swirl tap and buff. Mineral foundations are often shiny and metallic and that never looks natural.


Well-known member
Since I changed my skin care & exfoliate with the wave - I hardly ever wear foundation unless a special occasion.
Concealer, BPB, Eyes & lips though


Well-known member
I wear mineral foundation daily. To me it seems more natural than liquid foundations (though I use those when I have more time). My mineral foundation is light enough that my freckles show through, yet has enough coverage to cover up my very red cheeks and any blemishes.


Well-known member
I don't. I never have. I have been trying to even my skin and reduce/fade blemishes for a while now and I've finally gotten a good thing going on, so I stick to wearing my MSFN because I think I look ghastly without it.


Well-known member
I mean honestly, I should wear foundation, but I don't. It's one thing that I don't hassle with because my face colour changes drastically during the year. Also my skin looks decent enough without foundation, so I just do eyes, lips, and blush-the latter of the three I didn't really do daily until recently.


Well-known member
I don't wear foundation everyday, because it tends to make me break out if I wear it all the time. I like giving my skin a break from all the makeup sometimes.

I do wear foundation if I'm red in some areas or if I'm going somewhere special.

Today I just wore concealer in necessary spots, and blush, plus eyes & lips.


Active member
I wear foundation everyday. Even if I dont do the rest of my face, if Im leavig the house I take a few minutes to do my foundation. I have uneven skin and wearing it just makes me feel more confident. Plus I dont break out very easily so wearing foundation everyday doesnt affect my skin that much. If I had perfect skin I wouldnt wear it everyday though.


Well-known member
I haven't worn foundation in ages, I only wear tinted moisturizer and I love it
I can't get any foundation to look natural on me for some reason.It makes me feel kinda...trapped lol
I also hate the way most foundations smell, it gives me a headache


Well-known member
i never wear foundation except for special occassions (weddings, parties, etc...) but i do put on concealer under my eyes everyday


Well-known member
I used to NEVER wear foundation. Now (if I can be bothered) I just use powder. Liquid just doesn't seem to sit nicely on my skin? And I just dont need the coverage.

I NEVER wear concealer, I dont even OWN any, lol :p oh well