HELLO KITTY: fotd . lucky tom . mimmy . cutester ♥ studio sculpt nc30


Well-known member
edit: here are some photos on my camera that came out better! haha, just found them:



Boyfriend gave me a MAC splurge today for hello kitty and paid for everything! he's soo wonderful, I think I'm dreaming!

I heart lucky tom. And cutester. and mimmy. and oh goddamnit, everything.
I don't know if the nails go here, but i love the grey so much.
Oh, and I got one of those cute hello kitty tote bags for free!
I'm so happy.

And I got studio sculpt samples today. They were very generous and the samples will last me a good week and a bit, we'll see how it works with my skin. Its a bit oily...need to get a primer. :|





Annd I finally got my hands on the 187 today! Present from my mum! thanks mum! XD

Its sooo soft. Is there any particular way to apply your foundation with this?
(Like, do I dip it into the foundation or do I apply the foundation with my fingers then smooth it out with this or...yeah.)
Anyways I love it. And I can't believe i own it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by megafie
I've found that the 187 does not work well with the studio sculpt. You need something a little firmer to work it into the skin. The SS foundation can get kinda greasy on my normal-combo skin so a primer is needed. I think you might like it with the matte texture underneath it.
I prefer putting a little foundation on a dish or palette and swirling the 187 into it, then swirling on the skin. Some people think it's a little streaky that way but you just have to work it in good!
PS HK looks great on you!

Yeah, I noticed it's not the greatest to work it into the skin. And yep, I need a primer badly, or else studio sculpt will not work with me. Not sure how I feel about it yet.
The MA told me the 187 works beautifully with studio sculpt, but eh, I found otherwise. It's great for blush/powder and my other liquid foundation (which is much more flexible/watery, rimmel lasting minerals...bad breakouts though). I didn't mind using the 187 to smooth out SS though, once it started to dry.


Well-known member
a lot of people use the 187 for liquid foundation as well, great for light application. i use it when i dont want a lot of stuff on my face. just stipple the foundation onto your face using the brush and then buff it on.

you look great by the way


Well-known member
Lashes are a little too clumpy for my taste, but everything else looks great :]
Don't you just love On The Prowl?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by megafie
I've found that the 187 does not work well with the studio sculpt. You need something a little firmer to work it into the skin. The SS foundation can get kinda greasy on my normal-combo skin so a primer is needed. I think you might like it with the matte texture underneath it.
I prefer putting a little foundation on a dish or palette and swirling the 187 into it, then swirling on the skin. Some people think it's a little streaky that way but you just have to work it in good!
PS HK looks great on you!

I had the 191 demo'd on me and it was perfect. the 187 tends to buff it out into a matte finish whereas the 191 (or the 190 would work too) keeps the dewy finish


Well-known member
You look very very pretty! Your eyes are beautiful!

Cutester looks like it shows up on you just fine - pretty


Well-known member
Ughhh okay so my boyfriend did the same with buying me hello kitty stuff, but now seeing everyone use stuff i skipped on, i need them now. I NEED that lucky tom and On The Prowl.
this looks wonderful. Cute-ster and Mimmy look great on you!