Favourite MAC pink lipstick?

I love pinks but for some reason I can't get them to look right on me
I have snob, Saint Germain, chatterbox, and some others just collecting dust!!!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by msjuicykisses

I love pinks but for some reason I can't get them to look right on me
I have snob, Saint Germain, chatterbox, and some others just collecting dust!!!

Yea, I have to use my nyx cocoa , or a gold gloss with some pinks .
I love pinks but for some reason I can't get them to look right on me
I have snob, Saint Germain, chatterbox, and some others just collecting dust!!!

Yea, I have to use my nyx cocoa , or a gold gloss with some pinks .
thanks will have to try that! never would have thought of gold gloss


Well-known member
Coral Bliss !! I'm not entirely sure if everyone would consider that "pinkish"... but I certainly do lol. Definitely a favorite of mine.


Well-known member
I like snob esp with NYX dolly pink lip liner it makes it really pop. The lipglass is cute too but if ur looking for more of a matte look the lipstick is better.
What's your fav Mac pink lipstick? Can be any kind of pink...fuschia pink, rose pink, bubblegum pink etc. Pls kindly state your MAC coloring if possible as well. I'm an NC20 and i love Lovelorn lipstick (lustre). It's so smooth on my lips and it doesn't not dry my lips out here's a pic of my lips with lovelorn (no gloss added)


Well-known member
My favorite pink lipstick will always be Impassioned! I love that lipstick a lot and I also love Candy Yum Yum, Embrace Me, Show Orchid, Happy-Go-Lucky, and Pink Pigeon.


Well-known member
Everyday pink creme cup. And for a little bit more bold lips I like Heavenly Hybrid (more pink/fuchsia though).


NW 15 Love Chatterbox and Naute Sauté. I wanted to like Bombshell soooooo badly but it was just "off" on me. I think it was just a tad too warm. Tried to make it work and finally gave it to my niece. Jealous of those who can pull it off.