Fountainbleu and Beauty powder Questions...


Well-known member
has anyone seen fountainbleu e/s in real life?

Is it too similar Moons reflection, or a deeper colour?

I have sOoOo many blues (about 9) and I really dont need another unless its extra special

And my other question is the beauty powders, ive never felt inspired to buy onein the past, but might this time around.

what do u use them for?are they good for highlighting or an for all over glow?oh and are they quite sheer cover?

to me they seem like a boring version of msf's???

sorry for all the q's... xxx


Well-known member
Beauty Powders

I think that the beauty powders are intended to be an all-over glow. The previous ones have been matte.

Anyway, how you use them totally depends on the pigmentation. The Rose from the Cathy Deneuve beauty powders was pigmented enough to use as a blush on me (NC20) w/normal application. W/light application, it would give an all-over glow.

The other Cathy D beauty powder, Tahitian Sand, had to be applied pretty heavily with a kabuki to use as a blush. It was much more of a matte-glow product.

The Sundressing beauty powders look more shimmery. We'll have to wait to see them in person to tell if they are more for an all-over glow or as a blush.


Well-known member
I've not seen Fontainbleu yet, but its a lustre with pink duochrome. The description also says it will be a mediterranean blue, so its probably going to be a little darker than MR.
Moon's Reflection is a veluxe pearl and very smooth and shiny. Lustre's are glittery.


Well-known member
I was actually thinking if Fontainbleu resembles anything it could be Iris Print? But that might only be in glitter, could be completely different. I'm very keen on this particular shade though!


Well-known member
There's a pic of Fountainbleu up on Sonisa's website it does look very similiar to Iris Print, now I'm torn about getting it...

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I can't find it, where do I go?

Originally Posted by toby1
There's a pic of Fountainbleu up on Sonisa's website it does look very similiar to Iris Print, now I'm torn about getting it...


Well-known member
Thanks I forgot to look for that one! In Living Pink also looks like Living Pink too..hmm maybe I can scratch that off my list too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
I was actually thinking if Fontainbleu resembles anything it could be Iris Print? But that might only be in glitter, could be completely different. I'm very keen on this particular shade though!

That's what I thought, too! It definitely resembles Iris Print from the pics I've seen of it. But that's ok, I really love IP. I wouldn't mind having a similar color in a diff. formula


Well-known member
to be honest im really lokin foward for the beauty powders and fotain bleu eyeshadow the most. the powders becuase we tried them at update and they are so pretty, not overpowering and just enoguh color and glow. The shadow is sooo nice, i alomost for got it was a lustre!! it does remind me of iris print but more pigmented if ya can belive that.


Well-known member
Fountainbleu is gorgeous! A truer purple with more color payoff than Iris Print. At update I realized that THIS is what I wanted Iris Print to be!! SO much better...

And the Beauty Powders can be an all over glow (Sundressing has a tan one) or as a blush (also has a peachy one) and for Sundressing Beauty Powders they ARE shimmery, but not massively so...

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I am now disappointed that the Beauty Powders may be too shimmery, I really have no need for that all that shimmer.


Well-known member
The beauty powders this time around are totally different from the Icon ones. they're shimmery, but they're really beautiful and I plan on using mine the same way I'd use the MSF's but maybe with a different brush.

i didn't get fountainbleu and i didn't really pay too much attention to it, but it reminded me a lot of midnight blue, except maybe with more shimmer? don't quote me on that though.

in living pink is kind of between expensive pink and coppering to me. i got it anyway though. lol.


Well-known member
Is Fountainbleu at ALL similar to the beloved MAC Haze? It looks a bit bluer but I'm hoping they might be somewhat alike.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by absolut_blonde
Is Fountainbleu at ALL similar to the beloved MAC Haze? It looks a bit bluer but I'm hoping they might be somewhat alike.

a friend of mine said fountainbleu isn't similar, but softwash grey pigment is reeeeally close to haze. i haven't seen haze myself, though.


I just saw the 2 Sundressing Beauty Powders last night. Are they really a must?

Can someone please tell me how to use them?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Regina
I just saw the 2 Sundressing Beauty Powders last night. Are they really a must?

Can someone please tell me how to use them?

The beauty powders from the Sundressing collection are best used for an all over glow or as a blush/cheek color. There is a taupe one and a peach one, depending on your skintone you can use them for whatever you wish.

I am going to use the taupe one for an all over highlight on the key points on the face (the high planes) and the peach one as a blush color since I have a medium skincolor with olive/yellow undertones.