Expired make up?


Well-known member
Whatever it was, it went back. The weather has been off (to say the least) but not enough to warrant that in less than a month's time IMO. 
It's harmless tho, just an fyi. You can buy em brand new from the store with snow on em. All they new is a quick wipe with a tissue (and alcohol if it makes some people feel better, and sharpened if it's a pencil) and it's gone. There's no harm to the product, and there's no harm to the user, whether it's removed before use or not.


Active member
Here is a GREAT video from Wayne Goss (GossMakeupArtist) about Disinfecting Your Makeup - Including Eyeshadows


Please watch and educate yourself about keeping your makeup clean - protect your collection!


That's not mold. It's what i call "snow". It happens when the product is exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations. It happens to lustre lipsticks and lips and eye pencils mostly.
That's interesting. If it were me, I don't think I'd use it either. I don't like the thought of it being exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations. I wonder why that would happen? :)


Well-known member
That's interesting.  If it were me, I don't think I'd use it either.  I don't like the thought of it being exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations.  I wonder why that would happen?  :)
Exposure to temperature fluctuations is gonna happen during product delivery. If i order makeup from Cali (which i just did actually), whose temps are whT, in the 70s, and it gets delivered across the US to my house in Indiana, our temps our in the single digits right now. Extreme temp fluctuations right there, in the matter of a couple of days, just in the delivery process. So imagine what would happen if you have warehouse storeage, delivery to a store, storage at a store (when i worked at MAC our storage room shored a wall with the the buildings outter wall, and there was so heat/air conditioning in the room), then if the store ships it to a customer, etc. It doesn't harm the product at all. It's just the nature of the ingredients in the product, and the process those ingredients go thru.