Freedom of speech for pedophile tips?


Well-known member
That disgusts me SO much.

Pedophiles cannot be cured or helped. That's been proven time after time. Why do they release them back into society or why do they just sit and wait for this guy to molest a child???

Remove him from society!!! He's a threat!!!!


I am saddened at this world where criminals are given rights automatically and people like I, have to work for my rights.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
He is allotted the same rights as you and I are. Although this individual turns my stomach he is protected by our legal system. The law needs to catch up to the internet. Until then this dirt bag is protected.

Also, he claims to have never actually molested a child. I seriously doubt that, but the police seem to have no proof to prove otherwise.

He said that if it were legal to have sex with children, he would. I think he just hasn't got caught yet, just like you think.

I do think his website was taken down.


Well-known member
I'm greatful to live in a country where Freedom of Speech is very much respected. Given that, there needs to be a line drawn somewhere

If I opened up a website to show people how to create bombs to blow up buildings (as an example) do you think my Constitutional right to free speech shoule be protected?

I'm sick of these perverts SOBs hiding behind the Freedom of Speech. Pedophilia is illegal under the law, and these websites should be shut down in a heart beat, no questions asked. The sad thing is that most of these guys (predominantly male abusers, although there are women as well) don't think they are doing anything wrong in sexually abusing children, they are mentally ill -- giving them 7 years in prison is not enough!!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
He said that if it were legal to have sex with children, he would. I think he just hasn't got caught yet, just like you think.

Playing Devil's Advocate, there's nothing illegal about saying something like that. A lot of people say, "If it were legal, I'd do..." I can think of some things right now that are nowhere on the level of pedophilia but are certainly illegal and yet I don't do them because of that.

I'm sick of these perverts SOBs hiding behind the Freedom of Speech.

I forget what the exact quote is, but someone said that with freedom comes with responsibility. I think that's the problem. Luckily, our laws are not static and things were not built in absolutes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Playing Devil's Advocate, there's nothing illegal about saying something like that. A lot of people say, "If it were legal, I'd do..." I can think of some things right now that are nowhere on the level of pedophilia but are certainly illegal and yet I don't do them because of that.

He's most likely saying that to make people think he hasn't molested children. I bet you anything he has. It's a fact that before pedophiles are caught, they have done over 100 crimes against children. Or more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
I'm greatful to live in a country where Freedom of Speech is very much respected. Given that, there needs to be a line drawn somewhere

If I opened up a website to show people how to create bombs to blow up buildings (as an example) do you think my Constitutional right to free speech shoule be protected?

I'm sick of these perverts SOBs hiding behind the Freedom of Speech. Pedophilia is illegal under the law, and these websites should be shut down in a heart beat, no questions asked. The sad thing is that most of these guys (predominantly male abusers, although there are women as well) don't think they are doing anything wrong in sexually abusing children, they are mentally ill -- giving them 7 years in prison is not enough!!!

It's not always mental illness. Yes in some cases, but I don't believe it honestly is in all of them. And there are lots of people abusing kids sexually that know what they're doing is wrong. They hide it. They threaten kids so they won't tell. If you don't think what you're doing is wrong, you don't go thru those lengths to hide something.

Last week my son's grade 7 teacher was arrested for sexually abusing two children 10 years ago. IF he's guilty (and it's kinda looking that way) he definitely hid it - or he wouldn't have been hired as a teacher. IF he's guilty, he lied in order to get a position where he would be surrounded by his targets (young teen aged boys). And I have to tell you this man certainly was very nice, the kids loved him, and I thought he was a decent teacher. I wish they were all obvious freaks that we could detect and lock up. Sadly, it's not always the case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
If I opened up a website to show people how to create bombs to blow up buildings (as an example) do you think my Constitutional right to free speech shoule be protected?

As far as I know, this type of freedom of speech is not protected. Pretty sure if you made a website like this and hosted it in the United States, it would be illegal.

Hosting it outside the Unites States if a different matter entirely.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aevalin
Last week my son's grade 7 teacher was arrested for sexually abusing two children 10 years ago. IF he's guilty (and it's kinda looking that way) he definitely hid it - or he wouldn't have been hired as a teacher. IF he's guilty, he lied in order to get a position where he would be surrounded by his targets (young teen aged boys). And I have to tell you this man certainly was very nice, the kids loved him, and I thought he was a decent teacher. I wish they were all obvious freaks that we could detect and lock up. Sadly, it's not always the case.

These are the pedophile's i'm most worried about. The guys(and girls these days) living nextdoor who seem like your average everyday jon/jane doe. You might even invite them over to your house for dinner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Thats such a slippery slope. There are so many things people find deviant, or foul, or whatever. And you can't just start locking people up for not being your idea of whats ok for someone to be. Yeh he's a admitted pedophile, and as revolting as I find that, until he actually hurts a child, he's not doing anything wrong.

this is a good discussion, touches on a sensitive subject.
The point is that we want to be able to stop these deviants in their tracks before they do harm to a child. Naturally there is nothing we can do. We as mothers need to be more vigilant, in places such as Toys-r-us, playgrounds, anywhere children congregate.


Well-known member
thanks for posting about this cuz i had not heard... it is disgusting and it should be a crime for malicious intent or something! this is just as bad as terrorism discussions, etc.!!!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
this is a good discussion, touches on a sensitive subject.
The point is that we want to be able to stop these deviants in their tracks before they do harm to a child. Naturally there is nothing we can do. We as mothers need to be more vigilant, in places such as Toys-r-us, playgrounds, anywhere children congregate.

I think the key to stopping some of this is having frank discussions with children. You don't have to describe in graphic details what they should report, but just general bad touching and things like that.


Well-known member
I'm all for free speech and I think that if we start changing the laws to "draw the line" to censor certain topics, especially on the internet, then this is a huge threat to one of the things that we cherish the most in this country, freedom of speech.

I mean if a guy like that can be censored, the next law is going to prohibit us to publish cartoons of Mohammed on the internet, or SPEAK of them.. then what?

If they were smart they'd use this information on his site to have an eye on this guy, along with all the people who visit his site. IMO this is only making the cops' jobs easier.... if they care to begin with..


Well-known member
I feel like perps are like lions in our society. They literally want to seek and destroy our youth.

Today, we have to be so politically correct with using not using the words "in God we Trust" or the ten commandments.

How is it someone can give out instructions to others to seek and destroy the children? This offends me. Don't I have rights? After all, I am a victim of being molested as a child. I know the life long effects of what these crimes really do. The pain doesn't go away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I feel like perps are like lions in our society. They literally want to seek and destroy our youth.

Today, we have to be so politically correct with using not using the words "in God we Trust" or the ten commandments.

While I think being PC is lame at times, it comes along with part of what america is all about, freedom. It's seperates us from countries like Iran, and N.Korea and is the pillar upon which all of the values that people in America have are based on. When your in the business with dealing with diversity, PC is a necessity. You are however, allowed to be as un-PC as you want, in your own home, or if you want to risk it, in public.

The only people who think we should use, "In God We Trust" or the Ten Commandments, are Christians. While there are a lot of Christians in America, it's not the only religion. And a HUGE reason a lot of the puritans came to America at the start was to practice their religion in peace. While those words might have been appropriate when most of the country was Christian in one domination or another, it's not appropriate for the population who lives within our borders today. In order for everyone to practice their religion (or lack of one) in peace, we have to eliminate it from the government. You are however, free put those words above the entrance to your house, on a bumper sticker on your car, or on anything else you own. It's just not really proper for a government that represents people from probably every religion in the world, to use those words anymore.

How is it someone can give out instructions to others to seek and destroy the children? This offends me. Don't I have rights? After all, I am a victim of being molested as a child. I know the life long effects of what these crimes really do. The pain doesn't go away.

note: I'm not in any way trivializing your expierences, and I'm truly sorry.

However, I think that if the instructions he was giving, were really putting children in danger (anymore than they realistically already are), the police would have already arrested him. Being offended over something isn't enough to take legal action against someone. And while you do have rights, so does he. Everyone is granted the same rights in America, and as long as he's not violating anyone elses rights, he's not doing anything legally wrong.

I do think however he's setting himself up for social isolation, and potentially vigilante action. I know if I saw him getting his ass kicked on the side of the street, I woulnd't call the police. I would look the other way, and go about my business.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I do think however he's setting himself up for social isolation, and potentially vigilante action. I know if I saw him getting his ass kicked on the side of the street, I woulnd't call the police. I would look the other way, and go about my business.

The interesting thing about this is that I think you'll find that he knows this. Every time I've seen him on the news or being interviewed recently, he's had giant sunglasses or a very large hat on in an attempt to conceal his features. A large part of me believes that indicates he knows what he is doing is wrong and might just get him killed. I think in addition to being a threat to small girls everywhere ( I don't buy for a second that he's never acted on his urges), he's an attention whore that enjoys the notoriety that he's getting.

I also wouldn't bat an eyelash if I saw him getting a beatdown on the street. As it is, he's been banned from coming within 10 feet of any child in the entire state of California. He's also not allowed to contact children here either, in any method.


Well-known member
WRITE YOUR LEGISLATORS!! We need THEM TO LEGISLATE harsher mandatory sentences for child molesters. You can change the laws. You just have to have the gumption and outrage to do it.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
This guy isn't a child molester as far as we know. I think he is or is going to be, but we have "innocent until proven guilty."


Well-known member
This is such a touchy subject. All pedophiles start somewhere. They take like to hang around playgrounds and around children. They take pictures and live in their fantasies. Eventually they get bored and are want to see what it is like. I think this guy did the world a favour because now he is being watched and monitored. Alot of people know what he looks like and will not let him near their children. Hopefully, he will be stopped before he hurts any children. I am thinking the people who went on that website are being monitored as well.

That guy is sick and is attention seeking. I hope he goes to hell before HE EVER gets a chance to do anything to an innocent child.