Father and Daughter Have a Child Together!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think that's true, to some extent, but if I were told that Johnny Depp were really my father, I wouldn't start doing him. And given the high chance of birth defects, I sure wouldn't bring a child into it

My armchair psychologist is telling me she probably has some sort of daddy issues, no pun intended

Hm yes, I totally agree with you. She acted selfishly by bringing a child into that situation, considering the defects as well as the psychological consequences that come with it. Poor children...how do you explain to them their situation?
You feel like shaking them so hard so that they can get with it. It's bad enough she had to sneak in bed with him, they HAD to have kids too!


Well-known member
For Mr Deaves the sexual relationship was "absolutely fantastic".

I don't even know what else to say to sh*t like this...