Father at 13.


Well-known member
Urgh! apparently the baby is his.
Having a baby in the UK is for quite a lot of people is merely a career choice, since benefits are incredibly easy to obtain if you can play the system. I went to a school in an area where girls have babies at age 14, claim benefits then claim for a council house and then say theyre too sick to work but have another kid a year or 2 later to top up their allowance. 14 years later their kids do the same, 14 years after that it's their kids and so on. My Uncles wife has been having meaningless, invasive investigative proceedures for non existant ailments since after my cousin was born 16 years ago (my uncle worked the whole time and they were by no means poor- she is just greedy). Yet my Mum was diagnosed with cancer almost a year ago and she only gets the lowest allowance it is totally disgusting and is the reason the UK is completely fucked.
In Holland I believe, kids get better sex education and told that it's fine within the confines of a loving secure relationship (not something, most under 16's have) as well as better access to birth control and if a girl gets pregnant she and her baby are the responsibility of her parents until she is 18- no generous state benefits. Hollands teen pregnancy rate is 6x lower than the European average ( UK is about 4 or 6x higher than the Euro average), lower incidencies of STDs, on average people lose their virginity at 18 in the UK it is cited to be between 14 and 16 and the reasons given for this in Holland is love and in the UK it's peer pressure. What a sick sick society we have.
The Sun are hypocrites, they want to lynch paedophiles but they have 16-18 year olds with their tits hanging out of a school uniform and stating that the "sexy schoolgirls" want to do x, y and z for the guys. Am I the only one who sees the problem with this?


I find it horrible too. I have two boys one 21 and one 20 and so happy neither of them have made me a grandma. I have a seven year old now and never thought until now just how young they start now. when are you suppose to tell them about sex now??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by crystalclear
Urgh! apparently the baby is his.
Having a baby in the UK is for quite a lot of people is merely a career choice, since benefits are incredibly easy to obtain if you can play the system. I went to a school in an area where girls have babies at age 14, claim benefits then claim for a council house and then say theyre too sick to work but have another kid a year or 2 later to top up their allowance. 14 years later their kids do the same, 14 years after that it's their kids and so on. My Uncles wife has been having meaningless, invasive investigative proceedures for non existant ailments since after my cousin was born 16 years ago (my uncle worked the whole time and they were by no means poor- she is just greedy). Yet my Mum was diagnosed with cancer almost a year ago and she only gets the lowest allowance it is totally disgusting and is the reason the UK is completely fucked.
In Holland I believe, kids get better sex education and told that it's fine within the confines of a loving secure relationship (not something, most under 16's have) as well as better access to birth control and if a girl gets pregnant she and her baby are the responsibility of her parents until she is 18- no generous state benefits. Hollands teen pregnancy rate is 6x lower than the European average ( UK is about 4 or 6x higher than the Euro average), lower incidencies of STDs, on average people lose their virginity at 18 in the UK it is cited to be between 14 and 16 and the reasons given for this in Holland is love and in the UK it's peer pressure. What a sick sick society we have.
The Sun are hypocrites, they want to lynch paedophiles but they have 16-18 year olds with their tits hanging out of a school uniform and stating that the "sexy schoolgirls" want to do x, y and z for the guys. Am I the only one who sees the problem with this?

Thanks for the update. It's been a while since I've visited this thread.

That baby's his....I don't even know what to say. I seriously feel really bad for all of those kids.


Well-known member
This completly broke my heart. I am a young parent, and cannot stress enough how hard of a job it is. If I have ever bitten off more than I can chew it was being a young mom. I think no matter the age, its hard. You can be 32 and its STILL hard, I cannot imagine at 13.

At 13 I was into soccer and skateboarding, being the tomboy I was, I didn't even think of sex or parenting. This boy is a little kid!

Makes me want to put my son in a bubble and in underwear w/ a LOCK!

and the girl is how old 15? seriously what can you see in a 13 yr old boy when you're 15?? You're in HS already for pete's sake. Isn't it illegal for anyone under 13 to have sex w/ anyone over 14?? If I was the parent I would press charges against the girl. I mean when it happens to a girl w/ a boy parents are all up in arms, but because she is a girl, she isn't being looked at as a predator. Ugh ok I am truly bothered by this. There should be equality and justice for the boy. Yeah he did it voluntarily too, but he was still under age.



Well-known member
Ruby the UK has 2 not 3 school break downs
so they have primary and secondary, not elementary, middle and high, so the parents would be going to the same school, if she didn't do well a year it's possible depending on where their birthdays fall that they are in the same year group or class.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Ruby the UK has 2 not 3 school break downs
so they have primary and secondary, not elementary, middle and high, so the parents would be going to the same school, if she didn't do well a year it's possible depending on where their birthdays fall that they are in the same year group or class.

I don't think that 13 and she is almost 16 would be in the same class.
Sorry guys its just stuff like this pisses me off, more so because I have a son. I dunno the law in the UK, but here someone under 14 cant have sex w/ anyone over 14.

I just think it sucks because women ask for equality, well here is your chance, had it been a boy getting a girl pregnant, like I said the parents would be up in arms. It makes me sad that because he is a boy people don't think he might have been preyed upon.

I'll sit this one out now, its just pisses me off to no end :


Well-known member
where i went to school we had first school, middle school and then secondry school. that was in buckinghamshire so maybe it's different for each county?


Well-known member
This got like, no coverage in the US because it seems like every other 13 and 15 year old are parents now. /palmface

I'm really disturbed by this though. The boy looks like he is 7!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
This got like, no coverage in the US because it seems like every other 13 and 15 year old are parents now. /palmface

I'm really disturbed by this though. The boy looks like he is 7!

I totally agree. I don't think I would of even knew about this unless I had read the thread on here about it! Either way news of this has spread across the world via internet somehow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
where i went to school we had first school, middle school and then secondry school. that was in buckinghamshire so maybe it's different for each county?

i think it is different yeah.
im in kent, and we have grammar schools here. for me it was primary school (ages 4/5-11), then secondary school (11-16). i went to a private school where it was classed as 'pre prep' (4-6), junior (6-11), senior (11-16), then sixth form (16-18). some other private schools go up to the age of 13 so we had a lot of people join in year 3 (year 9).
i'd never heard the term middle school before i started going out with my boyfriend! he's from sussex and their school system is completely different there haha. you would have thought it'd be uniform for the whole country!


Well-known member
That must be so embarressing and upsetting for him, but his parents must be so relieved.

The link you posted is not available =/


Well-known member
it is terrible but i guess the lad got a lucky escape. i mean really being 13 and a dad is not good at all. i do however hope they find out who the dad actually is. the poor baby


Well-known member
DNA test proves Alfie, 13, is not a dad

Teen mum Chantelle Steadman's mother told her 15-year-old daughter to say Alfie Patten was the father of Maisie Roxanne, according to Clive Sim.

He claims Penny Steadman had told her daughter Chantelle to keep quiet about other boys she had slept with because "she knew Alfie being the dad makes a better story".



Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittykit
DNA test proves Alfie, 13, is not a dad


Wow....with family values like that, I'm sure this girl will grow up to be just as messed up as her mother. What a shame. And a shame that at the center of this is a little baby that never asked to be conceived.

Honestly? This girl needs to focus on learning how to be a good mother, instead of trying to stay in the spotlight.


Well-known member
What is this, an episode of Maury? And why did these parents even allow the sun or mirror or whatever to publish this article? Their child is not only possibly a father at age 13, but then they allow him to be the poster boy to the world! I bet you it was b/c money talks. Very weird.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
What is this, an episode of Maury? And why did these parents even allow the sun or mirror or whatever to publish this article? Their child is not only possibly a father at age 13, but then they allow him to be the poster boy to the world! I bet you it was b/c money talks. Very weird.

"At first Stedman said Patten was the only boy she had ever slept with, but soon after other teens came forward saying they too could be the baby's father, because they claimed to have had sex with the girl. It is still not clear who the baby's father is."

Most definitely an episode of Maury..


New member
Alfie, You ARE NOT the father. Who is it? Find out next time on The Sun.

lol I've wanted to say that since so many people said this was like Maury.

I do not get why people are so shocked a 13 yr old would even think about sex. I mean when I was in 4th grade I heard about sex and sperm, and it was hilarious. Then I got a better understanding in 6th grade health class.
Maybe it cause I live in the state with the most teenage pregnancies, but still, its not surprising.

(APART FROM ALFIES BABY DRAMA)They are human with human needs and wants. Ok Alfie having sex DOES disturb me a little but if some one is gonna go and say a 15 year old has no way to want to have sex is being delusional.
Just because you played with barbies when you were 16 doesnt mean the rest of 'em should. And it is also so annoying when people look at teenagers as children when they are nearly adults, driving in cars with EVERYONES life in they're hands and working jobs, seriously if your going to treat them like babies, dont be surprised when they turn into whiny 20 year old babies.
I'm just sayin.

And yes there are some stupid ass(sorry) teens out there but they need better education and better surroundings. We watch all these shows where its "sexy" to be young and have sex and then freak out when it actually happens.
And then, the people who are like what, 30, suddenly get all high and mighty and sure of themselves and say "I'm a virgiiiin!!!" when they hear of teen pregnancy situations so the whole room can applaud and clap for them. My opinion, I dont think they are any better than the teen parents, we're all human we all have our own choices, and make huge problems in life. But we shouldnt be looking down at other peoples mistakes when you know damn well you've been in deep trouble before. Or if not, you might.
Yes, I think its stupid when people pick on virgins for being virgins, but theres no reason to treat sexually active teens like they are the scum of the earth.
And about their lives "being ruined", thats their decision, they choose whether their lives are ruined, or whether to step up and do something about it.
And just because this is the 21st century doesnt mean teenagers will suddenly stop having sex. In the 1600/1700s 12 year olds were married out of their homes and started to have lives, and it was probably because they were forced or arranged to. The typical life span was in the 40s-50s year old zone I think.
Alfie and that girl arent getting married, atleast, the article didnt say anything about it. So why compare teen sexuality to something that was forced and expected of them centuries ago. Get over it. We thought it was crazy then, well maybe centuries from now people will think 20 year olds should be playing with they're barbies even though they've matured around 8-12 years old.

I know most of this is off topic.
but it's my opinion. Everybody makes mistakes. And everybody matures differently.