Giveaway THANKS!


Well-known member
There hasn't been a thread to thank Specktra for what they're doing this holiday season.
Please use this thread to thank Janice and the other members of the team for the daily giveaways and raffles they have going on.
Nothing negative or random in this thread please, just send your thanks and well wishes so that "Santa and her little helpers
" can check it out and get all warm and fuzzy!

Thank you Specktra!!! I appriciate YOU ALL and the Haul-A-Days, I hope it can continue on for many years to come! <3


Thank you so much for maintaining such a great site.

Your genorosity with the Haul-A-Days promotions is so wonderful.

Thank you.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the work you do all year round for this place that probably goes unnoticed and without thanks from us. I couldn't imagine there being no specktra xx
Happy holidays


Well-known member
Thanks, everyone, for doing this! I moderate a very small forum, and that's hard enough, so I can imagine how difficult this must've been to cobble together with a month's worth of trivia questions, and using your own hard-earned money, as well as taking time out from your hectic holiday season and families and jobs to make a few complete strangers feel good.

I never expect to win anything (I'm one of those people who can enter 500 contests and not win a thing), and I think I said as much in one of the giveaway threads, so I definitely don't feel entitled at all
, but it's fun to check in every day and try to get the right answer and hope that maybe THIS time, I'll actually win something, even though I don't. It's also fun learning new stuff about MAC and its history, since I'm a fairly new (since last summer, when I was introduced to pigments) MAC lover.

So THANK YOU to Janice and all the mods! I really appreciate what you're doing for the holidays, and that you're giving everyone, new and old and free and premium members alike, an equal chance to try to win something to brighten their holidays, while still doing something special for the members who've been here contributing all along. Don't let the misunderstandings or the entitlement issue people drag this down - it's very much appreciated, and I hope you can afford (and want) to do it again next year.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win all these great prizes. No matter what some people may think or say, I think that these giveaways are greatly appreciated all throughout the boards. It is extremely generous to give away items from your own personal collection to absolute strangers. This is my favorite website and will continue to be--Janice you're doing a great job of running it and I hope that no one is diminishing the spirit around here.


Well-known member
Thank you Janice and ALL mods for giving us the opportunity to play fun games and win awesome and generous prizes daily. You have truly captured the holiday (hauladay
) spirit!


Well-known member
Thank you all for all of the time you put into Specktra for US! The giveaways have been so much fun to look forward to!!


Well-known member
Janice and the Specktra team are amazing! This site is magnificent and is my favorite place to be while on the net!!

You guys are awesome!!


Well-known member
Yes, thank you Specktra mods. You all do so much during the year, and you still find a way to go above and beyond. ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!


Well-known member
When I saw the first post about the giveaways, I was shocked. It's so nice to be part of a community that is so loved by the people who help maintain it! Thanks Janice, and all the other mods, for making Specktra special!


Well-known member
i love this site becuz it has helped me with choosing colors and makeup application. i love this site very much!!!

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