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Heatherette Trio 1 Tutorial


Well-known member
love this, i don't have trio 1 but i think i can recreate this with steamy, thanks!!! love your tuts!!!


Well-known member
I love this for your use of Softwash Grey. Such a pretty pigment that I don't know how to use in many ways. You look gorgeous and this looks so easy to do! Love also the kick of Peacocky!


Well-known member
I love this look, pretttty


Active member
I have to say your blending skill is quite good. Every time I tried to do something like this, it looks sooo muddy. I sooo need more practice.

I love your lip color by the way!! This tutorial is awesome. Keep it up girl!


Well-known member
Thanks!! I wore this look tonight & <3 it!!!

I never could figure out what to do with my holiday piggys either, so I'm happy I finally used them!!! =]