Experts warn trendy ballet pumps can damage girls' feet


Well-known member
Originally Posted by London Evening Standard
The fashion for ballet pumps as streetwear could have damaging long-term effects for feet, experts have warned.

Teenage girls and women in their 20s are developing painful corns and callouses - normally only seen in much older women.

Full story


Well-known member
I personally hate these shoes, but I know quite a few girls who wear them. I will be directing them to this link. Thanks!


Well-known member flats?? I could understand this happening with high heels but how tight would you have to wear a pair of ballet flats to injure your feet? The only discomfort I experience when wearing them is that my calves get sore after a lot of walking, probrably because I have really high arches.


Well-known member
Whatever. No extreme is good. Flat or high.

Remember, like all things in life, your shoes must be worn with moderation

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It seems like it would be a problem with most slide on shoes, like article noted. When I look at ballet flats (calling them pumps confused me; I thought they meant heels), they don't seem to offer a lot of arch support, either.

The article's points, if you didn't read it, were the following:
-People tend to buy ballet flats in a size too small to keep them on their feet. Shoes that are too small cause problems.
-People who buy them in a normal size walk in a bad way that ruins their feet, too. They walk differently, because the shoes easily come off.
-The shoes are aging your feet faster than they should.


Well-known member
I have to buy my flats 1/2 size too small for the reasons that they listed. With that being said, I don't wear the 4 or 5 pairs I have every single day. I have a LOT more shoes than that (as my husband can attest to!). I'd like to know the number of days a week the girls were wearing their flats to get these kinds of "injuries"...Once a week, twice a week, every single day?

Like someone before me said, all in moderation.


Well-known member
i buy them in my correct size. and although they do slide off easily, i bought heal cushions, and it helps it from sliding off at all. and it doesn't make the shoe fit tighter either. i wear them all the time and have no problem whatsoever


Well-known member
this is rediculus, should we were sneakers all the time or orthopedic shoes??? I have to wear heals everyday & i know that's bad....but come on, now flats? I already quit smocking-that's my deet for my health! lol


Originally Posted by semtexgirl flats?? I could understand this happening with high heels but how tight would you have to wear a pair of ballet flats to injure your feet? The only discomfort I experience when wearing them is that my calves get sore after a lot of walking, probrably because I have really high arches.

I would strongly recommend you to stop wearing such flats then with no arch support. I used to have high arches and after several years of wearing flip flops etc with no arch support I now have lots of foot comfort issues (which my doctor also stated is a result of fashionable flats).

Just thought I would give a heads up!


Well-known member
why on earth do they keep calling them ballet ''pumps'' , how are these pumps?

that doesn't make since to me, ''pumps'' mean high-heels ...


Well-known member
I think wearing ballet flats is much better than wearing high heels. And it really depends on the fit of the shoes, if it's a good fit it wouldn't slip off.

I wore high heels for a loooong day once, like over 12 hours, was standing a lot, and at the end of the day my feet were in so much pain, I realized how unhealthy it must be. Ugh. Flat shoes over heels anyday!


Well-known member
My ballet flats fit me fine...I bought them in my size & they don't slip off at all. They're perfect. [They're from if anyone is interested in buying some that fit nicely. :])


Well-known member
Pretty much all shoes (that aren't ugly or sneakers) are bad for you. I say just screw it all & go barefoot for the rest of our lives.


"The problem is that they have to be so small because otherwise they would fall off - there is nothing to hold them on the foot. It means that women are squashing their toes into the front of the shoe, causing corns and callouses.'

Well I don't agree. I have that type of shoes and they are very comfortable! I do not squash my toes and the shooes do not fall off!!!!