Gettin' All Sparkly...For Class...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdepp_84
I love it! and why dont you like soc class!?!?!?!?!

Thanks! It's actually probably more about the way Sociology is run at my school. It seems like it just steals everything from all my other classes then claims it as its own. Then when you do anything that needs to be marked, you have to go back to the TA to tell them how dumb they are and where you deserved marks. For example, last year I had three essays get raised from D+'s to A-'s. I'd hate to think what would have happened if I wasn't such a loud-mouth who's not afraid to fight for grades when I deserve them. I mean, I can admit when I'm wrong, but I had already learned all the material in other classes and essay writing is definitely my forte. I always seem to get marked down for dumb stuff, and stuff I know I'm right about. I guess I'm just getting frustrated with learned everything twice and having to fight to get a grade I deserve. Maybe if I took it at a different school it would be better.