Don't know how to deal with this


Well-known member
Thank you to everyone who took time to write me. I am being as upbeat with her as I can. I know that I have to be strong for her, so that she can get better. I have gone through a battle with a life threatening illness, so I do know how she is feeling and that she needs positive people around her. It feels good to know that I can come here to vent. Thanks again everyone.


Well-known member
Best wishes to you and your friend. My mother was diagnosed a few years back and it put tremendous stress on her and the family. In times like this, it seems like the best we can do is show them we love them and that we're there to help them in any way. You seem like a great person and your friend is lucky to have you.


Well-known member
i'm sorry you're going through this but i think first and foremost remember to think of her first. not saying you aren't but we all get sad at the thought of being alone after losing a loved one. try to be there for her as much as you can ;-)
and i don't see this as a pity party. it's only natural to be this scared and sad. i hope everything works out with your friend. cancer is a scary thing but ppl can and have pulled through it numerous times.... remember that and don't think about/expect the worst


Well-known member
I know how you're feeling.. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and I wish I'd have spent much more time with her. But that's not to say you're best friend won't recover. Please be strong and know that your love for her and her love for you withstands everything. It is a huge ordeal and hun, you are not begging for pity. Big big hug!


Well-known member
I want to thank you all so much for taking time to write to me. It may seem small to some people, but the kindness that you all have shown to a stranger has really helped. I know its going to be a tough road ahead, but it feels good to know there is a place I can come to vent and feel better for a while. Thank you all so much

glassy girl

Well-known member
Hi ur such a good friend i agree w/ all the poster about keeping positive my uncle just past away from cancer in feb and along with all my family was there for him never giving up until the end and he's in a better place. Just like we told him and im gonna tell u there is so many storys of cancer survivers so many miraculs so so many people beat this disese. Never never give up hope/ encourage her talk 2 her tell her what she means 2 you. Theres gonna be tough time but with love and faith evrything will be ok i pray 4 ur friend her family and u. May GOD bring good health and peace.


Well-known member
I cant give you advice how to deal with this but im so sorry thats horrible
i will keep your friend in my prayers


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend...I'll definately be keeping both of you in my prayers

My DF's grandpa just got diagnosed with throat cancer about a month ago and keeping him in good spirits has helped tremendously. Its so hard to stay optimistic when such difficult stuff like this happens, but it has kept all our minds (his included) at such an ease. Just being there for your friend, providing love and support can make such a difference....Hugs to you!