Finish My Story..........


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lets see how far we can take this...............Ill start ... & everyone else just keep adding to finish the story........

On Monday i went to the M.A.C counter only to find............


Well-known member
had just eaten all of my lipsticks though, so I was able to get some items B2M. The only problems was.....


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..convertible and $10k in cash, because we were the 100 billionth person served. I immediatly ....


Well-known member
became a troll and started living in the woods b.c i was pissed off that the gorvenment was taking 85% of my winnings. Then a fairy came to me in a dream and said............


Well-known member
don't despair - u are beautiful underneath all that hideous hair.. i will grant you 3 wishes.. choose wisely because..